Issue 74: The next patch for World of Warcraft, 5.3, did not go live this week. Based on the release pattern of the content patches this expansion I would expect the final Mists of Pandaria patch, 5.4, to be here around August (when Garrosh gets what he deserves). In the meantime, several other games are patching in new content, a few of which are available now!
I’m not going to mention everything that patched this week because then you might not read the rest of this post. There’s no need for any Jedi Mind Tricks, though I know you are “dye-ing” to know what’s new in SWTOR. There’s even some League of Legends news!
WoW Patch, Escalation, Live 5/21
Posted 5.17.13 – The next patch in the Mists of Pandaria expansion, Patch 5.3, will officially hit the live servers Tuesday, May 21st. This patch, titled Escalation, will bring 3 new scenarios, 6 heroic scenarios, a few more goodies, and a huge arc in the lore. How will Vol’jin react to some of Garrosh’s actions? What role will the Alliance play as the Horde is torn asunder?
WoW Head post
A Glimpse Of LoL Changes In 3.7
Posted 5.16.13 – I don’t know if I’ve ever provided anything about League of Legends, but I know its very popular among several of my gaming friends and one of the most successful MOBA games out there. There is a new patch coming to the game soon with lots of changes and instead of pages of patch notes, Riot Games provided a video instead. See what’s in store for your champions.
Massively post
SWTOR Patch 2.1 Is Live
Posted 5.14.13 – I wasn’t expecting this. When the SWTOR servers came back online on “Maintenance Tuesday”, the Customization content patch that Bioware has been touting for a few weeks, went live. This is the patch which includes the new Cathar race (if you have the bucks or Cartel Coins to fork over) and the new armor dye customization. Check out the link to see the trailer.
Massively post | Darth Hater Patch Notes
Live! Secret of Southsun Patch
Posted 5.14.13 – Guild War 2’s latest content patch, called Secret of Southsun, went live this week. This patch contains new quests, new mini-games and some more goodies for their WvW mechanic. The post on Massively doesn’t contain much detail but there is a small gallery of screenshots that you might be interested to check out.
Massively post
F2P RIFT Now Going Free-2-Play
Posted 5.14.13 – It’s been a while since we have had any vendor announce a conversion to the Free-2-Play model, until now. Trion announced that their popular RIFT MMO will be going F2P on June 12th. It’s interesting to see this becoming more and more of a trend and how well some titles are doing. Last week there were a few articles talking about how SWTOR’s F2P model is apparently doing extremely well (though its still not my favorite model). I wouldn’t expect the titan, World of Warcraft, to hit the F2P bandwagon anytime soon (at least until their next MMO).
Massively post
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