A Geek's Cogitations, Conjectures and other Cortical Experiences

Tag: Gaming Page 17 of 28

The MMO Times: Huolon Is Mine!

huolon_mountIssue 106: Sorry for the boastful title, as I was finishing up this post, I happened to kill Huolon and the mount dropped. I was quite excited.

Player housing seems to be the theme in this issue. I’m curious if any of you have checked out the strongholds in SWTOR. This issue does seem to contain more headlines about WoW again, I guess because there isn’t much else going on right now. After a summer of silence coming from Blizzard, since the announcement of the expansion release date, there seems to be more to talk about.

As summer wanes and the kiddies return to school (which means trade chat will be mildly more intelligent during the day), we get ready for the fall content releases, expansions and new titles. As I said, lots of WoW stuff, but there is also a couple of interesting articles too (including Blizzard’s response to the Robin Williams NPC). Actually you might be surprised that there are just as many interesting things to read as there are game announcements so I hope you enjoy the slight change in content. Enjoy!!

WoW: Legendary Cloak Quest

anth_cloakLast night I finally completed the legendary questline to receive my legendary cloak on Quentyn (formally known as Anthonius). It’s the first time I have ever completed a current legendary quest line (did someone say Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker??) It is a very long series of quests with a couple of obnoxious grinds (depending on your luck and the RNG).

The obvious grinds are all the sigils, secrets and runestones you have to collect. If you are not lucky when it comes to RNG drops, these will take you the longest. In fact I had to wait until the Gaze of the Black Prince buff before I finally received the rest of my Titan Runestones. The Sigils are probably the least awful of the raid boss grinds, they seem to drop pretty regularly. The only redeeming factor is that you can collect the items by running LFR, but you get a chance at the item dropping only once per week from each boss (in the applicable dungeon). Your chances do improve, I believe, if you run a normal raid (10/25). Honestly, the 12 Titan Runestones was the longest grind for me.

The other “grind” may not actually be a grind for some, depending on your luck (or faction). You have to win two PvP battleground matches: a Temple of Kotmogu match and a Silvershard Mines match. Your luck on this part of the quest is probably going to depend on your server and your faction. I play mostly Alliance so you can imagine that winning any PvP match is a grind. I was lucky with Silvershard Mines, I won on the third match; but I think I played about a dozen Temple of Kotmogu matches before I finally got the win I needed. I understand why PvP is part of the quests, Blizzard wants a legendary item to include all facets of the game, but for those of us that are not really into PvP (and play Alliance), its a pretty frustrating part.

I think if Blizzard hadn’t given us the Gaze of the Black Prince buff I probably never would have completed the quests and received my Qian-Ying, Fortitude of Niuzao during this expansion. I do kind of wish I had done it earlier instead of just 3 months prior to Warlords of Draenor but I guess its better than 3 weeks before it. Now I just have to finally finish Siege of Orgrimmar (I still haven’t seen the Garrosh fight).

(BTW, while I was originally thinking there is no way I am going to repeat this process on another toon … I do actually feel slightly inclined to try to do it one more time since the buff lasts 10 more days)

The MMO Times: The Horde Is Coming!

Grommash HellscreamIssue 105: The world lost a wonderful and extraordinary soul this past week with the passing of comedian Robin Williams. His television shows and movies have been a part of my life since I was a kid and I feel utterly heartbroken by his passing, and even Blizzard responded to his death. RIP Oh Captain, My Captain! On a lighter note, Gamescom is happening this week in Germany. If anything noteworthy to the MMO community comes out of it, you should see something about it below.

Blizzard has finally released the official cinematic for Warlords of Draenor as well as the release date for the expansion. Bioware has some new things to show regarding the Dragon Age franchise and more about the Star Trek Online expansion that was announced last week. I’ll be honest, there is a lot about World of Warcraft in this issue because there are quite a few new details coming out about the upcoming expansion. There seems to be a lot more pomp and circumstance around the fifth expansion (probably because Blizzard has been bleeding subscribers). In any event, there are other things below that are not related to World of Warcraft. Enjoy!

Biggs On: Gunnars

gunnarsSince the first time I saw Gunnars at Micro Center I had wanted to try them out. Granted at the time I was wearing glasses so unless I was willing to pay the ridiculous price for prescription Gunnars, they would remain on the store shelves instead of beside my gaming peripherals. A few years later I had LASIK and it was worth every penny, of course the Gunnars would still have to wait since I just paid for the surgery.

So now we fast-forward to present day and I find some on sale on Amazon and it became time to try them out. They are supposed to help with eye strain and fatigue as well as help with dry eyes. A side effect of LASIK is dry eyes and I had chronic dry eyes prior to LASIK so anything to reduce how dry my eyes get is worth a try.

I’ve been using my Gunnars for about 3 weeks and so far they have been worth the investment. My eyes do seem less stressed and I do notice that they seem to dry out less through the day. I even think everything looks more crisp on the computer monitors. In fact not only have I been wearing them when I’m using my computer at home for video games, but I have brought them to work as well. Granted I have been called everything from “the biggest nerd in the office” to Bono from U2 but considering how much its been helping my eyes it doesn’t bother me in the slightest. Besides, why would I flinch when I’m called a nerd, isn’t it better just to embrace what I am?

You can get Gunnar’s without the yellow tint and still receive the benefit but they will cost more so if you don’t mind the yellow lenses, I’d recommend the cheaper pair. So if you have the means, keep an eye on Amazon because that’s where I found them at a discount and I would definitely recommend getting a pair especially if you are feeling any kind of eye fatigue or dryness after staring at the computer for long hours.

The MMO Times: Predicting WoD

warlords_patch_header_580Issue 104: Greetings Gamers! I can’t believe its already August and summer is nearly over. The daystar has only been cruel (for me) just a couple of times this summer. It has definitely been hotter in the past. So as the summer wanes we get ready for the fall festivities which includes Blizzcon 2014 and Football (not that black and white ball kind either – REAL Football)! I’ve tried to participate more in the beta invites I’ve received but its been difficult to find the time for beta testing between WoW, SWTOR, work, and real life. I do think that Heroes of the Storm will be a popular game for fans of that type of format. 

So what is exciting in this issue. There are talks of a genre conversion to MMO style for a popular title. There is some expansion news for STO, RIFT and of course WoW. In fact we are supposed to hear the official release date for Warlords of Draenor very soon. Speaking of World of Warcraft, the 10th year anniversary is coming up and Blizzard has some exciting plans in store for that! As summer wanes the gaming is heating up  so check out these headlines while you sit in that dungeon finder queue.

WoW: Thoughts On Garrisons

pax_east_garrison_580In my last MMO Times post I provided a link to an article that described the Garrisons feature of Warlords of Draenor to be “disappointing” (thus far). Assuming that Blizzard isn’t hindering folks from sharing their thoughts of the beta testing, and I’m currently in the beta, then I think its warranted for me to share my thoughts on Garrisons (as I have unlocked my garrison in the beta).

Blizzard did promise us the proverbial, yet elusive pony again with Garrisons. Originally they told players that your garrison can be placed in any zone of your choosing, however, thus far in the beta, that is not the case. Instead the garrison has been integrated into the main story line; granted I haven’t quested much beyond the first zone so I don’t know if your garrison can move or if, in the end, you can choose any place you want. You never know, that could be the case and Blizzard is using the main story line to familiarize the player with their garrison.

I have to admit, I am starting to like the garrisons more and more. The fact that you can recruit NPCs (some of which are familiar names) to be a follower and then send them on missions is very similar to the way you can utilize your companions in SWTOR. The biggest difference being that you cannot ask them to accompany you and fight at your side. You get a “garrison hearthstone” which is different then the normal hearthstone and does not have a cooldown (nor does it trigger the cooldown of the normal one). Granted this might be just a beta-only mechanic, I have no idea if that will change when the game goes live. This is especially handy when you need to return to your garrison immediately either to turn in a quest for more resources or to complete the quest your follower just returned from.

Also, during the time in which I was writing this post, a WoW Insider post had shown up with some additional details about garrisons. You may get the option to choose the style of your buildings as well as your guards depending on which of the vanilla reputations with whom you are exalted. I think this is really cool, though I don’t know if I trust my garrison to be properly protected by a bunch of gnomes in mechanical ostriches – my assailants may have too much fun punting my guards (j/k gnomes!!). Be that as it may, this is a great idea to finally utilize those vanilla reputations other than acquiring their mounts.

I think there is still a lot of potential for garrisons and I’m a little excited to see where they take them. I’m sure there will be many out there who will whine that garrisons are not more then they are but you can’t expect Blizzard to get it exactly the way you want it if you don’t lend them your mad programming skills!


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