A Geek's Cogitations, Conjectures and other Cortical Experiences

Tag: StarCraft II

The MMO Times: The Madness of March

The MMO Times: The Madness of March

Video-Game-bracketIssue 142: So March Madness is here which means “gaming” takes on a different form, for most. Personally, I don’t partake, I’m not a basketball fan, but madness is clearly the appropriate adjective. People are completing brackets who know nothing, at all, about sports. I just sit idly by waiting for baseball season to start (the official indicator that spring is here) and play games where I have some modicum of control. I know this post has some headlines that are a week old but this post was kind of set aside for other life-related tasks. Because Real Life Happens (RLH).

More Blizzard headlines in this issue. Their resume of popular titles means its quite easy for them to show up frequently. There are, however, other things to read about. How about Virtual Reality gaming? Perhaps more Tomb Raider content? Whether its Hearthstone, StarCraft, or XBox, hopefully there is something here that will be interesting news for you to peruse. KCGO

The MMO Times: The DayStar Returns!

Daystar Burns Us!

Issue 129: The DAYSTAR Burns Us!! Just when you started to get a taste for mild temperatures, the DAYSTAR brings back the heat! (Well, that’s the case at my location, at least). Be that as it may, hot and muggy temperatures makes for great conditions to stay indoors and game! There isn’t to much going on. PAX Prime just ended and DragonCon is up next (starting on September 4th) down in Atlanta. 

There is some expansion talk in this issue and, believe it or not, it isn’t about WoW’s expansion. Guild Wars 2 and Destiny have some details regarding their respective expansions. Also, don’t forget, for you WoW players, that patch 6.2.2 went live this week and flying should now be enabled in Draenor (for those that completed the Pathfinder achievement). A StarCraft 2 announcement about … an announcement? Star Wars Battlefront news, and a few other things. The gaming news is a little slow lately. I think all the major stuff is kind of out there already now that we have had so many big conferences recently. The build-up to BlizzCon is next 🙂

The MMO Times: Iwata’s Final 1Up

satoru-iwataIssue 122: Does the name Satoru Iwata mean anything to you? It’s alright if you didn’t know who he was, but if you are a gamer I think you should silently bestow some reverence. He was the CEO of Nintendo and a game developer pioneer who recently passed away. I know Nintendo had very little to do with MMO games but a gamer is always a gamer no matter what platform they prefer. I have a link to a great article about his life that you should check out in this issue.

Sadness aside, the SDCC definitely provided us all with many funny feelings in our special places. We not only got a sneak peak at The Force Awakens but also the Deadpool trailer (which is very NSFW, btw) the leaked X-Men: Apocalypse trailer, and you should seriously check out this Suicide Squad trailer (it actually looks pretty good). Of course there was also more details about the upcoming Warcraft movie. It was an exciting weekend for movie geeks and gamers alike. Arousing trailers aside, we do have some gaming news to talk about. The rumor mill and teasers continue from Blizzard regarding new content, specifically around Hearthstone. There is more information on the group changes for SWTOR as well as several other titles with new content coming in the next few months. KCGO.

The MMO Times: It’s E3 Week!

VaderProfile2013May610Issue 119:  E3 was this week in sunny California, what goodies were in store for us? Speaking of “store”, don’t forget that the Steam ‘Monster’ Summer Sale ends on the 21st (Father’s Day – which I don’t think is a coincidence … just sayin 😉 ). Despite the fact that this is usually a post about MMORPGs, usually during big conventions I make an exception so there are going to be posts about games that are not MMOs. 

I think several of these companies are as excited to tell us their news as we are to hear it. Bathesda rocked our world with their E3 presentation and E3 didn’t even officially begin until June 16th. BioWare has some “leaked” news about SWTOR, Microsoft making some big announcements for X-Box, Sony has a surprise too about a beloved franchise, and many, many more things. I’m sure E3 this year has given all of us gaming nerds strange tingling feelings in our special places. What was your favorite E3 moment? KCGO

The MMO Times: Sha of Happiness Edition

mmotimesheaderIssue 65: Hello again, Gamers! The past couple of weeks it seemed horribly difficult to find interesting news to provide but it has all changed the past couple of days. Between Sony’s unveiling of the Playstation 4 and PAX just around the corner, there was no shortage of announcements, new features and trailers.

We have some more news on SWTOR and Marvel Heroes to check out, exciting news if you are a PS3 and Diablo III fan, and the return of BlizzCon! Now that Bungie has separated from Micro$oft, they are entering the MMO arena … no, its not another Halo MMO. Check it out!

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