A Geek's Cogitations, Conjectures and other Cortical Experiences

Category: MMO Times Page 4 of 25

The MMO Times: Tom Brady Sucks!!

lord-belichick-3Issue 128: Yes, I know, the title has absolutely  nothing to do with MMOs or gaming (unless you to make the gentle leap to Madden NFL), but I like to take any opportunity to express my unrelenting disdain for Tom Brady (and Bill Belichick). I’m sorry that I may have subjected you to unrelated editorial venting, especially if you are not a football fan (which is a travesty). Be that as it may, we are here to talk about gaming, our love of gaming, and why gaming will, one day, save mankind (i.e. Ender’s Game).

Quick PSA for those playing WoW (so skip if you don’t care): If you haven’t heard, patch 6.2.2 will be released September 1st (next Tuesday). I believe this is the patch that will contain the world event that will link Warlords of Draenor to Legion. So prepare to be invaded (although I’m sure Illidan believes you are not prepared)!squirrel

I really do enjoy writing these posts and I hope there are people that enjoy reading them, even if its only one or two of you. I love finding the really fun and/or obscure headlines to stick in from time to time, hence the Halo headline in this issue. And the one about Duck Hunt. Oh, and the SlightlyImpressive machinima! I know, I’m easily amused and often distra … SQUIRREL!


Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

The MMO Times: Back to School

Rogue One Cast Issue 127: Greetings again, gamers!! I hope everyone had a lovely summer as, by now, kids are returning to school which means the malls and trade chat are safe once again during the day. The news of the impending fall season isn’t all bad as that also means football season is upon us! I hope I have some exiting things for you to read about in this issue, as I know its going to be difficult to top the past two issues with all the Legion goodies and Gamescom news. Although there were some pretty sexy geek announcements at Disney’s D23 Expo (such as the announcement of the Rogue One movie cast as seen in the image above). 

In any event, I have some things to talk about other than the new WoW expansion (though there are one or two headlines in here about Legion and/or WoW). Actually there are a couple of titles that haven’t been in the news much lately such as The Secret World, Elder Scrolls Online, ArcheAge, to name a few. I had to include the headline about the sweet new PS4 coming out this fall (once you see the article, you will know why). There is more BlizzCon news to read about, which is probably the next big gamer conference we are all excited to see. Beyond more Legion news, I hope we hear more about Overwatch (such as when the beta’s start). Enjoy. KCGO.

The MMO Times: The Calm After the Legion

sw-tfa-teaserIssue 126: Holy Cow, that was a crazy Gamescom! I think Blizzard definitely stole the show but everyone knew it was going to happen, which is why I think so many other companies had a lot of their own products to talk about. The increase in interest gave them the perfect arena to market their games too. There will be some residual posts below from the final couple of days of Gamescom, but for the most part I tried to keep it to news more immediately published.

I will try to limit the Legion talk as I’m sure there will be plenty of it in the coming weeks (especially as Blizzcon draws near). In fact I actually threw in some Rise of the Tombraider because it has some new footage really worth checking out. There is also Diablo III patch news, WildStar beta news, Heroes of the Storm latest PTR status and more. So take a break from trying to find that perfect Demon Hunter name and check out these great headlines. KCGO

The MMO Times: GAMESCOM 2015

star-wars-battlefront-dogfight-gamescomIssue 125:  All eyes were on Gamescom this week (well, they were if you were a gamer). Blizzard is probably the reason there is so much attention given to the conference this year, which many might have ignored in the past since its all the way over in Germany. I tend to start these posts prior to the actual events, unless all there is to talk about are the daily posts by the common places I read gaming news, so I have no titillating sentences to get you excited for the major headlines because, chances are, you already know what I am going to cover in this issue. 

I should warn you this post is going to be longer than normal because everyone is getting in on this years Gamescom, I guess they realized that if Blizzard is going to make a major announcement then there is going to be a much larger audience watching. We have news not only from Blizzard but also Microsoft, Bioware, Square Enix regarding various titles from X-Box games to Star Wars Battlefront, Final Fantasy, Star Wars The Old Republic and much much more! It’s almost hard to keep up with the news that keeps coming in!!! I think there is something here for everyone. KCGO.

The MMO Times: Where Are You, Pepe??

star_wars_battlefront_headerIssue 124: The next big convention is nearly upon us, Gamescom 2015 in Cologne, Germany starts August 5th. Perhaps Pepe is hiding out in Germany and will be found at Gamescom! Or maybe Pepe has been hiding out in Windows 10 and those of us upgrading this week will finally see him! If you have no clue what I’m talking about, then clearly you either don’t play World of Warcraft or you haven’t been following along at home! Either way … PePepe!pe will be mine because he’s the coolest pet since Pengu!!

Anyway, in all seriousness we do have some pretty interesting headlines in this issue, mostly centered around Gamescom rumor mills. Blizzard, in their typical way, is teasing us all with a “mystery conference” [which isn’t much of a mystery anymore], Square Enix may have some exciting news for FF fans, and more but we probably have to wait until next week to find out. It looks like Gamescom is going to be quite the popular event in the coming week. In non-Gamescom news Microsoft and Valve are pursuing some interesting technology for gamers and I hope Tom Brady doesn’t play Champions Online.  KCGO

The MMO Times: Togruta’s Are Awesome!

Shaak Ti vs Darth Maul Would Be Epic

Issue 123: Can you believe that the summer months are nearly over and kids will be going back to school soon (which means Trade Chat will simmer down during the daylight hours)?? Where does the time go?? Before you know it Blizzcon will be here and we will all be thinking about candy and turkey. Speaking of Blizzcon, does anyone have any predictions as to what big announcements we will have this year? I am going to throw my guess in; I think the day of open ceremonies will be when they open up the beta testing for Overwatch. I also think there may be a WoW expansion announcement and it wouldn’t surprise me if we saw Blizzard trademark something in the next couple of months which will have us all freaked out just before Blizzcon (which will drive ticket sales).

There are some very interesting stories to show you today (depending on what you have a taste for). Personally the first story you will read about is one of my favorites and one I cannot believe I didn’t read about until SIX days after it was posted! #Fail. On the subject of Star Wars (*hint-hint*), the other piece of surprising news is related to a Star Wars title (and it’s not SWTOR). In fact most of this issues headlines talk about content updates coming to a lot of your favorite games, not to mention the allusive Heathstone announcement Blizzard has been teasing about for a few weeks. KCGO.

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