A Geek's Cogitations, Conjectures and other Cortical Experiences

Tag: Gaming Page 10 of 28

The MMO Times: RIP Snape and Jareth

MMO Times Honors the Late David Bowie and Alan Rickman

David Bowie (left) and Alan Rickman as Hans Gruber (right)

Issue 139: Cancer Sucks! We lost two icons this week to cancer’s wickedness. There was nobody else in the world that would have been a better cast as Snape, although many of us probably remember him better as Hans Gruber; and who could forget Jareth the Goblin King and his “Magic Dance“. May Alan Rickman and David Bowie Rest In Peace. Sadness aside, while we silently mourn these two irreplaceable entertainers lets check out some gaming headlines that will hopefully lighten our moods.

There are a couple of posts that are not directly related to any title but they are crucial aspects of typical game-play, you all know how I like to change things up from time-to-time. There is news about a new game launch this week (a little game called Blade & Soul) and a contagious opinion piece on Star Wars The Old Republic. So while the “white death” (that’s snow for you non-Cincinnatians) keeps you in-doors, check out these headlines. KCGO.

The MMO Times: It’s 2016, Let’s Get Our Game On!!

Find the PandarenIssue 138: Greetings and welcome to 2016! Isn’t it funny to think that a little over 16 years ago we were all freaking out because Y2K was going to destroy the world? Silly humans. Oh, and speaking of silly humans, what is with the “find the panda” bit going around Facebook? I couldn’t resist using the above image from a World of Warcraft tweet.

I hope all of you had a great Christmas and didn’t kill to many brain cells on New Years Eve. 2016 is going to be a pretty big year for gaming, I think, especially if you are a fan of Blizzard titles; we are sure to see a couple of those this year.

I apologize if you are not really a fan of World of Warcraft because with Legion coming out this year you can imagine there will be several headlines pertaining to WoW in the upcoming issues. I will still attempt to keep the title diverse so other readers still have something interesting to read. For instance how about a post about Rise of the Tombraider coming to PC or new content news for SWTOR.

The MMO Times: Returns in 2016

Greetings Readers,

Since Thanksgiving ended life has been a flurry of activities. Traveling home, decorating for Christmas, arranging a meet and greet with Santa, buying Christmas gifts, starting at a new client, etc. etc. etc. I have tried to put together the next issue/post but I just haven’t had the time to do the research.
Therefore I have decided that I am going to postpone writing the next post until January so I can remove one activity from my list of things to try to keep up on (not that anyone is forcing me to write them). If you want to try to keep up with news during the next couple of weeks, here are the sites I normally pull from:

2016 is going to be a big year, especially for those that are fans of Blizzard games so I’m sure there won’t be any shortage of noteworthy headlines to share. So until next year …

Merry Christmas from The MMO Times

… and a safe and Happy New Year!


The MMO Times is a post I put together periodically of different MMO/gaming news articles that I think are interesting, fun and/or exciting. If you are interested in receiving these posts in an e-mail please click here to subscribe.

The MMO Times: Wil Wheaton. Best. Host. Ever.

MMO Times Thinks Wil Wheaton Was The Best Blizzcon HostIssue 137: Now that BlizzCon is over we can all start thinking about Thanksgiving and Christmas; after all we need something to keep us distracted while we wait for all the new goodies to be launched (or while we wait for our beta invites). I’ve decided to stop using Star Wars pictures for featured images and the header (unless the content of the post warrants it). Clearly I’ve made my excitement known, and honestly, while my excitement for The Force Awakens hasn’t waned in the slightest, after BlizzCon my gamer geek is equally as excited.

Beyond what was announced at BlizzCon, what else could be going on out there in the gaming world. I did provide a link to a BlizzCon recap that you can check out to see what you may have missed, or just to rekindle those feelings in your special places about the new content. Another game is getting a possible movie deal (I don’t know why). If you are a visual effects geek then you should check out the article about Moonlight Blade. The Secret World has unlocked some new content and there is a trekkie charity opportunity. KCGO

Let My Home Be My Garrison

pax_east_garrison_580Will there be no love lost between players and their garrisons when Legion comes out, or will folks, like me, lament leaving their garrison back on Draenor? Actually, I take that back, I will not be leaving my garrison in the dust, to be forgotten like Sunsong Ranch. The garrison is a gold farm. If all you do is send your out followers just to sell whatever they bring back, and harvest your ore and herbs, only to vendor it, those small amounts will add up quickly.

I kind of wonder if Blizzard expects people to do this since they gave us a separate hearthstone specifically for our garrison. I really don’t think the garrison was a bad idea, I rather enjoyed my private little area carved out of the world. It was the closest thing we had to player housing. Unless BlizzCon proves to me that Class Halls will be a much more interesting experience than my garrison, I can’t see myself spending a lot of time there.

murlocI don’t play on an RPG server nor do I really RPG anymore but I can see how the garrison would even appeal to someone that does take the extra initiative to RPG with their characters. Why go back to a main city or a “class hall” at the end of an adventure when you can return to a garrison with your trophies and monuments on display and an army of followers awaiting their next mission from their General?

I’m curious what the rest of you think. Will you keep returning to your garrison in Legion or do you think Class Halls will give you a new home to hearth to?

Should WoW Go Free-To-Play?

In my last MMO Times post there is a link to an article about Blizzard reporting the WoW subscriptions dropping to 5.5 million. The main point of the article isn’t about this drop in subscriptions but Blizzard’s announcement that it will be the last time they will disclose subscription numbers. This seems to have started a whirlwind of conspiracy theories. One theory in particular is that WoW is going Free-2-Play:


If you recognize Adam Holisky, he’s one of the bloggers for Blizzard Watch (formally WoW Insider) but that doesn’t mean he has some inside knowledge. I think he’s just making an educated guess as to why Blizzard decided to stop reporting subscription numbers. There isn’t, to my knowledge, any evidence that gives this hypothesis any credence but if it were to happen he will have the right to say “First!”.

I’m doubtful that Blizzard will actually make WoW Free-2-Play. I’ll be honest, as much as I think it would be nice not to have to continue paying that subscription fee, I’m more of the opinion that WoW should continue with the subscription model. I’ve played games that started as a subscription and switched to a F2P model and you wouldn’t believe the trolls and troglodytes that swarm the servers. If you think the trolls (that pay to be there) are bad in Trade Chat in WoW, imagine what it will be like when they don’t have to pay money to make your life hell.

If Blizzard did make WoW Free-2-Play I can’t imagine it would be the only model; I can seem them going with a F2P model and a paid subscription model (much like other titles are using). I would almost want strict public channel and auction house rules such as a “Trade Channel” a F2P account cannot enter or an auction house that is separate from those with a subscription, because we already have people that make it a goal to ruin the economic value of the auction house by intentionally undercutting the lowest buy-out.

Blizzard has adamantly said they will not go Free-2-Play, but Bioware said the same thing and less than a year later changed their minds. Granted WoW has had a 10 year run, more than any other MMO game out there and leaking subscriptions is just part of the life cycle of any game. It could be that instead of trying to compare WoW to their other games, they are just going to report the overall health of Blizzard and Blizzard titles as a whole.

It’s an interesting theory and definitely a “watercooler topic” but I’m not going to hold my breath.

/For The Alliance!

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