A Geek's Cogitations, Conjectures and other Cortical Experiences

Category: Geek Canon Page 4 of 9

The Forlorn Fair Weather Fans

Wrigley Field – 1982

I have been a Chicago Cubs fan my whole life. It’s a family legacy that has been instilled in me from my father, passed down from his father. In 2016, when the unbelievable happened, while all the life long fans were euphoric, suddenly there were all these new fans. I was literally on my knees, rejoicing while also lamenting that my grandfather didn’t live to see it happen. Devout fans know the glory whereas fair weather fans are merely impostors.

Perhaps their first World Series championship in 108 years spawned new fans, to which I say welcome to the party. However, those that gave up only to return when things are good, are pathetic. Only the most devoted of fans lived through the billy goats, black cats and Steve Bartman‘s and never let go. The true fans can endure the good with the bad. You can’t call yourself a fan only when it suits you, no matter how you try to rationalize it.

This Isn’t About Baseball (or Sports)

This isn’t a post about the Chicago Cubs, or any sports team. I’m talking to Star Wars fans. Fair weather fans do not always apply to sports teams, clearly Star Wars also has its share as well. I understand the criticism the prequels often receive but it’s hardly worth such ire. While they have their shortcomings, I think they have quite a few redeeming qualities. If you consider yourself a Star Wars fan, a true and devoted Star Wars fan, then you can find the a way to love all the movies. Otherwise, you are merely an impostor.

It’s not about the terrible acting by Jake Lloyd and Hayden Christensen, midichlorians or Jar Jar. It’s about the great characters (ex: Dexter Jettster, Darth Maul, Mace Windu, General Grevious). It’s about knowing the origin story and the awesome music. Watching Ewan McGregor don the Obi-Wan costume and show that he is a kick-ass Jedi was incredible. A devout fan is always the optimist and can find redemption in the valley’s.

If you’re choosing to ignore the prequels, you’re a fair weather fan. If you hold on only to old canon, and refute the new canon, you’re a fair weather fan. When you are unable to endure the low times and linger only on the past, you’re a fair weather fan. If you’re a fair weather fan, then you’re not really a fan at all.

If You Can Do Better, Then Do It

Some of the things I constantly hear from all the fair weather fans is “George Lucas should have done <this>” or “Rian Johnson shouldn’t have done <that>”. It’s as if these “fans” know more about making a movie or telling a story than the folks who have been doing it all of their lives. If you think you can do better, then write the script, hire the “right” actors, partner with a production company, and go make the movie. You’ll probably have better odds of winning the lottery (at least then you can buy a production company to “make the right version” of the films). If you can’t put up then shut up; go be a Trekkie where they argue about who is the better captain (by the way, it’s Kirk).


The Force. It calls to you. Just let it in.


Ready Player One Trailer

First things first, here is the newest Ready Player One Trailer. Watch It! NOW!

Ok, so now that I have your heart beating wildly, lets consider what we just saw. If you haven’t read the book then SHAME ON YOU! It’s good. You need to go read it before March! I saw some references in there that I was a little skeptical on because this movie is supposed to be an homage to the 80’s. It was not only the inspiration for the “OASIS” but for the book in-and-of-itself. The references to the things I grew up loving is one of the things I love about the book.

Why Is Tracer There??

So, as I said, this book is supposed to be an homage to the 80’s so I was a little confused to see Tracer, from Overwatch. If you missed it, here is a screenshot I grabbed for you:

Tracer in Ready Player One Trailer

Now, I might be wrong, but I don’t think Tracer was around in the 80’s but perhaps this is Ernest Cline paying respect to Blizzard. However, to be fair, The Iron Giant was from the late 90’s and is mentioned in the book. Honestly, I am going to err on the side of caution and say I’m pretty excited for the movie. Far more excited than I was when the first trailer came out; and I know Ernest Cline has been involved with the production of the film. I should “hope” that he will veto anything that doesn’t meet the spirit and nostalgia of the book.


film_reel“The screen is a magic medium. It has such power that it can retain interest as it conveys emotions and moods that no other art form can hope to tackle.”
– Stanley Kubrick


Justice League Bombing and I’m not Surprised

Justice League BombingI don’t know what DC is thinking. Releasing the Justice League movie right before a major holiday. I cannot imagine too many people decide to go see a movie the weekend before the largest travel week of the year. While I do find it mildly disappointing its doing so terrible in theaters, I also find it not terribly surprising. Justice League bombing has a few flaws with the movie, other than Ben Affleck, and I haven’t seen the movie yet.

It’s Isn’t Just Ben Affleck

It’s no secret that I am not a fan of Ben Affleck as Batman. I have made many DC comic nerds heads implode with my constant trolling of “Batffleck”. However, in this case I do not think its all because Ben Affleck is a terrible Batman. Keep in mind that I have not seen this movie yet, and I probably won’t pay to see it in theaters. The reason is for the same reasons I’m about to get into.

I freely admit that I wanted the movie to do well in theaters. I enjoy the fact that comic book movies are the only movies that seem to be doing great in theaters. What was once considered lame when I was growing up is now some of the most successful franchises.

Depictions Failing Expectations

So far Wonder Woman is the only successful member of the Justice League. Gal Gadot is nailing the role as the Amazonian warrior, but the success ends there. I don’t understand why Ezra Miller was cast as Barry Allen/The Flash after the success Grant Gustin is having in The CW’s series. I don’t think I can watch the Grant Gustin impostor and no feel disappointment.

I know all the women are swooning over Jason Momoa as Aquaman, but he doesn’t fit all the depictions of Aquaman. He was never some sex symbol. He is often depicted as a blond imbecile, and perhaps that is why he was changed for the film. Maybe it’s because I’m a guy but it just isn’t working for me. I think Ryan Hansen would have made a better Aquaman.

I think the Cyborg adaptation looks pretty good but I would have liked a stand alone film first. Perhaps we all would have benefited from individual movies for the other members. It is working for Wonder Woman and The Avengers. Clearly DC is rushing these characters because Marvel is far more successful. Sadly, I will most likely wait until Justice League is on Netflix before I watch it.

film_reel“The screen is a magic medium. It has such power that it can retain interest as it conveys emotions and moods that no other art form can hope to tackle.”
– Stanley Kubrick


Notable SDCC Movie Trailers

The biggest Comic-Con of the year was held last week; the San Diego Comic Con (SDCC). It’s the Comic-Con of Comic-Cons; the one everyone looks forward to and one I hope to attend some day in the future. Aside from all the amazing Cosplay revelry, trailers for highly anticipated movies are also what everyone expects to see at SDCC. This year there are a couple of trailers that really had most of us giggling like school girls. Continue on to see this years best SDCC movie trailers. I provided a few remarks after each video but I am interested in your thoughts as well.

Ready Player One

If we ever have a discussion about favorite books I’m sure Ready Player One will come up. It is in the top 2 of my all time favorite books. Every gamer and/or child of the 80’s I talk to should be reading this book. The teaser trailer has me a little concerned. I really do not recall a car chase scene in the book, however I know Ernest Cline (the author) is consulting with the production of the adaptation. On the other hand, Steven Spielberg is the director and he has a tendency (lately) to be ostentatious. In preparation for this film, I’m going to have to go back and read Ready Player One again. Also, don’t wait for the movie and go read the book. Regardless of the final product, I’m sure the book will still be better.
Release Date: March 30, 2018

Justice League

This is the movie that immediately follows the events of Batman vs Superman and this trailer is pretty good but I’m still not a fan of Ben Affleck as Batman. Among the DC fanatics that puts me in the minority but I’m not a big DC fan anyway. I enjoyed Batman vs Superman, even with Ben Affleck but I also enjoyed Suicide Squad which also puts me in another minority group. I have not seen the Wonder Woman movie yet but I do believe all the glowing reviews the movie is receiving. I think Cyborg looks amazing but I’m a bigger fan of the Grant Gustin portrayal of Barry Allen and I’m still not really sold on Jason Momoa as Aquaman. This is a movie I will see as the DC nerd in me really wants to see a Justice League movie.
Release Date: November 17, 2017

Thor: Ragnarok

The first two Thor movies were mediocre. Well, I’ve heard the second movie wasn’t any better than the first as I still haven’t seen The Dark World. I think Ragnarok has the potential to break the cliché that sequels often get worse. The trailer actually looks pretty good and, again, I really love Mark Ruffalo as Bruce Banner. I think he gives Bruce Banner the same lovable demeanor Bill Bixby did back in the late 70’s and early 80’s. I feel like some of the actors from the first two films didn’t really fully embrace their characters, but now they are finally making them their own.
Release Date: November 3, 2017

Avengers: Infinity War [REMOVED]

There was a leaked trailer for the next Avengers movie but it seems to have vanished. Obviously they were not ready to leave it out there for everyone to see just yet. I did not get a chance to see this trailer before it was removed but I suspect we will see it in an official capacity soon. If you happened to see the footage, please leave your remarks about what you thought.
Release Date: May 4, 2018

film_reel“The screen is a magic medium. It has such power that it can retain interest as it conveys emotions and moods that no other art form can hope to tackle.”
– Stanley Kubrick


Happy Star Wars Day!!!

Star Wars DayAll the Trekkies and comic book fans are rolling their eyes right now. Yes, it is Star Wars Day! Those fans of inferior nerd cultures are green with envy because they lack a celebratory day. This year is especially significant as it is also the 40th anniversary of the film that changed our lives. There are usually several sales going on so I will try to update this post with links to those sales if/when I see them. Feel free to leave links to sales you have found in the comments.

I would also like to know how you are spending your Star Wars Day? I do have to work but the movies make great background noise (I’ve seen them all enough times I don’t need to see the screen to know what is going on). It’s also a good day to go back and watch The Last Jedi trailer again.

Star Wars Day Sales

Thinkgeek (some of the best geek stuff on the internet)
 Amazon (even Amazon is participating)
Target (20% off online today only)
Steam (of course Steam has some gaming deals!)


The Force. It calls to you. Just let it in.


Star Wars: Are The Jedi Really Ending?!?

Are The Jedi Really EndingSince the trailer for ‘The Last Jedi’ premiered everyone is losing their minds over Luke’s ominous words “… it’s time for the Jedi to end“. Between those words and the title of the movie, I can see how people are drawing that conclusion. Are the Jedi really ending? Has Luke gone to the Dark Side? Maybe Luke has lost his damn mind??! This is what is so much fun about watching the trailer; we will spend the next 240 days coming up with hypothesis after hypothesis. I am going to dive into some of the popular ones which intertwine with some of my theories. If you are reading this then I am going to assume you have seen The Force Awakens. I will mention some of the big spoilers of the movie to help augment my theories.

Theory 1: The Jedi Really Are Ending

Let’s consider the fact that Luke means exactly what he says. The Jedi are ending. No interpolation. No hidden meaning. Honestly this makes sense to me. The Sith have been destroyed. The Empire has been dismantled. What place do the Jedi have in the galaxy now? In 30 years the galaxy hasn’t really needed the Jedi. The Jedi are essentially like the French musketeers of the 1600s who were a private cavalry for the King. They were ineffective against Napoleon and ultimately disbanded. Without a purpose the Jedi have no reason to exist. Perhaps Luke knows this and, while also lamenting Ben Solo’s turn to the Dark Side, feels the Jedi Order is over.

What is the point of training new Jedi if they have no purpose? The New Republic fighters and military leaders prove they are quite capable of defending themselves against the First Order; despite the devastating loss of the Hosnian system. Clearly Luke feels he is not capable of effectively training new Jedi which, in his mind, don’t really serve a purpose anymore.

Theory 2: Luke Thinks He has Failed as a Jedi

After having failed to properly train Ben Solo, now Kylo Ren, he feels he has failed the Jedi Order, Leia and Han, and himself. He’s saying it’s time for the Jedi to end because he’s not going to train more and there is nobody else to carry that mantle. Everyone keeps focusing on the end of the quote but the full quote from the trailer is “I only know one truth; it’s time for the Jedi to end“. We don’t know the context in which he says that line. I imagine it’s something that occurs in a conversation not long after Rey’s arrival. I envision the interaction going something like this:

Rey: “The Resistance needs you. They need to know the truth.
Luke: “I only know one truth; it’s time for the Jedi to end

Perhaps Rey has already told Luke that Han is dead, killed by Kylo Ren. Luke feels responsible for his friend’s death because of Ben’s turn to the Dark Side and his obsession with Darth Vader. Perhaps if he hadn’t been so focused on rebuilding the Jedi, he could have prevented Han’s death and the rise of the First Order. However, something or someone, perhaps even Rey, convinces Luke that the Jedi should not end and the New Republic needs their protection once again.

If I were the director this is exactly what I would do. You use a line like “it’s time for the Jedi to end” in the trailer to tease your audience. I would want them all asking the question “are the Jedi really ending”? J.J. Abrams set this up perfectly; since Luke didn’t have any dialog we have no idea what his demeanor is. It creates the perfect enigmatic scenario.

Theory 3: Luke has Become the Elusive Gray Jedi

This is one of the most popular theories, and my favorite. It’s also probably the quintessential riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma. This is a theory that dates back to Return of the Jedi. If Luke actually is the one that will bring balance to the Force, a Gray Jedi is how that prophecy will be fulfilled. You cannot have order without chaos, therefore you cannot have balance without the Dark Side and the Light Side. A Gray Jedi can walk the line between both. Mace Windu is widely believed to also be a Gray Jedi as he has training in both the Dark Side and the Light Side of the Force. A Gray Jedi believes that there isn’t a Dark Side or a Light Side, there is just “the Force”.

So when Luke says “it’s time for the Jedi to end“, perhaps he means the traditional Jedi. Perhaps he’s referring to the dawn of the Gray Jedi where peace can only be maintained by embracing both sides of the Force (i.e. “it’s so much bigger”). Maybe it is the fate of the Skywalkers to become the Gray Jedi and it is time for younger blood to build a new Jedi Order. Remember these nine movies are considered the “Skywalker Saga” so the fate of Luke does not necessarily dictate the fate of the Jedi.


The Force. It calls to you. Just let it in.


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