A Geek's Cogitations, Conjectures and other Cortical Experiences

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Biggs Zone – 2016 Year in Review

2016 Year in ReviewAnother year is over and we now look forward to a fresh start in 2017. As we prepare our resolutions or intentions or what have you, let’s reflect back with a 2016 year in review. By the way, there will be NO politics or political hot topics/agendas in this post.

I hate to start on a somber note but I would rather get the depressing stuff out of the way first. We lost some amazing celebrity icons this year. One of our favorite TV dads, Alan Thicke (“Growing Pains”), and our favorite TV mom, Florence Henderson (“The Brady Bunch”) both passed away this year. We lost our faithful Shepard on the Serenity, Ron Glass (“Firefly”). Some of the biggest icons in sports history, American history, and geek canon also passed away. These people include John Glenn, Nancy Reagan, Muhammad Ali, Arnold Palmer, Gene Wilder, Alan Rickman (“Snape”), and David Bowie. Star Wars and Star Trek both suffered tragic losses when our beloved Kenny Baker, known eternally as “R2-D2”, and Anton Yelchin, our modern day “Chekov” passed away.

2016 Year in Review

RIP Princess Leia

The hardest loss the Star Wars community suffered happened while writing this post. Our most beloved Princess and General, Carrie Fisher, passed away at 60 after suffering a major heart attack. I am beside myself after losing yet another one of my favorite actors. I send my thoughts and prayers to her family. MTFBWY, Princess Leia!

Thank you for enriching our lives with your gifts and Rest In Peace.

Ok, enough sad talk. Let’s move on to the brighter things of 2016.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Merry Christmas and Happy New YearBefore things get really crazy, with Christmas only a few days away, I wanted to take the time to bid everyone a safe and very Merry Christmas. I hope the conclusion of your year is peaceful and bright! Please have a safe, and responsible, Happy New Year!

This year was another election year, and it was probably one of the most tumultuous years we have had in a long time. Over the past several months we have all been awfully cruel to one another because we all believe different things. We are all entitled to those beliefs and I applaud everyone with the conviction to stick to what they believe despite how ugly people can be. Christmas is a time to let go of those ugly feelings and focus on family, friends and how lucky we are. We should look to our fellow man for comfort and support. Sing Christmas carols (even if you don’t like Christmas music); it will make you feel better about yourself.

Sit beside a warm fire and watch a “feel-good” movie with your family and friends; something like “It’s a Wonderful Life” or “Miracle on 34th Street”. If you want something with a little more humor but with a feel-good ending, then perhaps “Scrooged” or “Four Christmases” will be more your speed. Whatever you watch or whatever you do to enjoy the season, just don’t spend it berating people on Facebook or Twitter. We all need to chill out (no pun intended) and focus on the things that are more important.

I hope 2017 will be a friendlier year.

Merry Christmas and God Bless!

apple_logo-263x300The people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do
– Steve Jobs

Cubs Win! Cubs Win! Cubs Win!


I cannot believe this day has arrived. My heart has been beating out of my chest since they beat the Dodgers. It’s still beating out of my chest. I cannot imagine what its like in Chicago right now, outside Wrigley Field. It’s surreal to finally say:

The Chicago Cubs are World Series Champions!

ErnieBanksCartoon_iru49ivi_rfrqjfgjI wish Harry, Ronnie, Ernie, my grandfather and all the other players and fans that have gone before me were here to see this. I know they were watching down from above (after they beat the shit out of that billy goat).

They won it in true dramatic fashion. They came back from a 3-1 series deficit, in extra innings, after a 15 minute rain delay. It was as if God was preparing the Cubs and the fans for what was about to happen. God bless the players, the coaches and the fans. God bless the Indians and their coaches and their fans. I know they are heartbroken right now and they have my full sympathy. I hope their drought is the next one to break.

Now that I have finally given my mind some time to wind down and my heart rate to return to normal, I should try to get some sleep.

#LetsGo #FlyTheW

2016 World Series: I Don’t Believe in Curses

I Don't Believe in CursesThis one’s for the whole Magilla!For the whole kitten caboodle! For the whole bowl of wax! THIS is for ALLLL the marbles!!!” – John Candy from Rookie of the Year. This quote was never more appropriate. I’m going to start by saying, very simply, I don’t believe in curses.

I am writing this post prior to the outcome of Game 7 of the 2016 World Series. I have not been very shy on social media and my blog about the baseball season this year. My apologies for that, I cannot help being just a little excited for the Cubs. You will not be regaled with anymore childhood tales as to why I root for the “lovable losers”; by now I’m sure you all know the reasons. Actually I’m going to talk about the historical significance of this game.

Curses! Foiled Again!

I swear every team that has a long drought of World Series wins and/or appearances seems to have some “alleged curse”. It’s a billy goat, the Bambino, Rocky Colavito or Black Sox; someone associated a string of bad performances to some bizarre or unpopular decision. It’s human nature to try to explain what cannot be explained. Granted superstition in sports is not that uncommon. There are literally thousands of stories out there of players and fans that perform certain pre-game rituals. It doesn’t matter if it’s a superstition, voodoo or luck, the purpose is to prepare mentally for the task that lies ahead.

Just as its human nature to explain the unexplained, we also try to control what cannot be controlled. Even as I sit here talking about the futility of curses and superstition, I am still guilty of practicing it (it’s no hypocritical, its cognitive dissonance). It’s a very powerful force within our nature to try to will something to happen when we have no influence on the outcome. A botched play or fan interference is not inflicted by a curse because it’s also human nature to make mistakes, but our psyche is very fragile.

For the Indians, it’s Pride

The historical significance of this game is the fact that the two teams with the longest period of time since a World Series Championship, are playing each other. One of these teams will finally end the drought. One of these teams will “end the curse”. 1948 was the last time the Cleveland Indians won the World Series. They are second only to the Cubs (at 108 – which I’m sure you all know by now). So, for the Indians, losing this game means they become the team that has gone the longest without winning a World Series. If I were an Indians fan, that is what would be weighing on my mind.

The Indians are a very tough team. They have very skilled pitchers. If you have been watching any of the games, Corey Kluber is a phenomenal pitcher to watch. I had no idea the Indians had that kind of power in their pitching staff. Andrew Miller is no slouch either. These guys are in it to win it and I’m very proud to be playing against such a fantastic team.

For the Cubs, it’s Principal

lgo_mlb_chicago_cubsSo 1908, as you probably heard a thousand times, is the last year the Cubs won a World Series. 1945 is the last time the Cubs were even in the World Series. It is also the fateful year when Billy Sianis inflicted his famous curse. So the 71 year drought has ended. The Cubs made it to the World Series. Unfortunately they now have the HUGE responsibility of 100 years of “cursed” history to overcome (not to mention all the Cubs fans watching and judging their every move). We have to be ready to accept the fact that we can lose tonight. “New Girl” actor, and long time Cubs fan, Jake Johnson once wrote “We can not be little children scared of a curse. We can not gasp when a player makes an error.“(that’s a great article by the way). 

This is going to be an epic end to an epic World Series. Whatever the outcome, it’s going to be hard on the losing team and the fans. We all have so much emotion riding on this game. We all need to be good sports to each other whether you’re the winner or the loser. The winning team should sympathize for the other team and fans and the losing team, and fans, should reciprocate with congratulatory remarks. A sore winner can be just as awful as a sore loser. So forget about the past and look toward the future because, as we Cubs fans always say, “there’s always next year”.


minions_iconI could accomplish so much more if I only had minions!

The Big Bang Theory Does Not Mock Geeks

My favorite type of sitcoms are, what I call, highbrow comedies. Fraiser was the first, and will always be, my favorite highbrow comedy. I enjoyed it because the dichotomy that people with an extensive vocabulary are not necessarily haughty or persnickety. Despite their affluence they still found themselves in the same awkward predicaments as Ross, Rachael, Monica, Chandler, Joey and Phoebe. When Fraiser ended in 2004, after 11 seasons, I thought it was the end of highbrow comedy, until I found The Big Bang Theory.

Big Bang Theory Does Not Mock Geeks

I own the same caffeine molecule shirt BEFORE I saw it on TBBT

I was surprised to learn there are other individuals like myself (i.e. geeks) who felt the show made a mockery of geeks. I disagree, I think The Big Bang Theory does not mock geeks. In fact, it teaches us to embrace who we are and it teaches the world to accept us the way we are.

The Big Bang Theory paralleled my life in some capacity. Actually it was almost uncanny in many situations. When I saw Leonard wearing that caffeine molecule shirt I knew I was going to enjoy how the show was analogous to my life. It starts its 10th season this year, and the show still makes me laugh myself to tears. It’s the intellectual, re-imagining of Friends.

The Tropes are the Pillars of Our Identity

The show does make heavy use of geek cultural tropes. Comic books, Star Wars, Star Trek, super heroes, video games, etc! These are not tropes, they are the pillars that define us! It is that sense of identity that makes the show so easy to relate to. Let’s face it, we were all socially awkward and intimidated by the opposite sex when we were younger. It’s possible some are the same as adults. When we were growing up, because we preferred books to booze and video games to sports games, we were “geeks”. Today, “geek” doesn’t have the same negative connotation.

When I was a kid, it was a huge insult to be a geek. Now it’s a point of pride in a weird way. – J. J. Abrams

Perhaps those that find the show offensive to geeks are marred by the demons of their past. When you spend your whole life trying to discard that label, you have a hard time letting go of that negative association. If The Big Bang Theory has taught us all anything, it’s that our perseverance will pay off. Penny and Leonard’s relationship shows us that smart is the new sexy; they don’t ignore the “nerdy guy with the hot girlfriend” dichotomy. We can “get the girl” and still be true to ourselves.

Geek is Passion

So I do understand why some may find the social structure in The Big Bang Theory difficult to believe. Bullying back then was just as awful as bullying is today. It’s very difficult to overcome. Our damaged self-esteem makes us believe we will live a lonely and clandestine life. The Big Bang Theory shows us that you can overcome bullying, love something with unbridled passion, and NEVER be afraid to show it. Let go of those old wounds because, in reality, we are all geeks about something.

Being a geek is all about being honest about what you enjoy and not being afraid to demonstrate that affection. It means never having to play it cool about how much you like something. It’s basically a license to proudly emote on a somewhat childish level rather than behave like a supposed adult. Being a geek is extremely liberating. – Simon Pegg

minions_iconI could accomplish so much more if I only had minions!

Someone Got Run Over By A Greyhound

“THUMP! ………………… THUMP!”

It doesn’t really sound like that, figuratively and literally. It’s more of a crushing sound, bones and morale. It will take your life and your loyalty depending on the context. The worst part is, most of the time you won’t even see it coming. One minute you will be going about your day and the next you’re fodder for the wolves! Sure there are usually warnings but depending on who, or what has your attention can affect whether you recognize the warnings. Depending on the severity you might be able to come back from it, but life will be different.

Obviously the former has more mortal consequences and relies on the hands of good doctors and surgeons. The latter will require more action from you and your ability to subvert the greater evil.  If its within your means to influence the outcome, it might behoove you to take the hit. Sometimes its better to lose the battle in order to win the war. It’s important to keep in mind that in these cases you need to help yourself because its clear nobody is going to help you. It’s time to start making plans.

Always Plan Ahead

All you need is the plan,
the road map,
and the courage
to press on to your destination.

Earl Nightingale

You have to know how you are going to handle the immediate situation and you have to make a plan for the future. There is never a good outcome, only the bad and the ugly. The ugly likely means your future plan and your immediate plan are going to be the same and there is nothing you can do about that (except try to be the bigger person). The bad means you have options to consider. Will you constantly feel judged when you are walking through the halls each day? Can you endure the day-to-day and, again, try to be the bigger person? Also keep in mind that no matter how long its been since the beginning, if there is ever another hunt, which you know there will be, are you going to be the target again?

You have to think about what the future will look like, and it may or may not be a pleasant view. Has your outlook changed? Greyhounds have a tendency to make you take a second look at yourself. Talking to your peers may help, especially the brutally honest ones. It also doesn’t hurt to keep all your options open and don’t forget to weigh the pros and the cons. Unfortunately none of this is going to be pleasant; in fact its going to add quite a bit of stress but do not be afraid to make the hard choice.

It’s All About Perception

The important thing in either situation is to keep your cool; thus trying to be the bigger person. It’s obvious you already are because it was the coward that put you here. If you remain calm but keep your guard up, chances are they will be less guarded. Remember, it’s all about perception. Don’t be influenced by their jargon, especially when they tell you that eventually it will feel like it never happened. But you will never forget. Also, don’t stoop to their level and try to run someone else over; that will not make it right.

The jaded will dwell on it but only the guilty will want you to forget.

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