A Geek's Cogitations, Conjectures and other Cortical Experiences

Category: Geek Canon Page 6 of 9

Netflix Wins Again with Jessica Jones

Netflix Wins Again with Jessica JonesI just finished watching the first season of Jessica Jones. It’s the newest Marvel series Netflix has produced starring Krysten Ritter (from “Don’t Trust the B—- in Apartment 23“). Jessica Jones has a scarred and tortured past. She’s a private investigator in Hell’s Kitchen with  superhuman strength and has a penchant for drowning her pain in whiskey. This is the first Marvel series produced since its success with Daredevil, and Netflix wins again with Jessica Jones.

I will admit that the first episode doesn’t really pull you in as quickly as the episodes that follow. Once you start learning more about Killgrave (brilliantly portrayed by David Tennant) and his sordid obsession with Jessica, you will binge on this show. By the end of the series you will see Krysten Ritter in a whole new light. She proved to me that she is an amazing drama actress. You will also meet Luke Cage, another series Netflix is working on, and the future husband (based on the comics) of Jessica Jones. He’s the man with unbreakable skin.

The first season naturally focuses on character development using Killgrave as the main antagonist to introduce us to part of Jessica’s past and her abilities. It also sets up the presumed relationship between Jessica and Luke. By the end of the season there is even a subtle hint of a potential Daredevil-Jessica Jones crossover? After all, both series take place in Hell’s Kitchen.

Jessica Jones has been renewed for a second season. I would check it out but with the caveat that this show is definitely not safe for children (there is lewd language and sexual situations). Season 2 of Daredevil will start on March 18th so if you haven’t checked out Season 1, you still have time.


minion_keboard_smI could get so much more accomplished if I only had minions!

Star Wars: My Inner Child Awakens

I have been working on this post (whether its written or in my head) since I saw The Force Awakens December 24th. The thing I struggled with the most was giving this post a proper title that not only reflected how I felt about the film but also what this post is going to be about (other than simply my nerdy review). I settled on “My Inner Child Awakens” because not only is it a play on the film’s title but it’s how I felt watching the movie.

If you have talked to me in person or followed any of my Twitter or Facebook posts then you already know what I thought of the movie. I was, literally, trembling before the movie started and I was trembling for hours after. I really liked it. It may be my second favorite movie of the seven (because Empire will always be my first). star-wars-like-kid-againI think I also had to tone down the pride a notch or two since I was correct on one of my story arc predictions (which I can talk about in a bit – I want to save the spoilers until later in the post). I found the picture to the right on Facebook and I had to include it in this post. It accurately reflects how I felt walking out of The Force Awakens.

I realize The Force Awakens didn’t appeal to everyone’s inner child, and I certainly appreciate their opinion. I am in the minority that enjoyed all three prequel movies so it’s nice to be among the majority for episode seven. The box office numbers have certainly proved that The Force Awakens was a huge success not only among the avid fanatics (like myself) but also among the middle-of-the-road fans and the regular moviegoers. I’ve had several friends waiting for me to see the film because they wanted to know what I thought about it as a big fan of the franchise. This is when I will get into spoilers so if, for some unearthly reason, you haven’t seen the movie yet I wouldn’t keep reading. I also want to warn you that this is one of my more lengthy posts so I hope you don’t file this under TL;DR.

Star Wars: Jar Jar Binks Is An Essential Character

Jar Jar Binks

Yes, let’s talk about the most controversial character in Star Wars (since the Ewoks – yes, back in the day the Ewoks were also hated). In fact, not only am I going to talk about him, I’m going to defend the fact that Jar Jar Binks is an essential character to the prequels. I liked Jar Jar and I think all the adults that hate him have lost something within themselves.

I was also inspired by this polygon article, which is an excellent read and I agree with the author 100%. He does an excellent job defending Jar Jar so there isn’t much else I can say he hasn’t already mentioned. I do understand why many people dislike Jar Jar, which the author also mentions. I get it, but Jar Jar deserves some additional support, so I will justify Jar Jar’s existence from a different perspective.

Jump In My Time Machine

Let me take you back to the first time you saw Star Wars, whether that was in 1977, 1980, and 1983 or perhaps in the 90s (which is when I saw them for the first time). Try and channel your 7-year-old self and remember what it was like seeing Star Wars for the first time. Go beyond the space battles and the lightsabers and think about the characters that you found endearing. The awkward antics of C-3PO and the cunning of the Ewoks as they use archaic conventions to thwart the Empire. Admit it! These characters are some of the reasons you are now a fan.

Find that inner child and watch the prequels again. I remember watching The Phantom Menace in the theater (which I did seven times) and hearing the laughter of children after one of Jar Jar’s goofy antics. In fact, did you know that Disney’s Goofy was George Lucas’ inspiration for Jar Jar? I can kind of see that now. Also, Lucas’ adopted son, Jett Lucas, named Jar Jar and inspired the Gungan species. What a neat way to include your children in your legacy and life’s work!

So if Jar Jar is based on Goofy, and you hate Jar Jar, then by the inference rule, you hate Goofy! Seriously, how can you hate Goofy?? “Gawrsh!”

Jar Jar Is For the Kids

All joking aside, I honestly do understand why some folks hate Jar Jar. Perhaps, if it weren’t for his voice and some of his dialog, he may have been more endearing to adults. I ask you this: don’t we want our children to like Star Wars as much as we did when we were young and give them the same cinematic experience?? Jar Jar is to our children as Wicket was to us. The prequels needed that delightful character that would become one of the reasons our children are now fans.

So I think instead of laughing at depictions of cutting off Jar Jar’s head, maybe it’s time we cut Jar Jar some slack.


Star Wars: Let’s Keep the Expectations Realistic

Star Wars The Force Awakens - Kylo RenThis should be declared “Star Wars Week”. If someone hasn’t done that already, then I’m declaring it despite the fact that I do not have the clout nor the viral influence to make it official. So, with that said, lets get on with it.

The obvious reason I would make such a declaration is the release of the seventh installment of the most beloved Star Wars franchise. I am beyond excited for the movie’s launch and I don’t even have a ticket to see it yet. I’m just excited for the continuation of the story and the characters that I have loved since I was a child. All the hype, however, does have me a little worried. I hope folks are not expecting this movie to be a cinematic masterpiece, especially those folks that are not big Star Wars fans like the rest of us.

I don’t have any inside knowledge, nor do I know J.J. Abrams or Kathleen Kennedy personally, but I’m still pretty sure neither one of them are trying to release the next Gone With the Wind or Titanic. Abrams just wants to tell the next chapter in the story. I think it would be pretty naive to expect this movie to be considered for a “Best Picture” Oscar. I’m certainly not expecting it (I am, however, expecting perhaps some technical Oscar nominations). I am also expecting it to have some pretty huge box office numbers (but that should be obvious to anybody).

In the end, folks, remember, it’s just Star Wars so keep your expectations realistic. It’s going to be science fiction, it’s going to have something that will appeal to children, there will probably be plots within plots. It’s not a biopic, it’s not based on true events, it’s not going to adhere to the laws of Physics, its fantasy. In other words, don’t read what the critics say, just go see it for yourself and remember, it’s just a movie (although for most of us, it’s much more than “just a movie” 🙂 )


Theories From A Fanboy

It’s to be expected that a new trailer will produce more questions and even more theories. Some of them are fairly conceivable, others are wild, baseless speculation. I’m going to explain my theory as to the plot (and subplots) of the next movie based on evidence shown in the newest trailer. (If you haven’t seen the trailer yet, then you’re a nub and you should go watch it now – I’ll wait.) All right, now let’s proceed.

The Plot


A very Obi-Wan-esque image of Luke

The Empire is shattered. The Sith and Jedi have vanished and are now mere legends. Granted its only 30 years after the second Death Star was destroyed, but since there were technically only three Force users (Vader, Palpatine and Luke), its conceivable that most people weren’t even aware that Luke was Jedi and Vader and Palpatine were Sith. Be that as it may, Kylo Ren and his followers (the Knights of Ren) set out to rebuild the Empire that, Kylo Ren believes, Vader wanted. Ren is obsessed with Vader, we don’t really know why. The First Order, in juxtaposition with Ren’s efforts, is the new Imperial army led by General Hux.

Finn is a stormtrooper (remember, after the clone wars stormtroopers were no longer clones but volunteers) who, perhaps, begins to question the motives behind the First Order and decides he has had enough. He is shot down escaping and crashes on the same planet as Rey. This planet also has the crashed Star Destroyer we’ve seen in images and trailers. It’s also where, I believe, we see Rey spelunking in the opening of the newest trailer. Perhaps she find something there. A device or some data that the First Order needs to continue to rise to power.

This is also where the lives of Rey and Finn become entwined. Perhaps they are both experiencing strange, latent abilities. The Force. They have only heard stories of Jedi and the Force. Perhaps they are the first of, what will be, a new Jedi Order. If that’s the case then Kylo Ren would want to prevent and/or destroy them. He talks of finding the last Jedi. Luke? Luke is likely in hiding, thus perpetuating the legend. Perhaps Luke will emerge from hiding to train Rey and Finn and rebuild the Jedi. He could become the new Obi-Wan Kenobi.

Official Full Trailer

I’m going to put this here because I would be remiss if I didn’t. Besides, I don’t want to keep going to YouTube and searching for it, I just want to go straight to it when I want to watch it for the Nth time!

minion_keboard_smI could get so much more accomplished if I only had minions!

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