A Geek's Cogitations, Conjectures and other Cortical Experiences

Tag: Free-2-Play Page 1 of 4

Should WoW Go Free-To-Play?

In my last MMO Times post there is a link to an article about Blizzard reporting the WoW subscriptions dropping to 5.5 million. The main point of the article isn’t about this drop in subscriptions but Blizzard’s announcement that it will be the last time they will disclose subscription numbers. This seems to have started a whirlwind of conspiracy theories. One theory in particular is that WoW is going Free-2-Play:


If you recognize Adam Holisky, he’s one of the bloggers for Blizzard Watch (formally WoW Insider) but that doesn’t mean he has some inside knowledge. I think he’s just making an educated guess as to why Blizzard decided to stop reporting subscription numbers. There isn’t, to my knowledge, any evidence that gives this hypothesis any credence but if it were to happen he will have the right to say “First!”.

I’m doubtful that Blizzard will actually make WoW Free-2-Play. I’ll be honest, as much as I think it would be nice not to have to continue paying that subscription fee, I’m more of the opinion that WoW should continue with the subscription model. I’ve played games that started as a subscription and switched to a F2P model and you wouldn’t believe the trolls and troglodytes that swarm the servers. If you think the trolls (that pay to be there) are bad in Trade Chat in WoW, imagine what it will be like when they don’t have to pay money to make your life hell.

If Blizzard did make WoW Free-2-Play I can’t imagine it would be the only model; I can seem them going with a F2P model and a paid subscription model (much like other titles are using). I would almost want strict public channel and auction house rules such as a “Trade Channel” a F2P account cannot enter or an auction house that is separate from those with a subscription, because we already have people that make it a goal to ruin the economic value of the auction house by intentionally undercutting the lowest buy-out.

Blizzard has adamantly said they will not go Free-2-Play, but Bioware said the same thing and less than a year later changed their minds. Granted WoW has had a 10 year run, more than any other MMO game out there and leaking subscriptions is just part of the life cycle of any game. It could be that instead of trying to compare WoW to their other games, they are just going to report the overall health of Blizzard and Blizzard titles as a whole.

It’s an interesting theory and definitely a “watercooler topic” but I’m not going to hold my breath.

/For The Alliance!

The MMO Times: Prepare for Kylo Ren

Star-Wars-The-Force-Awakens-Kylo-RenIssue 133: Welcome to the start of the fourth quarter of the year. Just think, in 3 months time it will be 2016 (and we will all be regaling about The Force Awakens and how awesome Kylo Ren is). First, before we are fully immersed in the extraordinary Star Wars universe, we must first have BlizzCon. Unfortunately that also is still a few weeks away, but the road to BlizzCon has begun. Don’t forget to get your tickets and pick up your goodie bag!

The road to BlizzCon, however, is not yet paved with headlines. In fact this posting is later than normal as there wasn’t a lot showing up in my feeds that really warranted a spotlight. Neverwinter does make the list again because R. A. Salvatore (one of my favorite fantasy authors) is apparently involved with the development of this game. WildStar’s F2P patch finally launches. Blizzard makes paid character services a little less cumbersome. So there are a few goodies in here. KCGO.

The MMO Times: BB-8 Is Awesome!

bb8-tfaIssue 130: Greetings Gamers! BB-8, the new endearing droid from The Force Awakens trailer, captured the Internet’s heart this week as an app-controlled toy was unveiled. It’s a bit pricey ($150) but its so damn cool that it might be worth it. Hopefully there will still be some available around Christmas (*hint-hint*). Be that as it may, let’s get back to talking about games/gaming. We just had a 3-day weekend which means an extra day to game. What did you play for your extra day of indulgence?

The Labor Day weekend made for a pretty meager list of noteworthy headlines. Some upsetting news for those interested in the Pathfinder Online title; WildStar’s Free-2-Play version has some new updates. I even threw something in here about The Witcher 3. I found some news about a couple of titles we haven’t heard from in a while, and there’s more of course. So while your BB-8 is charging, check these out. KCGO.

The MMO Times: The DayStar Returns!

Daystar Burns Us!

Issue 129: The DAYSTAR Burns Us!! Just when you started to get a taste for mild temperatures, the DAYSTAR brings back the heat! (Well, that’s the case at my location, at least). Be that as it may, hot and muggy temperatures makes for great conditions to stay indoors and game! There isn’t to much going on. PAX Prime just ended and DragonCon is up next (starting on September 4th) down in Atlanta. 

There is some expansion talk in this issue and, believe it or not, it isn’t about WoW’s expansion. Guild Wars 2 and Destiny have some details regarding their respective expansions. Also, don’t forget, for you WoW players, that patch 6.2.2 went live this week and flying should now be enabled in Draenor (for those that completed the Pathfinder achievement). A StarCraft 2 announcement about … an announcement? Star Wars Battlefront news, and a few other things. The gaming news is a little slow lately. I think all the major stuff is kind of out there already now that we have had so many big conferences recently. The build-up to BlizzCon is next 🙂

The MMO Times: Everything Is Awesome!

lego-sw-crewIssue 116: Greetings Gamers! I bet you all were starting to think that I had fallen off the wagon again and forgot to post another MMO Times. Actually the delay is primarily because there wasn’t much to talk about and, again, I didn’t want to post “Little Tommy’s Fanboi Blog Site” as legitimate and interesting MMO news.

In this issue we have some more Patch 6.2 details for Warlords of Draenor, an awesome animated clip for the LEGO fans, some Secret World news and more. So while you are waiting for Taco Tuesday and searching for the KRAGLE, perhaps these articles will help pass the time because “everything is awesome when we’re living our dream”. KCGO

The MMO Times: 100 FTW!!!

Issue 100: The 100th MMO Times Post! Wow, I didn’t think I would be writing this many posts and what a week to land on as E3 is June 10th – June 12th. I am excited to see what will be unveiled at E3 not only from a PC and MMO perspective but from all gaming mediums. I have played many a console games in the past and may even be hooking the ole Wii back up. I was reading some posts folks had written about what they expect from E3 this year and I have to agree with one blogger. It would be great to see some cross-platform love, i.e. let’s keep the PC in mind when publishing new console games this year. Microsoft is the biggest offender of excluding the PC with their titles. Considering the handicaps of the XBox One, Microsoft needs to do something to show some love for the PC gamers.

I’m sure E3 will have a few exciting headlines to read about but there are also non-E3 related headlines that might be of interest to you. For example, there is some new content news in regards to The Secret World. Defiance has some new mechanics for folks to check out if you have been interested in the game. Age of Wushu has some promises on the horizon to polish up the eye candy. WildStar is getting a lot of impressive feedback despite what I was hearing from the beta. If anyone has been playing WildStar I’m certainly interested in your feedback. There is also some news about the next SWTOR content patch.

Just as an FYI, a lot of the news coming out of E3 seems to be more related to non-MMO titles so I will prefix all E3 titles with “E3” so if its not something that will interest you, it should be easier for you to scan and skip if you so choose. Read on and game on, friends!!

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