A Geek's Cogitations, Conjectures and other Cortical Experiences

Category: Movies Page 20 of 24

Star Wars: Let’s Keep the Expectations Realistic

Star Wars The Force Awakens - Kylo RenThis should be declared “Star Wars Week”. If someone hasn’t done that already, then I’m declaring it despite the fact that I do not have the clout nor the viral influence to make it official. So, with that said, lets get on with it.

The obvious reason I would make such a declaration is the release of the seventh installment of the most beloved Star Wars franchise. I am beyond excited for the movie’s launch and I don’t even have a ticket to see it yet. I’m just excited for the continuation of the story and the characters that I have loved since I was a child. All the hype, however, does have me a little worried. I hope folks are not expecting this movie to be a cinematic masterpiece, especially those folks that are not big Star Wars fans like the rest of us.

I don’t have any inside knowledge, nor do I know J.J. Abrams or Kathleen Kennedy personally, but I’m still pretty sure neither one of them are trying to release the next Gone With the Wind or Titanic. Abrams just wants to tell the next chapter in the story. I think it would be pretty naive to expect this movie to be considered for a “Best Picture” Oscar. I’m certainly not expecting it (I am, however, expecting perhaps some technical Oscar nominations). I am also expecting it to have some pretty huge box office numbers (but that should be obvious to anybody).

In the end, folks, remember, it’s just Star Wars so keep your expectations realistic. It’s going to be science fiction, it’s going to have something that will appeal to children, there will probably be plots within plots. It’s not a biopic, it’s not based on true events, it’s not going to adhere to the laws of Physics, its fantasy. In other words, don’t read what the critics say, just go see it for yourself and remember, it’s just a movie (although for most of us, it’s much more than “just a movie” 🙂 )


Will J.J. Abrams Succeed?

3p0-and-r2We are three months away from the release of Star Wars: The Force Awakens. Millions of Star Wars fans are waiting with bated breath for the epic release of the first film in the franchise that doesn’t include George Lucas (whether you love him or hate him). Of course the thought on everyone’s mind is “will it be good or will it suck”. Obviously everyone immediately thinks about the prequels and how easily those movies are shredded and belittled. The difference this time is we have J. J. Abrams telling the story.

bb-8Personally I don’t think it’s going to matter what the critics think. Star Wars is “critic-proof”. Yes, I just said the one phrase that all movie critics hate (pundits and amateurs). All the Star Wars movies are more than just a movie. Every movie is adding lore to a subculture that has existed for almost 40 years. It’s a subculture that thrived before Facebook, Twitter, even e-mail could influence our opinion before we saw it for ourselves. Social media has become so integral in our world that people are now going to movies with their opinions already mired by trolls and haters.

I have faith in J. J. Abrams. I thought he did well with the two Star Trek movies and I’m even starting to develop a little confidence in Disney (after all they also own most of the Marvel movies as well). Granted Abrams has had a few projects fail (ex: Revolution, Alcatraz) but he has had quite a few big successes (i.e. Alias, Lost, Fringe, and the aforementioned Star Trek movies). I’m excited. Really excited. Abrams has the right amount of geek in him to satisfy our hopes. We will know soon.


Too Much Star Wars?

master-lukeI know that is a surprising title coming from me, but hopefully that is what grabbed your attention. Let’s recap. There are 6 movies now. Episode VII is pretty much wrapped up. VIII and IX are in the works. The Rogue One movie cast has been announced. We have Star Wars Rebels and Star Wars Droid Tales animated series. There are rumors, still circulating, of Boba Fett and Han Solo spin off movies. Then, of course, there are the plethora of video games. We have been inundated with Star Wars since Disney took over, which is pretty much what Disney does. We know that it won’t end as long as people keep tweeting about it, posting on Facebook about it and buying memorabilia (guilty!) So is it too much Star Wars?

Right now any Trekkie reading this is vehemently screaming “YES” (complete with Daniel Bryan arm gesture). In fact there are probably quite a few Star Wars “fans” that also agree probably since The Phantom Menace. Personally, I’m not there yet. I am very excited for The Force Awakens. I’m actually even a little excited for Rogue One (especially since the great Alan Tudyk will be in it). I’m on the fence about the whole Boba Fett/Han Solo spin-offs but we’ll see how that plays out.

Then there is the Star Wars parks that Disney also announced because, again, that’s what Disney does, build parks. Therein lies the real conundrum. The rational side of me is thinking, a Star Wars theme park probably isn’t necessary. The idea is cool as hell, but economically it seems like a bad business venture. Of course there is every ounce of my inner child screaming “I wanna go! I wanna go!” so if the park(s) is/are actually built, and it doesn’t cost a small fortune, I definitely hope to arrange at least one visit, you know, for the kids!

So for now I guess I’m not feeling all that overwhelmed. Actually I’m rather enjoying all the love that Star Wars is getting right now. For years we have endured so many Star Trek movies and television series, while Star Wars sat silently in the background, that its about time the best science-fiction drama gets some deserved time in the lime light. So go watch tribble mating rituals on your holodecks while getting wasted on Romulan ale if you don’t like it! 🙂


P.S. By the way, Star Wars Rebels … really good! You should watch it!

Ruminations of a Die Hard Fanboy


Cast of 2009 film Fanboys

When I was ten years old I saw Star Wars for the first time and from that moment on there was no turning back. I remember when I was in my teens and my grandma once remarked “remember this because eventually I will grow out of it”. Sorry grandma, its 20 years later and I’m a bigger Star Wars nerd now than I was yesterday and the day before that … and the day before that. I love all the movies; and I mean ALL the movies. 1-6.

Why do I like the prequels, you ask? The reason is simple – because its Star Wars.

I had a conversation with a friend of mine about the movies and prequels recently. When I gave him the reason I enjoyed the prequels his response was “That’s awful”. I laughed. He isn’t a fan of the prequels, and I know there are hundreds and thousands of TOT (that’s my acronym for The Original Trilogy) that do not like the prequels. It occurred to me then that I believe there are two kinds of fans out there. Fans of the Star Wars movies and fans of the Star Wars Universe. I am the latter.

You see I liked the prequels because of the music, the characters, the history of the characters, the planets, the lore, the ships, and how all those things are part of this massive, albeit imaginary, universe. I do recognize that all three prequels were deeply flawed (i.e. Jake Lloyd, Hayden Christensen, Jar Jar Binks) but that hasn’t changed the fact that I still enjoy watching all six movies equally when I need to get my Star Wars nerd-fix. If I can’t get my fix from watching one of the movies, then I will get it from one of many other sources (by the way the books for the prequels are actually quite good).

I’ve noticed that most people that fall under the Star Wars movie fans are likely making comparisons between the prequels and TOT and, obviously, siding with the originals. I can respect their opinion, despite the 35 years of changes in technology and film-making. It’s interesting to ponder if TOT would be different if they had been made within the past 10 years and would they still have the same cult following. Be that as it may, I imagine the interest in Star Wars ends at the movies for those that are fans of the movies. I’m probably being a little presumptuous when I say those that are simply fans of the movies probably haven’t read any of the books, Essential Guides, Steve Sansweet‘s Encyclopedia, or played many of the games; all of which expand on the lore and add depth to the universe.

So the question on everyone’s mind now is will J.J. Abrams redeem Lucas from the prequels (especially among the haters)? I do not think there is a better person to direct 7, 8 & 9 (with the possible exception of Irvin Kershner but he’s kind of dead). I base that opinion on the fact that I enjoyed both Star Trek movies he has recently completed. I can tell you now, I already love The Force Awakens 🙂

P.S. Why is it that none of the Trekkies whine so much about any of their movies and TV series? Are they not as passionate? Or are they just better fans? 😉


The Force Awakens Trailer #2

Unless you have been living under a rock, you should have heard that the newest teaser trailer has been officially released. One of the local news anchors said he feels like he’s 9 years old again after watching this trailer, and I have to agree with him. Granted when he was 9 the first Star Wars movie was coming out and when I was 9, it had already been out for 12 years. Be that as it may, it still doesn’t change the fact that I also feel like I’m 9 years old again after watching this trailer; especially at the very end of the trailer.

In case you haven’t seen it yet, I am going to put it right here:

Movie Review: Ender’s Game

enders-gameMy Rating: [rating=5]

Starring: Asa Butterfield, Harrison Ford, Sir Ben Kingsley

Plot: I’m not going to go into the plot much because I encourage you to read the book. The book is amazing and pretty much my all time favorite book. Andrew Ender Wiggin is a prodigy. He has the ability to counter nearly any enemy attach, and he’s only 11 years old. His remarkable abilities attract the attention of military leader Colonel Graff who believes that Ender may be Earth’s last hope against an alien attack, but first Ender must complete Battle School to receive the proper training.

Biggs’ Synopsis: As an avid fan of the book, I was pretty apprehensive about the movie. Everyone knows that Hollywood loves to destroy a good book (ex: Eragon). I know the author, Orson Scott Card, was standing between Hollywood and the making of this movie, leaving all of us anxiously awaiting the day when the movie will finally be made. Personally, we were not disappointed. I think the movie was great! It stayed fairly true to the book and I think it nailed Ender’s philosophy. There are a few sub-plots the movie leaves out, but it doesn’t really take away from the main story. I do wish they had spent more time on the battle room where we really got to see Ender’s abilities shine.

Also, the soundtrack is amazing! I bought it immediately after watching the movie and have already listened to it numerous times. If you haven’t read the book, do that first. Seriously, don’t watch the movie until you have read the book. If you have read it and are reluctant to see the movie, I would still encourage you to see it. If you are not the kind of person that can take the time to read the book, then go ahead and see this movie (but I would still strongly urge you to read the book).


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