A Geek's Cogitations, Conjectures and other Cortical Experiences

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James Gunn’s Superman Teaser Trailer

James Gunn’s story about the son of Krypton has its first teaser trailer. It’s not often that I post many trailers that don’t pertain to Star Wars, but maybe I should. Perhaps I will try to do more of it as long as it’s something I think is interesting and I have some thoughts to share. Without further ado, here is James Gunn’s Superman teaser trailer.

Movie Review of The Marvels

movie poster for The Marvels

Directed By: Nia DaCosta
Starring: Brie Larson, Teyonah Parris, Iman Vellani

Release Date: November 10, 2023

My Rating:

No good deed goes unpunished. After fulfilling a promise made at the end of Captain Marvel, Carol made some enemies. These enemies seek to destroy her for the danger she has created for their people. In locating her, Carol finds that her powers have become entangled with those of Kamala Khan and Monica Rambeau.

The Case for Jar Jar Binks

Jar Jar

It seems I’m always defending Jar Jar, the movies, or Ahmed Best. While I still live by the philosophy to “be your own fan“, sometimes I like to discuss my reasons. My intent is to inform and not to persuade. Admittedly, Ahmed Best (and vicariously Jar Jar) is receiving more adoration than animosity. However, sometimes I still like to make a case for Jar Jar Binks.

Why am I talking about Jar Jar, again?

Happy Geek Pride and Towel Day!

Happy Geek Pride and Towel Day

Happy Geek Pride and Towel Day! Today is the day you celebrate what makes you a geek. Do something that really makes you happy. Something that you are passionate about. It could be watching your favorite movie or TV show, reading your favorite book, playing a video game, running a race, building a car, baking anything! Anything that brings joy to your life and reduces stress. After this past year, we all need to embrace the things that help us get through the rough times.

It’s also Towel Day so remember, whatever you do today, always know where your towel is!

Aside from working, my plans for the day will be watching A New Hope (since May 25th is its US release anniversary), probably some reading (most likely Dresden Files), and playing some video games (World of Warcraft). I will be doing all of that, with a towel in my hand.

Happy Geek Pride and Towel Day to all the geeks of the world!

When I was a kid, it was a huge insult to be a geek. Now it’s a point of pride in a weird way.” – J.J. Abrams

Happy Geek Pride/Towel/Memorial Day

Geeks everywhere salute those that paid the ultimate price for our freedom

Geek Pride Day (also known as Towel Day) is the closing bookend for this geek filled holiday month. This is the second biggest geek holiday in May. Geek Pride Day is the anniversary of the release of the first Star Wars film (A New Hope) and Towel Day (in honor of Douglas Adams, author of the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy). However this day has become more meaningful than the coinciding of those two events.

An important reminder, that today is also Memorial Day and the celebration of Memorial Day should be paramount. After all, if it weren’t for those that made the ultimate sacrifice we wouldn’t have the freedom to express our “geekery”.

After remembering the fallen, this day can also be a reminder to all of us that we shouldn’t be ashamed of being a geek. If Stan Lee taught us anything its that we should be proud and embrace it. I know most of us were probably picked on in school. We were probably often labeled a geek or nerd because we were smarter than most. It was a moniker of shame, a negative connotation for those that were studious and socially inclined. But not anymore.

The meaning has changed.

Now geek is a moniker held in high esteem. In some way or another, we are all geeks about something. You could use geek interchangeably with enthusiast or expert. It doesn’t have to be Star Wars, or comic books, or video games. You could be a geek about cars, a fishing geek, sports geek, fitness geek. It isn’t just about intellectual pursuits anymore. It’s just about loving something that makes you happy.

So today we salute:

  • First and foremost, the fallen! (Many of them were geeks too)
  • The Star Wars fans
  • The Trekkies
  • The book worms
  • The comic book nerds
  • The computer geeks
  • The gamers
  • The whatever-your-hobby-is geeks
  • The whatever-interests-you geeks

Never be ashamed of your heart or your mind!


When I was a kid, it was a huge insult to be a geek. Now it’s a point of pride in a weird way.” – J.J. Abrams

The Clone Wars Series Finale

We finally got to see the end of Dave Filoni’s Star Wars masterpiece. We’ve been waiting since April of last year. Of course if you’ve seen Solo, read E.K. Johnston’s book or you’ve seen past the first season of Rebels, you know a little bit about how it ends. There are 12 episodes in the Clone Wars series finale (i.e. Season 7), broken up into three 4 episode story arcs.

In the first story arc we meet “The Bad Batch” which is a group of genetically mutated clones. A spin-off series of these guys would be fun to watch. Then we meet a pair of sisters that befriend Ahsoka as she helps them out of a nasty situation with the Pykes. Of course Ahsoka’s return is the most anticipated story arc.

Ahsoka Returns!

The ninth episode is when Ahsoka is reunited with the 332nd, her battalion of clone troopers. My favorite part of the final four episodes is that they coincide with the events of Revenge of the Sith (up to and including Order 66). I love how well Filoni merged the the episodes into the movie’s story, including voice reprisals by Samuel L. Jackson and Silas Carson. The final moments of episode twelve were amazing and heart wrenching.

You know the saying “Go Big or Go Home”, well Filoni definitely “went big” to cap off this amazing series. I love that he invited Ray Park back so they can use motion capture for the fight sequence between Maul and Ahsoka. This really adds an awesome level of commitment to properly finishing the series. In fact these last four episodes were among the best in the series, second only to the Mortis story arc.

Thank you to Dave Filoni and all the amazing voice actors that make this series so amazing.


The Force. It calls to you. Just let it in.


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