A Geek's Cogitations, Conjectures and other Cortical Experiences

Tag: Gaming Page 1 of 28

The War Within State of the Raid Update

Camel - Hump Day!

It’s time for a gaming update. We are on the brink of the first major content patch for The War Within, 11.1. I always like to briefly update you on how things are going from a raid perspective and other WoW activities like Mythic+ and leveling.

The team defeated Heroic Queen Ansurek for the first time on December 12th, thus receiving the Ahead of the Curve for 11.0. We even managed to do it a second time for anyone absent for the first kill. We did a few alt runs and a rather interesting team celebration on Moonguard (IYKYK). After that, we decided to take a little break from raiding until the 11.1 patch.

WoW: Dragonflight By the Numbers

I don’t hide that I’m a bit of a nerd and this goes beyond the fact that I play video games. As a programmer, I’m very data-driven. So much so that I keep spreadsheets on my game progression in World of Warcraft. After playing the game for nearly 20 years, I have built quite a toon army. So how else am I supposed to keep track of all those alts? Now that we have bid adieu to the dragons, let’s take a look at Dragonflight by the numbers.

WoW: Bidding Adieu to the Dragons

Another World of Warcraft expansion is in the books. While we prepare for The War Within let’s reflect on Dragonflight, Blizzard’s 10th expansion. This will cover some of my likes and dislikes regarding the story, the content, and new and updated systems.

Overall it is a decent expansion. It’s much better than Shadowlands and, in my humble opinion, it’s better than Burning Crusade and Warlords of Draenor. Wrath of the Lich King remains my favorite of the expansions, followed by Legion and Dragonflight may just come in third. The dragons have always been one of my favorite races in WoW.

WoW: Dragonflight State of the Fated Raid

Legendary axe

It’s been a while since the last gaming update. Dragonflight is entering the “fated raid” period of the expansion, the final phase of an expansion in the World of Warcraft. I’ll probably still write my “final thoughts” before the launch of The War Within, but this post may contain some of my thoughts and grievances.

The concept of “fated raids” began last expansion with Shadowlands. I think the term “fated” is used because it’s a character’s fate to die and go to the Shadowlands. Dragonflight does not take place in the afterlife, so they are called “awakened” raids for this expansion.

I know, you probably already figured that out on your own. Be that as it may, let’s get on with it.

WoW: Thoughts On The Expansion Announcement

The War Within logo
The War Within is the first of three new expansions

Greetings gamers! Last weekend (November 3rd-4th) was BlizzCon and, if you hadn’t heard, there was a major announcement for the World of Warcraft franchise. If you follow any gaming news then you already know what’s happening. I’m not going to regurgitate everything you’ve already seen 100 times by now. If you want to see it all again then I suggest going to Blizzard Entertainment’s YouTube page. This is merely my thoughts on the expansion announcement and the changes coming to the game.

I’ll cover their new approach for the next three expansions, the new systems (ex: Delves and Warbands), and a few other things.

WoW Update: 10.1 State of the Raid

The next major content patch, 10.2, is officially on the PTR. It has been a few months since I last talked about World of Warcraft. In fact, it was just prior to the 10.1 content patch. A lot has happened since March so let’s do a 10.1 state of the raid and talk about how things are shaping up.

It has only been approximately six months since I last talked about our raiding progress. We were almost to Heroic Raszageth. However, we had some team recalibration that coincided with the patch arriving faster than we expected and we could not obtain Ahead of the Curve.

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