It seems I’m always defending Jar Jar, the movies, or Ahmed Best. While I still live by the philosophy to “be your own fan“, sometimes I like to discuss my reasons. My intent is to inform and not to persuade. Admittedly, Ahmed Best (and vicariously Jar Jar) is receiving more adoration than animosity. However, sometimes I still like to make a case for Jar Jar Binks.
Why am I talking about Jar Jar, again?
I’m inspired by Chapter 20 of The Mandalorian. When Jar Jar first appeared, 20 years ago, he was met with scrutiny. There were folks that despised Jar Jar so much that they tormented Ahmed Best for simply portraying the character. He almost committed suicide. I’m not here to discuss how despicable that is.
Jar Jar Was Groundbreaking
The prequel era movies had groundbreaking digital effects (at that time). There is an interesting post on that discusses the top five. Among the top five is Jar Jar, “the product of the period’s digital technology at its best”. Ahmed Best not just provided Jar Jar’s voice, he was Jar Jar. He wore gear that not only allowed the animators to “paint” Jar Jar over him but also gave the other actors the proper perspective for interacting with a CGI character.
I wonder if this technology is the ancestor to the technology used to bring K-2SO to life in Rogue One. Therefore, not only is Jar Jar an essential character to the franchise, he’s essential to the evolution of digital animation technology.
It pleases me to see Ahmed Best receiving so much adoration from the fans. He always seems like a nice guy to me. He’s on my Celebration celebrity list. Also, he looks like a badass in The Mandalorian.
Given the amount of hate Jar Jar and Ahmed Best received 20 years ago, makes me believe the sequel trilogy will ultimately be fully appreciated in the future.