A Geek's Cogitations, Conjectures and other Cortical Experiences

Tag: Gaming Page 12 of 28

The MMO Times: BB-8 Is Awesome!

bb8-tfaIssue 130: Greetings Gamers! BB-8, the new endearing droid from The Force Awakens trailer, captured the Internet’s heart this week as an app-controlled toy was unveiled. It’s a bit pricey ($150) but its so damn cool that it might be worth it. Hopefully there will still be some available around Christmas (*hint-hint*). Be that as it may, let’s get back to talking about games/gaming. We just had a 3-day weekend which means an extra day to game. What did you play for your extra day of indulgence?

The Labor Day weekend made for a pretty meager list of noteworthy headlines. Some upsetting news for those interested in the Pathfinder Online title; WildStar’s Free-2-Play version has some new updates. I even threw something in here about The Witcher 3. I found some news about a couple of titles we haven’t heard from in a while, and there’s more of course. So while your BB-8 is charging, check these out. KCGO.

The MMO Times: The DayStar Returns!

Daystar Burns Us!

Issue 129: The DAYSTAR Burns Us!! Just when you started to get a taste for mild temperatures, the DAYSTAR brings back the heat! (Well, that’s the case at my location, at least). Be that as it may, hot and muggy temperatures makes for great conditions to stay indoors and game! There isn’t to much going on. PAX Prime just ended and DragonCon is up next (starting on September 4th) down in Atlanta. 

There is some expansion talk in this issue and, believe it or not, it isn’t about WoW’s expansion. Guild Wars 2 and Destiny have some details regarding their respective expansions. Also, don’t forget, for you WoW players, that patch 6.2.2 went live this week and flying should now be enabled in Draenor (for those that completed the Pathfinder achievement). A StarCraft 2 announcement about … an announcement? Star Wars Battlefront news, and a few other things. The gaming news is a little slow lately. I think all the major stuff is kind of out there already now that we have had so many big conferences recently. The build-up to BlizzCon is next 🙂

He Kind of Has A Point

dr-evil-feelingsI know I troll social media a lot by posting meme’s and comments on hot topics to try to elicit cranial detonation, but this time I’m actually not trying to be a troll. Have you seen the video with Jimmy Kimmel criticizing YouTube latest “gaming” channel? He basically says that he doesn’t quite grasp the appeal of watching other people play video games, live. I have watched my fair share of live streams but I don’t need a whole product built on that concept.

In other words, I agree with Kimmel.

Most of you know that I am an avid gamer, but I watch a lot of sports on TV, especially during football season. I agree that watching someone play video games is not the same as watching live sporting events. If I could watch every football game on every Sunday, I would (and I kind of achieve that watching NFL Red Zone). I have tried watching some live streaming and its boring as hell (unless I actually know the people playing the games in the stream). My least favorite event at conferences like Gamescom and BlizzCon is the live stream raiding and/or pvp events. I have no interest, whatsoever, of Method’s attempt to be the best at the top level and most difficult raid. Someone please bludgeon me with a golf club.

I would rather smash a hole in the wall, with my face. Patch it. Watch the joint compound dry. Paint it. Watch the paint dry, than watch a live stream of some XBox or MMO raid/group event.

Apparently the video, on YouTube (ironically), recieved 60,000 dislikes and 5,000 likes. I should go make it 5,001 🙂

minion_keboard_smI could get so much more accomplished if I only had minions!

Biggs On: Laptops

broken-surface-2-appleI know, why would I write an opinion post on something that has been around for 40 years??! Since the birth of the iPad technology has been trending away from the nostalgic old desktop PC. Tablets and laptops (and other forms of mobile devices) are becoming more popular by the hour. The truth is, I’m not really a fan of laptops. Sure I use a laptop for work because it’s easier as a consultant to have your trusty computer with you when you need it, but work is the only occasion where I feel like having one is warranted.

My home PC is a custom built desktop. The key word there is custom. I like knowing exactly what is in my computer and I like that I am the person that put it there. I have never bought a mass manufactured desktop PC (emphasis on PC, because I do own a Mac-Mini). I have never needed a reason to buy a laptop to use as my primary computer. Granted, I do have a laptop that I take with me on extended vacations, but when I’m home I will only use my desktop; and to be honest I think I would be just fine without one while on vacation. I typically spend more time doing touristy stuff or reading books when I’m on vacation. If I want to look something up when I’m away from the computer, I reach for my iPad and thus have never wished it were a laptop.

The two primary functions of my home computer is for gaming and programming. Honestly I just think using a desktop is the best hardware for both of these functions. Granted a laptop can be used for software development (obviously since I use one for that purpose at work), but it needs to be a fairly well specced laptop, one I definitely couldn’t afford on my own (which is why I make sure I take very good care of the one provided to me from my employer). How people use laptops for gaming (especially MMOs) is almost beyond my capacity, unless they are plugging peripherals in. They almost have to be using an unattached keyboard and mouse, I just don’t see how any other configuration would be efficient and comfortable. In fact, when I am using a laptop, I always try to plug in a keyboard and mouse if its possible because I don’t like typing on most laptop keyboards and I loathe the touch pad.

I know people make it work somehow and that’s fine, as far as I’m concerned. My desktop is like a muscle car, I like to beef it up, make it glow. I want it to have presence <insert manly Tim Taylor grunts>. But to each their own.


[P.S. The Surface Pro laptops look awful and make laptops even less endearing; I’d rather have an Etch-a-Sketch.]

The MMO Times: Tom Brady Sucks!!

lord-belichick-3Issue 128: Yes, I know, the title has absolutely  nothing to do with MMOs or gaming (unless you to make the gentle leap to Madden NFL), but I like to take any opportunity to express my unrelenting disdain for Tom Brady (and Bill Belichick). I’m sorry that I may have subjected you to unrelated editorial venting, especially if you are not a football fan (which is a travesty). Be that as it may, we are here to talk about gaming, our love of gaming, and why gaming will, one day, save mankind (i.e. Ender’s Game).

Quick PSA for those playing WoW (so skip if you don’t care): If you haven’t heard, patch 6.2.2 will be released September 1st (next Tuesday). I believe this is the patch that will contain the world event that will link Warlords of Draenor to Legion. So prepare to be invaded (although I’m sure Illidan believes you are not prepared)!squirrel

I really do enjoy writing these posts and I hope there are people that enjoy reading them, even if its only one or two of you. I love finding the really fun and/or obscure headlines to stick in from time to time, hence the Halo headline in this issue. And the one about Duck Hunt. Oh, and the SlightlyImpressive machinima! I know, I’m easily amused and often distra … SQUIRREL!


Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

The MMO Times: Back to School

Rogue One Cast Issue 127: Greetings again, gamers!! I hope everyone had a lovely summer as, by now, kids are returning to school which means the malls and trade chat are safe once again during the day. The news of the impending fall season isn’t all bad as that also means football season is upon us! I hope I have some exiting things for you to read about in this issue, as I know its going to be difficult to top the past two issues with all the Legion goodies and Gamescom news. Although there were some pretty sexy geek announcements at Disney’s D23 Expo (such as the announcement of the Rogue One movie cast as seen in the image above). 

In any event, I have some things to talk about other than the new WoW expansion (though there are one or two headlines in here about Legion and/or WoW). Actually there are a couple of titles that haven’t been in the news much lately such as The Secret World, Elder Scrolls Online, ArcheAge, to name a few. I had to include the headline about the sweet new PS4 coming out this fall (once you see the article, you will know why). There is more BlizzCon news to read about, which is probably the next big gamer conference we are all excited to see. Beyond more Legion news, I hope we hear more about Overwatch (such as when the beta’s start). Enjoy. KCGO.

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