A Geek's Cogitations, Conjectures and other Cortical Experiences

Category: MMO Times Page 10 of 25

MMO Times: Post-Blizzcon

mmotimesheaderIIIssue 92: Sorry for the lengthy delay; between work, the website becoming compromised and various other IRL stuff I haven’t been able to post a recent MMO Times. The hidden benefit though is that now that Blizzcon is over you know there should be plenty to talk about *cough*garrisons*cough*. MMO-Champion is probably going to get a lot of love in this issue because they seem to have the best overview of all that came out of Blizzcon this year. Therefore, if you are curious about what is new with World of Warcraft then I would recommend reading the headlines/posts in this issue from MMO-Champion.

I didn’t just find articles about what Blizzard announced and revealed at Blizzcon so don’t go anywhere. There are plenty of other things happening to read about. In fact if you stick around you will see that a new event will be starting for Final Fantasy XIV players as well as the next iteration for Marvel Heroes (which provides some godly, and demi-godly, additions). Plus Trion teases players with some recent domain registration activity. Read on and game on, friends.

The MMO Times: I Wanna Be Like Wedge

mmotimesheaderIIIssue 91: Greetings Ghoulish Gamers! Halloween is just around the corner, do you have all your ghoulish plans ready to go? Perhaps your plans involve a little gaming while the kids are out getting their trick-or-treating on; or perhaps you have to man the door waiting for the arrival of this years lot of cosplay potentials? If sugar-seeking rugrats are keeping you from your favorite MMO, perhaps you will be able to check out these headlines (from your handy smart phone or tablet) while you wait.

There is an update coming to SWTOR that many players have been talking about since the games launch. There are also a couple of Blizzard announcements that pertain to more then just World of Warcraft. Some updates coming for FFXIV, Neverwinter’s first event, and other news. So eat some of that candy you’re handing out (you paid for it anyway) and read on! And try not to scare the kiddies!

The MMO Times: Oktoberfest *burp* Edition

mmotimesheaderIIIssue 90: Guten Tag! I hope all of you have had a safe and fun Oktoberfest this year! I know here we had a visit from Star Trek’s Captain Sulu to lead off our local brewfest. Anyone else have any interesting Oktoberfest stories? Hopefully you didn’t stay indoors and play GTAV the whole time. While you will always be able to come back and wreck havoc in Los Santos, you won’t always be able to go out and enjoy some awesome beer until next year. Be that as it may, here are some headlines that you may have missed as a result of your drunken stupor.

Despite my lengthy absence from posting the next issue, there doesn’t seem to be a lot happening anyway. BlizzCon is the next most notable conference coming up so theories and whispers have begun to float around regarding Blizzards current and upcoming titles. Some sad news about Warhammer Online, another Blizzard trademark foreshadowing, and other patch and expansion news for our favorite games.

The MMO Times: Not A Stack of Peacebloom

mmotimesheaderIIIssue 89: The Siege of Orgrimmar is live on all WoW servers, but that isn’t my excuse for my lapse in posting the Times. Life, as is always my excuse, just got busy again. Hopefully I will be more astute with my MMO news for a little while, especially since BlizzCon is in the not too distant future (in a month and a half I believe). Honestly, based on the time I have spent trying to catch up on my MMO news, I don’t think I have missed too many “WTF” or “ZOMG” headlines. If I do miss a particularly exciting, or troubling, headline please provide the link in the comments; unless it contains spoilers, like the Horde’s new Warchief (and its not a stack of peacebloom). Then please don’t reveal that so people can choose when they find out.

I tried not to go too far back as anything that is too old probably isn’t worth pointing out anymore. I have found some news for The Secret World, Guild Wars 2, MechWarrior Online and more. Anything that has gone live last Tuesday (or prior) (which seems to be a popular day for launching new content) I’m sure everyone knows about so I won’t get into things like WoW’s 5.4 patch, Marvel Heroes, FFXIV, etc.

The MMO Times: Running Late

mmotimesheaderIIIssue 88: I started a new client which always means I fall behind with my periodic posts such as the MMO Times. I know there are going to be a few items in this issue that are well over a week late and probably are old news which is why I pretty much rushed the rest of this issue to get caught up.

Gamescom is this week so a lot of the news is coming out from there, as I expected. There are a couple of big reveals and some release dates announced. The next WoW patch, 5.4, will be out September 10th which will bring the current expansion to its epic conclusion (I’m anxious to hear about the next expac at BlizzCon this year). Some more FFXIV news and some details about the LOTRO expansion (which hasn’t been in my list of topics in a while). Check it out folks, Gamescom was pretty good to us this year!’

Also, if you hadn’t heard, Blizzard’s newest title, Hearthstone, has officially entered its closed beta. Make sure you go out to your battle.net account and sign up to try to get an invite. Let me know if any of you have yours and if you have tried it out, I’m interested in your impressions.

The MMO Times: Trademarks Foreshadow

The MMO Times Issue 87Issue 87: Salutations, Pwners! You can probably guess that there is an article in this issue which alludes to some announcement coming from Blizzard. I would be curious what everyone’s thoughts are regarding that article. Next week is Gamescom so we could potentially hear what it all means, plus I’m sure there will be other big announcements from other gaming companies as well. Remember this happened just before the unveiling of the latest WoW expansion when Blizzard trademarked “Mists of Pandaria”. [UPDATE: This may also be a hoax.]

So, beyond Blizzard related articles you can also read more about the next content patch for SWTOR, a new FFXIV video, and other interesting news. This post is a little early this week and with Gamescom next week, I’ll probably be posting the next issue kind of late. Which means, depending on how much newsworthy content is unveiled, the next issue could be lengthy. I’m kind of hoping for a bunch of exciting news because lately its felt like the “usual rigmarole”.

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