A Geek's Cogitations, Conjectures and other Cortical Experiences

Tag: coronavirus

Sick and Tired of Covid

Yes, I’m kind of going for the pun in the title there. Covid makes you “sick” and fatigue is a symptom, get it? Never mind, levity is my defense mechanism and this isn’t the time for jokes. It hasn’t been that long since my last covid post and I usually space them out more, but there’s a reason. This will be the last time I write specifically about this pandemic. I’m not writing a satirical post; I am sick and tired of covid, but not for the reasons one might think.

Obviously I don’t want people getting sick anymore, even if its only 4% of the population. I’m also tired of worrying about day care, and school and going shopping. This goes beyond the illness itself. I’m tired of the arguing and fighting.

Fear is the Mind-Killer

A 900 year old Jedi Master once said “Fear leads to Anger, Anger leads to Hate”. I feel like there was a lot of effort up front to instill fear in all of us. Some folks are still afraid. Some folks are more angry than afraid. Perhaps all this fear and anger is why there is so much hate in the country right now. I’m tired of the fear. I’m tired of worrying about my friends and family when they travel. Are they being safe? Are the other folks around them being safe? I’m tired of the sleepless nights that result the 10-14 days following their return.

I’m tired of the arguing and fighting over masks and testing and spikes. You have an expert that tells you one thing but I have an expert that contradicts your expert. I mostly abide by the rules and suggestions of the CDC, you march to the beat of your own drum, and yet we both remain unaffected. Who and what are we supposed to believe???

There is so much uncertainty right now that I get why some are just ready to risk it all. When I look at the statistics I’m even beginning to feel a bit disillusioned by the need for all the extra precaution. Granted it could be geography; other parts of the country are experiencing the pandemic differently. Regardless, I apologize if I’ve lectured you or made a diatribe against your choices. I’m hoping we are in the waning hours of this pandemic and 2021 will be a year for healing (literally and figuratively).

Be safe my friends.



I could accomplish so much moreĀ if I only had minions!


Covid Containment – By The Numbers

So we’re at day … I don’t know, 70-something. Honestly, I’ve stopped counting. In fact, I’ve turned a deaf ear to nearly everything covid related mentioned in the news. I do appreciate that the local news station is now calling the update segment “The Recovery” after so many weeks of “The Coronavirus”. I keep scrolling past anything that appears doom and gloom on social media. There are too many people out there that are suddenly virologists and biology pundits. It’s sickening (pun intended). I hate to break it to you, but …


There are memes that I see often stating that less than 0.1% of the population has been infected. This is why you can’t trust memes. I am not a biologist nor a virologist but I do know how to do basic math (and a Google search). As of May 23rd:

  • There are approximately 1.8 million confirmed cases in the US (I saw this number on a local FOX affiliate station).
  • As of 2019, there are approximately 328 million Americans (Google search).
  • BY THE NUMBERS that’s 0.54% (1.8 / 328 x 100)! Granted that is still less than 1% but keep in mind, that’s confirmed cases.

Unless every single person is getting tested (which is impossible) then the only number you can use is the approximate confirmed cases. It wouldn’t surprise me if there are asymptomatic people walking around. Statistically speaking, there are probably 100’s of thousands more people with the virus that are not showing signs. My wild ass guess is that we’re probably closer to about 1% of the population with the virus. Thus enters the mask debate.

The Masks We Wear

Am I advocating that we should all be wearing masks? Not really. In the spirit of full disclosure, I’ve only worn a mask twice during all of lockdown (as of the date of this post). My reason for not wearing a mask is simply that I didn’t want to. If a place, such as CostCo, requires patrons to wear a mask, then I will wear one in compliance with store policy. When I finally get my hair cut, I’ll wear a mask in compliance with store policy. However, I’ve never worn one when I’ve gone to Kroger. I’ve only worn it once when I’ve gone to Target.

On the other hand, I rarely leave the house without a mask. I carry it with me. If the place looks rather crowded or I know I’ll be going somewhere that requires it, then I have a mask to put on. Mask, or no mask, I will practice proper distancing and try not to touch my face (or sneeze, or cough). I’m not sick nor have I ever felt sick the entire time we’ve been locked down. The same goes for everyone living in my house. I rarely left the house (other than to go jogging) for about 6 weeks of the lockdown so I doubt I was ever near sick people. I have a fairly robust immune system so the biggest threat I pose is that I could be one of those asymptomatic people. Then again, nobody I’ve been around has shown symptoms after the fact.

If I’m an insensitive prick because I don’t wear one 100% of the time, I’m OK with that. I’ll still sleep at night. The opinions of other people mean very little to me (after all opinions are like assholes, everyone has one and they all stink). If only 1% of the population actually has the virus, I’m willing to play the odds. So wear a mask or don’t wear a mask, it doesn’t matter to me. I’m not going to scoff those that wear a mask nor am I going to make a fuss if someplace requires it.

Maybe this rant is just the cabin fever talking.

Be that as it may. One thing I will make abundantly clear. THIS WILL NOT BE THE NEW NORM! All of this is just temporary, preventative measures. A year or two from now we will romanticize how we all survived the “Pandemic of 2020” (while shaking hands and hugging).


duke-nukem-sm If zombies attack the world, everyone will run and hide. Except for us gamers, of course. We’ve been waiting for this all our lives!


Covid Containment – Day 40(ish)

The days and weeks blend together so much it’s difficult to remember specifically when this all began. The impact can still be felt as the lack of personal space continues to exacerbate tempers. I’m all about more family time but, even as adults, we need a little bit of time apart. Coincidentally that was the benefit going to work provides. There seems to be a glimmer of light indicating the end of the tunnel; however I’m trying not to get my hopes up.

“Control. You Must Learn Control.”

The promise of reopening the states is encouraging, but also feels premature. It’s a very delicate balance. If you open to early you will see the virus spread again. If you wait too long, the economy, and all the people, will continue to suffer. Personally I think I’ve become less concerned about the health and safety of my family. We are adjusting well to stay safe. Now I worry about the economic impact. I have friends and family who cannot work right now. Their lives are, essentially, on hold with an uncertain future. I’m worrying about things I cannot control.

In the immortal words of Baz Luhrmann “worrying is as effective as trying to solve an algebra equation by chewing bubble gum”. I cannot, singlehandedly, fix the economy. It’s hard to read about some of my favorite places suffering under the pressure of the lockdowns. The zoo. Movie theaters. Restaurants. As crass as I come off to friends, family and co-workers, deep down I worry about all those strangers who are unemployed.

I know its been said, ad nauseam, that “we will get through this“. Despite how hyperbolic that seems, we will survive this together. Perhaps this experience is a test or an enlightenment. Perhaps this is teaching everyone that, despite our differences, we are all in this together. It doesn’t matter what you believe to help you cope. Prayer. Moxie. Hope. Personally, I’m using all of these; especially hope.

Hope is the quintessential human emotion, and the strongest one we have. When this is all over, I hope we will treat each other with more respect. I hope we will cherish those moments when we can shake hands and hug. Perhaps the divine purpose in all of this, is to bring us all closer together, without a mandatory lockdown. I hope.

Please be smart and stay safe.


duke-nukem-sm If zombies attack the world, everyone will run and hide. Except for us gamers, of course. We’ve been waiting for this all our lives!


Covid Containment – Week 3

Is anybody still out there? It’s been a fortnight since we all holed up in our homes. We are several days into our “stay at home” order. Only essential errands are allowed, however outdoor exercise is still permitted. In fact the only reason I leave the house is to go out for a run. It sucks to be stuck in the house as the temperatures start getting warmer. The funny thing is I probably still wouldn’t go anywhere even if we weren’t ordered to stay at home. Perhaps the zoo I guess. Nice weather makes running more enjoyable. We can open the windows, provided someone with the virus doesn’t walk up and sneeze through the screen. Oh, and grilling season is starting!

Going Stir Crazy?

They are not practicing proper social distancing!

I always work from home, so that doesn’t feel different. However having everyone home when I’m working is a new challenge. I’m a creature of routine and I don’t like forced changes to my routine. I have a six year old who has also been forced out of her routine, so that adds a new level of excitement. I think we’re adjusting fine.

Supposedly kids can return to school in two weeks. I’m not convinced that will actually happen. As much as I try to avoid watching the news, I have heard that the virus hasn’t peaked yet, however they are expecting it soon. I think the next two weeks might be the best indicator as to how effective the containment efforts have been. The next two weeks may also determine how much longer we can expect everything to be shut down.

In fact I still don’t know anyone, personally, that has the virus. I guess that means everyone I know is smart enough to know that this is serious. I still hear stories of people gathering at parks or friends homes. It doesn’t make sense that people still refuse to adhere to the CDC containment guidelines. Isn’t it better to err on the side of caution.

Now I know why Negan was so pissed.

Please people, be smart and stay safe.

duke-nukem-sm If zombies attack the world, everyone will run and hide. Except for us gamers, of course. We’ve been waiting for this all our lives!


Covid Containment – Day 4

We are four days into “social distancing” (if you exclude the weekend). We only go to the store if its necessary. So far the cases in the city seem to be outside our area but I don’t expect that to last very long. Thankfully none of us are showing symptoms but that doesn’t mean the stress isn’t starting to get to me. Either the stress is going to kill me or my wife will as my temper has been short and explosive lately. I don’t know if its stress from uncertainty or from the disruption in my routine. Probably both.

So far I don’t know anyone, personally, that has contracted the virus. I worry about my folks and other friends and family that fall into the “at risk” demographic. I hope that they take the necessary precautions. You don’t have to live in fear but don’t be so obtuse to confuse fear with common sense. The standard flu is absolutely no fun, and this is far worse and more contagious than the flu. Why would you be so careless?

Home Schooling and Exercising

The other challenge about this pandemic isolation is that we get to be teachers for a few weeks. I have new respect for Kindergarten teachers. They have skills for teaching kids that I will never have; like patience. I don’t know how they can convince a 5 year old to do her school work when all she wants to do is play with her toys. Granted we are only a couple days into this; I’m hoping this will get easier. I think it will get easier as a new routine develops (for the short term).

Regardless of the situation, I’m still finding time to exercise. As long as the weather is nice, and nobody in the house is symptomatic, I go for a run. This flu is only airborne up to 6 feet, and there’s no walls, door knobs or handrails on the sidewalks. As long as someone with the flu doesn’t run up and cough in my face, outdoor exercise is safe.

Outdoor, large gatherings, is NOT safe; yet some people are still doing it. If this flu turned people into zombies, this would be just like The Walking Dead. The only positive of that scenario is at least the idiots would be the first to die off. I know, at first, we all scoffed at the coronavirus, but it’s not as funny anymore. Even churches are closing and cancelling services. Its much more serious than we think and I think the mayors, governors and president are not trying to scare us; they’re trying to protect us.

Be smart and stay safe, people.

duke-nukem-sm If zombies attack the world, everyone will run and hide. Except for us gamers, of course. We’ve been waiting for this all our lives!


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