Issue 129: The DAYSTAR Burns Us!! Just when you started to get a taste for mild temperatures, the DAYSTAR brings back the heat! (Well, that’s the case at my location, at least). Be that as it may, hot and muggy temperatures makes for great conditions to stay indoors and game! There isn’t to much going on. PAX Prime just ended and DragonCon is up next (starting on September 4th) down in Atlanta.
There is some expansion talk in this issue and, believe it or not, it isn’t about WoW’s expansion. Guild Wars 2 and Destiny have some details regarding their respective expansions. Also, don’t forget, for you WoW players, that patch 6.2.2 went live this week and flying should now be enabled in Draenor (for those that completed the Pathfinder achievement). A StarCraft 2 announcement about … an announcement? Star Wars Battlefront news, and a few other things. The gaming news is a little slow lately. I think all the major stuff is kind of out there already now that we have had so many big conferences recently. The build-up to BlizzCon is next 🙂
GW2 Expansion Release Date
Massively Overpowered post
WoW AddOn: “Storyline”
Posted 8.31.15 – I don’t usually call out many addons because everyone has their favorite, and some don’t even use them at all. Either way I thought this one is kind of cool, especially if you are kind of into the lore/story of the expansion, like I am. It’s called “Storyline” and it changes the interaction between your character and the quest giver. Instead of the traditional “wall-o-text”, it breaks it down into more of a conversation type (not like SWTOR conversation, but more like Witcher 3).
Kotaku post
Destiny’s Expansion Update Is Huge!
Massively Overpowered post
Guild Wars 2 Now F2P!
Posted 8.31.15 – ICYMI, ArenaNet’s president announced that Guild Wars 2 is now completely Free-2-Play. The base game at least. I haven’t been able to determine yet if the upcoming expansion will also be free or if its going to follow a model similar to The Secret World. The game had already dropped subscriptions but now you should be able to download the game for free and start playing, perhaps even level up far enough to be ready for “Heart of Thorns”. I tried GW2 when it had a couple of those free weeks back near its launch so I should still have an active account.
Digital Trends article
StarCraft 2 Announcement About And Announcement
Blizzard Watch post
The Star Wars Battlefront Beta
Posted 9.1.15 – I sense a ripple in the Force, as if millions of geeks just cried out in exultation. EA has officially announced that the beta for Star Wars Battlefront will launch in October for X-Box One, PS4 and PC. Besides “it’s now live”, this is an announcement we have all been waiting for with bated breath. It seems there will be quite a bit you will be able to do in the beta and, from what I can glean, this is an open beta. I don’t see anywhere that indicates you have to sign up. It’s going to be a very exciting fall and winter for Star Wars fans!
Gamespot article