A Geek's Cogitations, Conjectures and other Cortical Experiences

Category: MMO Times Page 3 of 25

The MMO Times: A Bloody Fortnight!

x-wing.0Issue #134: I intentionally went an extra week between issues. The gaming news has been a little slow and mired by all the political nonsense and cool tech releases of the IRL news. I didn’t want to scrounge for moot headlines just to post something weekly so hopefully I haven’t failed you by waiting just a little longer to bring you interesting news. Blizzard has been especially quiet lately, which means they are trying to hold out until BlizzCon (although I stewie_madwouldn’t be surprised if they let a few tidbits “slip” out).

Meanwhile the Star Wars Battlefront beta has begun for PS4, XBox One and PC. I have been hearing some pretty good feedback about the game (despite what “certain trolls” think *cough*Tommy*cough*). I have it installed on my PC at the moment but I haven’t had an opportunity to log in yet. I’ve heard it’s essentially Star Wars Counterstrike but that’s how it was advertised. If you  have been trying it out I would like to know your thoughts (even if they happen to align with Tommy’s 😉 ) I also read that over nine million people have played the beta setting an EA record!

Speaking of Battlefront, there are a couple of new details about that game in the headlines below; and news about crafting in Star Wars The Old Republic. I had to post something regarding Rocket League because its new car pack is pretty cool (in a 1980’s-cult-classic kind of way). Blizzard has released the schedule for BlizzCon and there is something, finally, about the Overwatch beta, although it’s probably not as much as you hoped. Oh and MOAR PEPE!! KCGO

The MMO Times: Prepare for Kylo Ren

Star-Wars-The-Force-Awakens-Kylo-RenIssue 133: Welcome to the start of the fourth quarter of the year. Just think, in 3 months time it will be 2016 (and we will all be regaling about The Force Awakens and how awesome Kylo Ren is). First, before we are fully immersed in the extraordinary Star Wars universe, we must first have BlizzCon. Unfortunately that also is still a few weeks away, but the road to BlizzCon has begun. Don’t forget to get your tickets and pick up your goodie bag!

The road to BlizzCon, however, is not yet paved with headlines. In fact this posting is later than normal as there wasn’t a lot showing up in my feeds that really warranted a spotlight. Neverwinter does make the list again because R. A. Salvatore (one of my favorite fantasy authors) is apparently involved with the development of this game. WildStar’s F2P patch finally launches. Blizzard makes paid character services a little less cumbersome. So there are a few goodies in here. KCGO.

The MMO Times: Pumpkin Spice Edition!

minion-jediIssue 132: Greetings Again, Gamers! Autumn is officially upon us (which means the DayStar is in the sky less during the day) but that also means its going to get colder out. In just a couple of months the white stuff will be falling, and I don’t mean the kind in the middle of an Oreo (queue Weird Al). Be that as it may, Autumn means the summer season is over which means gaming season begins (because what else are you going to do when its no longer nice outside???) It also means we will be inundated with Pumpkin Spice flavored everything, which might be great for some, but I know others find it annoying (or even disgusting). Personally I just like Starbucks Pumpkin Spice latte, but everything else I could do without.

In any event, how about we get to the litany of gaming headlines. Non-MMO news includes something cool about the Star Wars Battlefront beta and Rise of the Tombraider. In actual MMO news, an exciting tweet about something sweet coming to The Secret World; more on the possible new Overwatch heroes. Finally, in convention news, a little reminder of what you get when you watch/attend BlizzCon. KCGO.

The MMO Times: 30 Years of Mario

StormtroopaIssue 131: If you’re like me, you might be feeling a little old when you realize that 1985 was the year the world was introduced to an Italian plumber on 1985-Mariothe proverbial damsel-in-distress quest. Super Mario Brothers turned 30 this week and, for me, that was the game that started it all. It’s unfortunate that we lost Satoru Iwata too soon so that he can see the world celebrate one of the most iconic video games in history. Even Google, of course, got in on the action, as documented by Kotaku (a great way to annoy your co-workers).

This is still an MMO post and MMOs are what we will talk about but homage should be paid where homage is due. There is a new title entering a beta (of sorts) called Otherland that you might be interested in checking out. Destiny’s new trailer is definitely something to checkout (especially if you didn’t watch any NFL this weekend). StarCraft 2: Legacy of the Void also has a new cinematic for your drooling viewing pleasure. Blizzard has dropped some new Overwatch hints and HotS goodies. So take a break from some Mario nostalgia (if you actually have a functioning NES) and check out what’s new in MMOs this week. KCGO.

The MMO Times: BB-8 Is Awesome!

bb8-tfaIssue 130: Greetings Gamers! BB-8, the new endearing droid from The Force Awakens trailer, captured the Internet’s heart this week as an app-controlled toy was unveiled. It’s a bit pricey ($150) but its so damn cool that it might be worth it. Hopefully there will still be some available around Christmas (*hint-hint*). Be that as it may, let’s get back to talking about games/gaming. We just had a 3-day weekend which means an extra day to game. What did you play for your extra day of indulgence?

The Labor Day weekend made for a pretty meager list of noteworthy headlines. Some upsetting news for those interested in the Pathfinder Online title; WildStar’s Free-2-Play version has some new updates. I even threw something in here about The Witcher 3. I found some news about a couple of titles we haven’t heard from in a while, and there’s more of course. So while your BB-8 is charging, check these out. KCGO.

The MMO Times: The DayStar Returns!

Daystar Burns Us!

Issue 129: The DAYSTAR Burns Us!! Just when you started to get a taste for mild temperatures, the DAYSTAR brings back the heat! (Well, that’s the case at my location, at least). Be that as it may, hot and muggy temperatures makes for great conditions to stay indoors and game! There isn’t to much going on. PAX Prime just ended and DragonCon is up next (starting on September 4th) down in Atlanta. 

There is some expansion talk in this issue and, believe it or not, it isn’t about WoW’s expansion. Guild Wars 2 and Destiny have some details regarding their respective expansions. Also, don’t forget, for you WoW players, that patch 6.2.2 went live this week and flying should now be enabled in Draenor (for those that completed the Pathfinder achievement). A StarCraft 2 announcement about … an announcement? Star Wars Battlefront news, and a few other things. The gaming news is a little slow lately. I think all the major stuff is kind of out there already now that we have had so many big conferences recently. The build-up to BlizzCon is next 🙂

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