A Geek's Cogitations, Conjectures and other Cortical Experiences

Category: Biggs On Page 4 of 13

Dawn of the Professional eSports Athlete

Professional eSports AthleteLast August Jimmey Kimmel got on a pedastal about YouTube’s Video Game Watching Service. He couldn’t understand why people would watch other people play video games. The funny thing is, that has been happening for several years now. There are people who find just as much entertainment value in eSport championships as they do watching any other sport. I’m not here to pontificate the *merits of watching eSports; I’m here to talk about the dawn of the professional eSports athlete.

Notice that I never place quotes around athlete. I know many folks, especially other athletes, are probably scoffing and laughing. While that might seem like a knee-jerk reaction, who can really blame them. When you think about an athlete you think about someone physically fit (i.e. professional sports players, American Ninja Warrior, etc). In fact, even Merriam Webster’s definition says: “a person who is trained or skilled in exercises, sports, or games requiring physical strength, agility, or stamina”.

The Professional Athlete is Evolving

Regardless of the standard definition and what society imagines an athlete is, the concept of an athlete is changing. In fact, even Forbes has a article that is about redefining the professional athlete. Athletes are evolving where physicality isn’t the only thing that defines an athlete. Mental acuity is now playing a much larger role. I’ll admit that a large portion of the physical training an athlete goes through has a mental component to it.

Likewise, there is a physical component that contributes to that mental acuity for eSports athletes. Video games challenge your mind, thus training your brain to develop more awareness and griefersharpness. It’s not any different than training in a weight room, after all, your brain is a muscle. However, the physical condition of your body plays a role in how sharp your mind is and how quickly you can react. Do a google search for “esports athlete” and notice the predominate body type. How many of you were expecting this guy?

The only thing all these professional eSports athletes need to take it to the next level is someone to organize them … and then here comes Blizzard.

Blizzard Raised the Bar

At BlizzCon this year, Blizzard announced Overwatch League. This is going to be an actual gaming league; potentially the first ever professional eSports league. I do not know all of the details but from what I have been able to glean, its going to be pretty similar to a traditional sports league. Teams will have corporate sponsors. Players will have salaries and contracts. A player can be traded to another team. It all actually sounds very interesting. If Blizzard succeeds, it will be the first of its kind.

I go back and forth as to whether I think this will survive. At first the whole concept seems inconceivable. Blizzard is trying to create an ecosystem where gamers are paid to play their favorite competitive games. I’m really curious how they are going to convince companies to become corporate sponsors, besides the obvious companies (i.e. Steelseries, NVidia, etc). If they want this concept to expand beyond Southern California, then they are going to need support from other companies.

If Blizzard can secure enough sponsors, there will not be a shortage of players. There might be a shortage of skilled players. I want them to succeed because my greatest cause for concern are all those people quitting jobs to become the next “Fatal1ty” (aka Johnathan Wendel). As absurd as that sounds, you and I both know its true. A gamer has one of two dreams 1) work for a company that makes video games or 2) get paid to play video games. I’m not trying to be disparaging; I encourage anyone to pursue their dreams when an opportunity presents itself.

The one thing I am certain of, this will not be one of those “everyone gets a trophy” type of situation; not everyone can be a professional eSports athlete. As with all competitive sports, virtually and in reality, it will require real skill, real training and real commitment.


* Ironically I sided with Kimmel when I wrote a response to the hecklers

duke-nukem-smIf zombies attack the world, everyone will run and hide. Except for us gamers, of course. We’ve been waiting for this all our lives!

DC is Rivaling Marvel with The Flash

DC is Rivaling Marvel with The FlashRemember last year when I talked about the great television Marvel is producing? Well I think DC is making a comeback in the form of The Flash. If you haven’t been watching it, then call your doctor because something is wrong with you. Other than Batman and Superman, I don’t know that much about the heroes of DC comics. I was hearing great things about The Flash but I just kept putting it off. After watching the cross-over episode of Supergirl, we finally said “OK, we need to watch this show”. We are in the third season and I have to admit DC is rivaling Marvel with The Flash.

The cast consists of mostly unknowns. Tom Cavanagh and Victor Garber are about the only recognizable faces on the show (except for the Arrow crossover episodes with Steven Amell). The lead role of Barry Allen/The Flash is played by Grant Gustin; whose prior roles were on Glee and 90210 (2013). This is one of those shows where a no-name cast provides remarkable entertainment. The actors really begin to show their range in the second season when they have to portray their doppelgangers. Tom Cavanagh, in particular, gives a superb performance as multiple doppelgangers; and the latest iteration reminds me of his role as J.D.’s brother in Scrubs.

Crossover Cohesion

It appears that DC has taken some lessons from Marvel’s success with crossovers. Although DC utilizes its other shows whereas Marvel mixes in its movies with its TV series. Arrow is already a great show in-and-of-itself, but the crossover episodes are fantastic. In large part the success of the crossover episodes is what has lured us in to watch the other series. We actually started watching Supergirl first. The episode where the Flash comes to her Earth lured us in to watch The Flash.

Last year DC launched a new series called “Legends of Tomorrow” which incorporates several characters from both The Flash and Arrow. One of my favorite villains from The Flash, Captain Cold played by Wentworth Miller, is now one of the lead characters on Legends of Tomorrow, thus luring us into that show. Speaking of villains of The Flash, I have two words that also makes the show awesome: Mark Hamill. Yes, Mark Hamill plays a villain called Trickster on The Flash and he is amazing! There needs to be more episodes involving Trickster because I’m blown away every time Mark speaks.

So there you go. If you’ve been watching Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. and/or any one of the other shows I’ve mentioned above, then you should add all of them to your watch list. The synergy DC is lacking between the TV series and movies, it makes up for in these shows.  If you can’t watch all of them, then definitely put The Flash and Arrow at the top of the list.

minions_iconI could accomplish so much more if I only had minions!

2016 World Series: I Don’t Believe in Curses

I Don't Believe in CursesThis one’s for the whole Magilla!For the whole kitten caboodle! For the whole bowl of wax! THIS is for ALLLL the marbles!!!” – John Candy from Rookie of the Year. This quote was never more appropriate. I’m going to start by saying, very simply, I don’t believe in curses.

I am writing this post prior to the outcome of Game 7 of the 2016 World Series. I have not been very shy on social media and my blog about the baseball season this year. My apologies for that, I cannot help being just a little excited for the Cubs. You will not be regaled with anymore childhood tales as to why I root for the “lovable losers”; by now I’m sure you all know the reasons. Actually I’m going to talk about the historical significance of this game.

Curses! Foiled Again!

I swear every team that has a long drought of World Series wins and/or appearances seems to have some “alleged curse”. It’s a billy goat, the Bambino, Rocky Colavito or Black Sox; someone associated a string of bad performances to some bizarre or unpopular decision. It’s human nature to try to explain what cannot be explained. Granted superstition in sports is not that uncommon. There are literally thousands of stories out there of players and fans that perform certain pre-game rituals. It doesn’t matter if it’s a superstition, voodoo or luck, the purpose is to prepare mentally for the task that lies ahead.

Just as its human nature to explain the unexplained, we also try to control what cannot be controlled. Even as I sit here talking about the futility of curses and superstition, I am still guilty of practicing it (it’s no hypocritical, its cognitive dissonance). It’s a very powerful force within our nature to try to will something to happen when we have no influence on the outcome. A botched play or fan interference is not inflicted by a curse because it’s also human nature to make mistakes, but our psyche is very fragile.

For the Indians, it’s Pride

The historical significance of this game is the fact that the two teams with the longest period of time since a World Series Championship, are playing each other. One of these teams will finally end the drought. One of these teams will “end the curse”. 1948 was the last time the Cleveland Indians won the World Series. They are second only to the Cubs (at 108 – which I’m sure you all know by now). So, for the Indians, losing this game means they become the team that has gone the longest without winning a World Series. If I were an Indians fan, that is what would be weighing on my mind.

The Indians are a very tough team. They have very skilled pitchers. If you have been watching any of the games, Corey Kluber is a phenomenal pitcher to watch. I had no idea the Indians had that kind of power in their pitching staff. Andrew Miller is no slouch either. These guys are in it to win it and I’m very proud to be playing against such a fantastic team.

For the Cubs, it’s Principal

lgo_mlb_chicago_cubsSo 1908, as you probably heard a thousand times, is the last year the Cubs won a World Series. 1945 is the last time the Cubs were even in the World Series. It is also the fateful year when Billy Sianis inflicted his famous curse. So the 71 year drought has ended. The Cubs made it to the World Series. Unfortunately they now have the HUGE responsibility of 100 years of “cursed” history to overcome (not to mention all the Cubs fans watching and judging their every move). We have to be ready to accept the fact that we can lose tonight. “New Girl” actor, and long time Cubs fan, Jake Johnson once wrote “We can not be little children scared of a curse. We can not gasp when a player makes an error.“(that’s a great article by the way). 

This is going to be an epic end to an epic World Series. Whatever the outcome, it’s going to be hard on the losing team and the fans. We all have so much emotion riding on this game. We all need to be good sports to each other whether you’re the winner or the loser. The winning team should sympathize for the other team and fans and the losing team, and fans, should reciprocate with congratulatory remarks. A sore winner can be just as awful as a sore loser. So forget about the past and look toward the future because, as we Cubs fans always say, “there’s always next year”.


minions_iconI could accomplish so much more if I only had minions!

Biggs On: 2016 Fall Classic Remarks

2016 Fall Classic

The “Lets Go Cubs” (“Eamus Catuli”) sign behind right field

Ten years ago if you told me that I would be watching the Cubs in the World Series, I may not have believed you. Well the 2016 Fall Classic is here and to say I’m excited is an understatement. The really strange thing is, it’s actually kind of stressing me out. We have all been waiting our whole lives to make it to the World Series that I can’t bear the thought of losing. I am trying to talk myself off the ledge in preparation for the worst case. I almost wish they didn’t make it so I wouldn’t be feeling all this angst.

I keep telling myself that regardless of the outcome, celebrate the end of the 71 year drought. If we end the 108 year “alleged curse” then there will be a cacophony of rejoicing and thousands of grown men crying. The “Anno Catuli” sign, in right field, will finally read all zeros for the first time. Year after year the Cubs have left us all feeling disappointed. Losing this year would be the ultimate disappointment, which scares me. Will the “lovable losers” still be lovable? On the other hand, Facebook is full of wonderful and endearing stories by some of the Cubs oldest fans.

#LetsGo for Styrlund and Bell

Two of the most extraordinary stories are about two of the oldest, known Chicago Cubs fans. Raymond Styrlund is 105 years old and Mavis Bell is 107 years old. Mavis was born the year after the Cubs last won the World Series. Looking at the faces of these people and reading their stories you want the Cubs to win more for them than for yourself. Many of them are relishing that the Cubs are even in the World Series. The look of pure delight on their faces is what makes it all worth it, regardless of the outcome.

Styrlund and Bell don’t have too many more years left on this earth. Witnessing their Cubs win the World Series would be fulling a 100-year-old life ambition. As much as I would be devastated if the Cubs were to lose, I would feel more sorrow for folks like Raymond and Mavis that have, literally, waited over a century.

A Sports Story for the Ages

We have two teams with the longest World Series drought in baseball. The players of both teams are playing to erase the past. The fans of both teams are hoping to see a championship for the first time in their lives. Regardless of who you are rooting for; regardless of who wins, this is an epic event it sports history. I’m glad to be here talking about it and witnessing it. It’s a story for the ages.


minions_iconI could accomplish so much more if I only had minions!

Biggs On: iPhone 6S

iphone-6sI thought about making this another “Tech Talk” topic but in those posts I try to be less subjective and since I’ve only had an iPhone, this is going to be more of an opinion rather than a technical analysis.

The “S-cycle” of the iPhone 6 means that it’s time to upgrade. This must be one of Apple’s most successful iPhone launches (despite the smaller lines at the stores). Usually by now there has been some kind of “-gate” controversy everyone is talking about and the Twitter trolls are feasting on. Alas no “antennae-gate”, “bendgate”, “map-gate” (was that a thing?), just everyone talking about how the iPhone 6S is actually a pretty decent phone. In fact some folks are saying that Apple’s claim the iPhone 6S is a completely new phone might just have some credence. I didn’t have an iPhone 6 so I couldn’t tell you, personally, how different the phones are, I upgraded from an iPhone 5S so my perception is skewed from my “leap-frog” practice of upgrading phones.

When I first held the phone my initial thought was “this screen is huge!” I was momentarily concerned that perhaps the phone might feel a little too big. I’ve only had my phone a few days now and I don’t think I could go back to a smaller screen. Granted I’m glad I didn’t opt for the 6S Plus; that would have been too big. Once I learned the “double-touch” on the home button (Thanks, fuzzy) method for one-handed use, the size of the phone is no longer a concern.

minion_01The only problem I’ve had with the new phone is some issue with most of my apps after I restored from a recent backup. Several of my apps appeared darkened, as if they were waiting for an update. They didn’t appear in the list of updates in the app store and tapping on the icon didn’t launch the app but changed the text to “Waiting…”. If I searched for the app in the app store I was given the option to download from the cloud (as opposed to the option to “Open” the app). I couldn’t really find anything related to this issue after doing a Google search so it must have been some strange backup/restore glitch.

Aside from that weird issue, upgrading to the 6S was completely painless. In fact I sold my 5S back to Apple which rendered enough cash to purchase Apple Care+ so I essentially didn’t have to pay for the extra insurance. The phone obviously performs much faster than its predecessor. Actually I think the Touch ID is also faster and more accurate. I haven’t tried the 3D Touch or the “live picture” features yet, although I’ve read that the “live pictures” can take up a lot of memory so I doubt I will be taking many of those.

If you picked up the latest iPhone, what are your impressions?

minion_keboard_smI could get so much more accomplished if I only had minions!

Biggs On: Laptops

broken-surface-2-appleI know, why would I write an opinion post on something that has been around for 40 years??! Since the birth of the iPad technology has been trending away from the nostalgic old desktop PC. Tablets and laptops (and other forms of mobile devices) are becoming more popular by the hour. The truth is, I’m not really a fan of laptops. Sure I use a laptop for work because it’s easier as a consultant to have your trusty computer with you when you need it, but work is the only occasion where I feel like having one is warranted.

My home PC is a custom built desktop. The key word there is custom. I like knowing exactly what is in my computer and I like that I am the person that put it there. I have never bought a mass manufactured desktop PC (emphasis on PC, because I do own a Mac-Mini). I have never needed a reason to buy a laptop to use as my primary computer. Granted, I do have a laptop that I take with me on extended vacations, but when I’m home I will only use my desktop; and to be honest I think I would be just fine without one while on vacation. I typically spend more time doing touristy stuff or reading books when I’m on vacation. If I want to look something up when I’m away from the computer, I reach for my iPad and thus have never wished it were a laptop.

The two primary functions of my home computer is for gaming and programming. Honestly I just think using a desktop is the best hardware for both of these functions. Granted a laptop can be used for software development (obviously since I use one for that purpose at work), but it needs to be a fairly well specced laptop, one I definitely couldn’t afford on my own (which is why I make sure I take very good care of the one provided to me from my employer). How people use laptops for gaming (especially MMOs) is almost beyond my capacity, unless they are plugging peripherals in. They almost have to be using an unattached keyboard and mouse, I just don’t see how any other configuration would be efficient and comfortable. In fact, when I am using a laptop, I always try to plug in a keyboard and mouse if its possible because I don’t like typing on most laptop keyboards and I loathe the touch pad.

I know people make it work somehow and that’s fine, as far as I’m concerned. My desktop is like a muscle car, I like to beef it up, make it glow. I want it to have presence <insert manly Tim Taylor grunts>. But to each their own.


[P.S. The Surface Pro laptops look awful and make laptops even less endearing; I’d rather have an Etch-a-Sketch.]

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