Issue 44
Greetings again, Gamers. There isn’t much to talk about this week, I think because we are on the verge of a very exciting week next week. The Pre-Mists of Pandaria content patch (5.0.4) comes out next week and I believe the next content update for The Secret World is also happening next week.
Oh yea, and there is that Guild Wars 2 release 🙂
I know many have been chomping at the bit waiting for the release of this game. I hope it lives up to everyone’s expectations, though I’m sure there will be a brood of haters that seems to spawn with every new release. I hope it doesn’t ruin the game or the experience. If you are playing and visit often I encourage you to post your thoughts, just give me a buzz. All right, here is a short, but sweet, list of recent news and tidings. Read on and game on friends!