A Geek's Cogitations, Conjectures and other Cortical Experiences

Category: General Cogitation Page 5 of 40

2020 Year In Review

2020 Year In ReviewWhy in the world would I want to review 2020?? Without a doubt it has been the worst year for everyone. God willing none of us will ever experience another year like 2020. It has been a cruel year for all. We’ve all experienced grief, fear, anxiety, denial, selfishness; but we’ve also experienced hope, perseverance, kindness, and heroism. While we praised the heroic efforts of some we spurned the foolish and parochial choices of the “I won’t live in fear” crowd.

I pray for the health and safety of our frontline workers, for the ones who didn’t make it and for all of us that have survived. If there is one thing we should take away from this year it should be to never take anything for granted; especially doctors, nurses, teachers, and grocery store clerks. I hope 2021 is a year of rebuilding and recovery and the return of civil discourse.

In Memoriam

I know this year has been so vicious and I know it sucks starting out on a somber note but I just want to get it out of the way. Every year I mention notable celebrities that passed but I don’t want to just remember them. The hardest losses this year are those that succumbed to this terrible virus. The frontline folks that gave everything trying to keep the rest of us safe and healthy; their heroism will never be forgotten. I am NOT trying to overshadow their sacrifice by mentioning these celebrities.

In fact, for brevity, I’m doing it different this year. I actually started out typing out quite a bit about these folks but I’m going to simplify it into one paragraph. In television and film we lost Alex Trebek (80 – cancer), Regis Philbin (88 – natural causes), Kirk Douglas (103 – undisclosed), Sean Connery (90 – pneumonia), David Prowse (85 – COVID-19), Jeremy Bulloch (75 – Parkinsons), Kelly Preston (57 – cancer), Grant Imahara (49 – aneurysm), Carl Reiner (98 – natural causes), Fred Willard (86 – natural causes) and Jerry Stiller (92 – natural causes). In sports and music Kobe Bryant (41 – helicopter crash), Gale Sayers (77 – dementia), Jon Huber aka Luke Harper (41 – undisclosed), Jay Johnstone (74 – COVID-19), Joe Morgan (71 – polyneuropathy) and Whitey Ford (91 – undisclosed). The music industry lost Eddie Van Halen (65 – cancer) and Little Richard (87 – cancer), Joe Diffie (61 – COVID-19) and Kenny “The Gambler” Rogers (81 – natural causes). Thank you for the memories and joy you brought us and Rest in Peace.

2020 Year In Review: Movies

Seeing a movie was different in 2020. By the end of March all the theaters were shutdown and they remained that way for half the year. When they did reopen, it wasn’t in every state and only at partial capacity. Needless to say we did not see any movies in the theaters. However that didn’t stop us from watching movies that were “released” on streaming services instead. While it was kind of nice to still see new releases, albeit in limited supply, I still cannot wait to return to the theater. I pray that they survive this pandemic. Here are the movies we watched in 2020 (although some were not released in 2020), click the links to read the reviews:

A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood and Saving Mr. Banks are based on true stories, Mr. Rogers and The Making of Mary Poppins (respectively). I am often a sucker for true stories, depending on who they are about. In this case the true story of Mr. Rogers is the best of this lot. If you grew up watching Mister Rogers Neighborhood then it’s a must see. Actually, if you grew up watching Mary Poppins then Saving Mr. Banks is also a must see.

Onward is actually pretty good and something I would watch again. Trolls World Tour, on the other hand, isn’t really worth your time. It only made the list for us because we have a young kid who loves Trolls and it was her birthday present. We managed to sneak in one last movie on New Years Eve, the latest Wonder Woman film (a review will come later).

FitBit Stats and Walk to Mordor

Running Pace 5mph

My pace according to the Sheriff’s department

This year I finished the Walk to Mordor challenge on September 16th, which I believe is about two weeks sooner than the year before. Therefore, using a simple Year-Over-Year calculation, I had a 75% growth in completing the challenge sooner. Here are my 2020 FitBit stats:

  • 4,682,221 steps 
  •  2,433.25 miles 
  • ** arrows indicate changes from previous year

I had over 300,000 more steps from the previous year and approximately 180 more miles. To finish the And Back Again portion of the challenge, I need an additional 1,625 miles. After completing the Walk to Mordor challenge I went another 652 miles. This means I need just under 1,000 miles to try to finish the “And Back Again” challenge. I doubt I will achieve it this year, but I think I can make some more progress toward it.

Happy New Year to one and all. I hope 2021 is safe and much kinder to all of us. Please think of more than yourself this year and perhaps then we can truly get through this together.


“The more you know, the more you know you don’t know.” – Aristotle


Merry Christmas!

I know this has been an awful year but, personally, it still feels like Christmas; albeit it a little different. We are doing virtual Christmas this year but the families on both sides are really awesome about it. They are participating in the Christmas-from-afar with every ounce of joy and excitement. I am equally as excited to celebrate this joyous time despite the terrible year.

I know it’s going to be hard for some but I pray that you still find happiness and joy that comes with Christmas. The vaccines are on the way and so far things are going well with their distribution and administering. I pray that they are the answer we need to finally get on the other side of this virus.

I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!

The Alternative Turkey Celebration

I’ll admit, back in March, I never would have believed our Thanksgiving would be affected by this pandemic. I know it sucks but the responsible thing to do, to keep family and others safe, is to take proper precautions. The responsible thing to do is put aside your fear and bullheadedness and set an example for the kids. It is more important than ever to be thankful this year. We should be thankful that we still have our health; not everyone still has that anymore. Some folks are missing loved ones this year because of the poor choices and selfish actions of irresponsible “adults”.

This year we are especially thankful for all of those doctors and nurses on the frontlines, helping those that are not in good health. This year we are especially thankful to those grocery store clerks that are working tirelessly to keep the shelves stocked with food. Our health and safety is dependent on the health and safety of those people. Please be safe this year and Celebrate Small! 

A big positive for the smaller, no-travel celebration is that I can go for my normal 5-mile run before I stuff my face with stuffing.

Happy (and safe) Thanksgiving everyone!


I could accomplish so much more if I only had minions!


Biggs On: The Covid MLB Season

Covid MLB SeasonI don’t talk a lot about sports on this blog; it’s not really a genre that is common in the geek and gaming subculture. However sports is heavy on statistics and numbers, which is right up the geeks alley so I guess it’s not that far out of reach. The baseball season this year is unique because of the covid (much like everything else). I’m having a hard time deciding if the covid MLB season is even worth it. In the end, will it even mean anything?

The Pros and Cons

cardboard fans in the stands

Bernie and a Stormtrooper catching a Royals game

It does feel a bit normal to have baseball on the television again. Hearing the crack of the bat and the cheer of the crowd always makes me think of summer. However, this year the crack of the bat is met with silence. The lack of a crowd in the stands reminds us again of the state of the world right now. I do admire how the ball clubs are trying to have a little fun using cardboard cutouts and teddy bears to fill the seats for some much needed levity.

There are only 60 games this season; that’s 102 games fewer than a normal season. Initially I thought removing that many games cheapens the season. However my brother-in-law pointed out that now every game has meaning. This is true and something I hadn’t considered. Everyone watches the first 20 or 30 games of the season. Around the time of the All-Star break everyone’s interests peters out a little bit. As we approach the end the season everyone’s interest is restored, especially if your team has a shot at the playoffs.

A Cheapened Championship

However, without a full season and only 7 innings per game, a championship will feel ill-gotten and unearned. Players are getting sick and games or entire series are getting postponed. How can it feel like an earned win when you aren’t playing a team at its best. There are some teams that are so far behind their 60 games I don’t know how they are going to catch up. Will some teams only play 53 games?? That doesn’t seem fair.

As a baseball fan, I get it. We’re just glad to have some baseball to watch (or any sport for that matter). However, even if the Cubs were to win the 2020 World Series, it just won’t feel as glorious. I will feel “meh” about it. In the history books it will forever be known as the shortened, pandemic season. I also get it from a corporate perspective. Baseball is also a business and a business, just like all the other businesses in the country, has to meet certain stakeholder obligations. Honestly, this baseball season is more about the corporate bottom line and less about the fans.

After much consideration I’m still of the opinion that the 2020 MLB season should have been cancelled. At the minimum they should have at least cancelled the championship. I’m not excited about it, even with the Cubs in first place. I don’t care about the World Series. I waited 108 years for the Cubs to win, I’m content with skipping it this year. We didn’t have one during the 1994-1995 Baseball Strike, I think we can manage not having it again.



I could accomplish so much more if I only had minions!


Sick and Tired of Covid

Yes, I’m kind of going for the pun in the title there. Covid makes you “sick” and fatigue is a symptom, get it? Never mind, levity is my defense mechanism and this isn’t the time for jokes. It hasn’t been that long since my last covid post and I usually space them out more, but there’s a reason. This will be the last time I write specifically about this pandemic. I’m not writing a satirical post; I am sick and tired of covid, but not for the reasons one might think.

Obviously I don’t want people getting sick anymore, even if its only 4% of the population. I’m also tired of worrying about day care, and school and going shopping. This goes beyond the illness itself. I’m tired of the arguing and fighting.

Fear is the Mind-Killer

A 900 year old Jedi Master once said “Fear leads to Anger, Anger leads to Hate”. I feel like there was a lot of effort up front to instill fear in all of us. Some folks are still afraid. Some folks are more angry than afraid. Perhaps all this fear and anger is why there is so much hate in the country right now. I’m tired of the fear. I’m tired of worrying about my friends and family when they travel. Are they being safe? Are the other folks around them being safe? I’m tired of the sleepless nights that result the 10-14 days following their return.

I’m tired of the arguing and fighting over masks and testing and spikes. You have an expert that tells you one thing but I have an expert that contradicts your expert. I mostly abide by the rules and suggestions of the CDC, you march to the beat of your own drum, and yet we both remain unaffected. Who and what are we supposed to believe???

There is so much uncertainty right now that I get why some are just ready to risk it all. When I look at the statistics I’m even beginning to feel a bit disillusioned by the need for all the extra precaution. Granted it could be geography; other parts of the country are experiencing the pandemic differently. Regardless, I apologize if I’ve lectured you or made a diatribe against your choices. I’m hoping we are in the waning hours of this pandemic and 2021 will be a year for healing (literally and figuratively).

Be safe my friends.



I could accomplish so much more if I only had minions!


Covid Containment – The Introvert Cure

The madness continues. When we last spoke I calculated the possible percent of the population that has been infected with the virus. The total number of cases, per the CDC, on May 23rd was approximately 1.8 million. Which is approximately 0.54% of the population. Exactly two months later, to the day (i.e. July 23rd) the total cases, per the CDC, is at approximately 3.9 million. Using basic math we are now at 1.2% of the population with confirmed cases. The numbers have doubled! I admit that the 3.9 million confirmed cases is likely a combination of:

  • cases counted multiple times (either accidentally or intentionally)
  • antibody testing (anyone that has the antibodies had the virus, whether they realized it or not)
  • encompasses all cases, past and present (i.e. these are not “active” cases but ALL cases)

Regardless, I have completely changed my stance on masks. I wear one everywhere I go (since about mid-June). I’m really tired of this shit and I just want it to be over. If wearing a mask will expedite that then I’ll wear a mask, albeit begrudgingly. But I digress.

The Introvert Cure

If this quarantine has taught me anything its that I will never take it for granted the ability to get out of the house. We’re home bodies. I’d rather sit in the air conditioning reading a book or playing video games as opposed to sitting on the beach. Honestly, that concept hasn’t completely changed, however while sitting on the beach is still quite out of the question other outdoor activities suddenly seem more appealing.

You know the saying “you don’t know what you have until it’s gone”, well that’s what I’m feeling now. I was clearly neglecting all the times I could have been at the ballpark or a family cook out. As much as I enjoy being at home and reading a book or playing video games, this pandemic has taught me that I need more out door time. I will never again take for granted going to a baseball or football game, seeing a movie in the theater or attending a family gathering (unless its at the beach, have I mentioned that I still don’t like the beach).

Finally, I really miss going to church.



I could accomplish so much more if I only had minions!


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