A Geek's Cogitations, Conjectures and other Cortical Experiences

Category: General Cogitation Page 14 of 40

Life Update – WTF Have I Been??!

minion_daveI have suddenly gone silent. It isn’t from a lack of things to say, I have plenty to say. I have plenty to talk about; but sometimes life throws you a curve ball. The wife fell off a ladder a couple of weeks ago. After a couple of doctor’s visits we found out she tore her Lisfranc ligament which meant surgery. She is doing well, but she has to be in a cast for 3+ weeks and on crutches for 6 weeks.

So, since she is practically immobile guess who has to play toddler wrangler 100% of the time now. On top of that, apparently my blog site is classified as “Games” and therefore blocked by the firewall at my new client. So the only time I could write anything is at night, after the kid is in bed and my wife is comfortable but that is also the time when I play games or read to wind down for the day.

I’m sure I will figure something out where I can try to get more blog posts out there during my wife’s recovery; perhaps I can put my iPad to good use in regards to blogging. In the meantime keep your eyes on my Twitter feed or Facebook timeline to see when new posts come out (which means you must be incredibly bored if you are waiting for a post on my blog).



Going to the Circus

My First Time Going to the Circus

The circus seems like such a nostalgic pastime. It always makes me think of carnies, tents, clowns, Dumbo. I had never really considered going to the circus, despite the huge popularity of Ringling Brother’s and Barnum and Bailey Circus and its near century as “The Greatest Show on Earth”. It’s fascinating how your proclivities change once you have a child. You realize that not only do you want to expose them to the things that you did as a child, but also the things you didn’t do. I’ll be honest, when we were considering buying tickets to the show I wasn’t really interested but they are going to retire the elephants and we found front row seats so it seemed serendipitous. Now, in retrospect, I’m glad we went.

Going to the CircusIt’s like going to the zoo as an adult for the first time in years, you never realized how much fun it is to be so close to the animals. The literal death-defying acts of the performers is so visceral you can’t help but feel amazed and alive. I would never have the cajones to try any of those stunts, and I’m sure most of us don’t, which is why we are all holding our breath when we watch other human’s walking the tightrope or surrounded by a dozen tigers, cracking a whip so they perform. (Admit it though, there is some infinitesimal part of you hoping to see one of those tigers decide they’ve had enough whipping and go “Siegfried & Roy” on the trainer, just to say you were there when it happened; however that would have traumatized my daughter for life so I’m glad everything went according to plan). By the way, I didn’t find a single clown creepy. In fact they were quite entertaining. So all you coulrophobics shouldn’t avoid the circus just because of the clowns, just don’t sit too close to the ring.

I’d say what I disliked the most about the experience were concession options and prices. The only diet soda option available was Diet Rite. Diet Rite!!! I didn’t even know Diet Rite still existed. I haven’t had a Diet Rite since I was like 12 years old. Then we decided to get Bee a souvenir and since she was distracted by all the kids with the light-up wands, we bought her one hoping she would watch the show instead of the other kids. $24!! So not only do they give you the bottom of the barrel options for pop but they price gouge you on the souvenirs. It was totally worth it regardless, just watch out at the concession stands. You have all of these images in your mind of what a circus should be; huge tents, the crowds sitting on bleachers, trapeze artists (which we didn’t see) but the only feature about the circus that is still true, they still travel by train! If you have the means and the opportunity, you should definitely check it out!

Still Enjoy The Smell Of A Book

Still Enjoy The Smell Of A BookAs technology evolves, new gadgets come out that change the way we evolve and as a geek I love to embrace that new technology. Also, as a geek, I love to read and I’ve been reading physical books long before there were e-readers. I do own an e-reader and I do use it but I still enjoy the smell of a book. There is also something elegant and nostalgic about the tactile properties of holding a book and turning the pages. Often times I am in the middle of two books at the same time. One on an e-reader and one in print and I have literally sat by the fireplace, in my recliner, reading a book.

Do I prefer one over the other? Not really. I probably use both pretty equally. I have plenty of books in print that I haven’t read yet and I intend to still read them, in their physical form. I don’t see the point in purchasing the digital versions of the books because, in my mind, that would be like buying a second copy. Granted, digital books definitely save on shelf space but with printed books you don’t have to worry about dead batteries or a crashed device. On the other hand, when I travel for vacation, I usually read a lot and I never know how quickly I might finish a book so the e-reader comes in quite handy. It’s a lot easier to have a library at your fingertips than to try to pack a library in your suitcase.

I’m not going to advocate for one format or the other. People should choose which they prefer for themselves and refrain from putting the other down. I do often worry that we will lose brick and mortar bookstores and libraries because there is nothing better than the look and smell of a bookstore or library. I could spend hours in a bookstore wishing I had the cash to buy every book that looked interesting; but I digress.

Whether you prefer physical books, ebooks or both I think its great that you read enough to have a preference. I hope, with all the technology today, kids still take the time to read a book (before seeing the movie). Reading will not only improve your vocabulary (which can make the difference between having a job and unemployment) but will also improve your creativity and critical thinking skills. Indulging in a good book is also a great way to relieve stress, for kids and adults alike.


minion_keboard_smI could get so much more accomplished if I only had minions!

And the Geeks Have Inherited the Earth!

the geeks have inherited the EarthRemember us; from 20 years ago? I know you do. We were the daily mugging. It was never about the lunch money or the dress shirts. We were bullied because we were smarter than you, because we could thrive without trying, because you felt threatened by us. We warned you to be kind to us because you should feel threatened. We had many mantras.

“Be nice to geeks, you’ll probably end up working for one”

“Geeks, will one day, inherit the Earth.”

“Geeks rule the World”

Well now the geeks have inherited the Earth, and we remember! Our minds are steel traps. We haven’t forgotten who bullied and tortured us. Your misplaced machismo may have brought us down on the outside, but it steeled our willpower and drove our ambitions. Now we are the timid tormentors. We are the kings of passive retribution. There are now more of us than there are of you. We may hide behind our monitors and tablets, but that is to disguise our numbers. We may dress like Jedi, Nintendo princesses, hobbits and wizards but that doesn’t mean our resolve has been weakened. We dress as creatures of power because we are creatures of power!

Now we pray on your insecurities and inadequacies. While you sleep, we are building empires but now as CEO, CTO, CIO and even as actors and actresses. Now we control your fate as yours employer and your superiors. Most of us do it as presidents and board members; or we enter your homes through your televisions and Blu-ray players; but there are those of us that do it … “anonymously”, from afar. We know your secrets because we have silently infiltrated your life. Our manifesto from the ’80’s still applies today. You live in our world now! You cannot hide from us; we are smarter than you, remember?

We are abundant.

We are everywhere.

We are watching you.

And we tried to warn you – now go empty the trash!

And That’s Why I Don’t Watch The Oscars

SoapboxI used to watch the Oscars like I watch the Super Bowl. In fact I used to play the Oscar game (i.e. predict the winners of all the categories) and I was pretty good at it, however since 8 Mile won best song, I haven’t watched the Oscars. I think the Academy plays favorites, or they are in the pockets of the production studios that win top prize. I don’t know why certain movies/actors are chosen,  but whether its favoritism or kickbacks, The Academy lacks objectivity. This is exactly what drives me crazy about the “call to boycott” the Oscars by Jada Pinkett Smith and Spike Lee and why I don’t watch the Oscars anymore.

I will be surprised if race has anything to do with the alleged “lack of diversity” in the Oscar nominations. I mean, God forbid its because the movies weren’t Oscar worthy. Smith and Lee are basically asking The Academy to play favorites, as if the nominations are not already fixed. If she wants Will Smith to win an Oscar then he needs to be in a movie that is actually good enough to warrant a nod (and Concussion looked boring, and didn’t seem to get that great of a response). How dare The Academy expect actors to do their job well!!

I guess I shouldn’t be surprised, Hollywood is already full of arrogant, self-entitled fools. All those actors and actresses out there trying to “make a better world” are just trying to build publicity and get their 15 minutes. I would be surprised if any of them really give a damn about “free health care” and “equal rights”. “Humanitarianism” is just a PR buzz-word;  besides most of them are too belligerent from their recent drug-and-alcohol-induced fugue to take seriously anyway. The lack of black Oscar nominations is probably item 4,657 on the list of racial injustices, maybe Jada Pinkett Smith and Spike Lee should focus their righteous efforts on something that will actually have an impact on humanity.imma-let-you-finish

I hope Kanye West wasn’t invited to the Oscars, although it might be pathetically hilarious if Jada Pinkett Smith pulls a “Kanye West” …

“And the Oscar goes to …”

Hold on, Imma let you finish but Will Smith deserves this Oscar more!

/end Soapbox

Common Sense and Caution Keeps Your Computer Clean

Protect Your Computer With Common Sense and CautionI see the advertisements all the time on Facebook and on television for apps and software to “speed up your PC”. I’m not going to mention specific companies or products because this is not a smear post. I know some of that software is probably legitimate and who am I to ruin someone’s livelihood. I’m going to explain how I rarely have speed issues or viruses and I don’t use any of those products nor do you have to be a computer expert; and you can do it without spending money on software. You shouldn’t need to buy those kinds of programs when a little common sense and caution helps to keep your computer clean and performing well.


The first, and most obvious, step should be to install a virus scanner. The popular ones you have probably heard about: McAfee, Norton, Kasperskey, etc. Those also cost money and require a subscription in order to keep your computer protected against new viruses. Since I’m frugal (which is the polite way of saying “cheap ass”) I prefer less expensive means of virus scanning; and by “less expensive” I mean free. There are a couple of free options out there. I’ve heard that some people have pretty good luck with Avast, personally I like Clamwin.

I cannot speak on behalf of Avast, since I have never used it, but Clamwin is pretty discrete, low maintenance and does not consume system resources (when its not running a scan). I schedule it to run a weekly scan at a time I know I won’t be using my computer (2am on Saturday’s). If you shutdown your computer or you own a laptop then you will need to find a more suitable time for a scan, but you should definitely try to run it once a week.

Pay Attention When Installing

I install a lot of other tools to augment my everyday computer use. I install programs that allow me to move files to other computers (i.e. Filezilla), or programs for simple file edit that are more powerful than Notepad (i.e. Notepad++), etc. Pay close attention to each screen that comes up during installation, sometimes you need to uncheck a checkbox or deny an installation request because its going to install something you don’t need (like those pesky browser toolbars, ex: the infamous “Ask” toolbar). Granted Filezilla and Notepad++ are not notorious for installing that extra crap but if you download anything from the Internet 1) make sure its from a reputable source and 2) always do a custom install (if the option is available) and always double check what you are installing, don’t blindly click “Next”. There are a lot of programs out there that are great tools but they like to sneak in extra products because they can earn royalties from each installation so a little caution goes a lot way.

Paying attention to what you download and/or install is especially important if you use a lot of peer-to-peer software. You just never know what you are actually putting on your computer when you are using torrents. Granted if you are using a virus scanner or programs that remove spyware (such as SpyBot Search & Destroy) might prevent damage to your computer from something you downloaded but nothing is 100%. I’m not saying all torrents are bad just be careful and use some common sense.

Stop Looking At Porn

I’m sure I am getting some shocking looks right now. I’m also guessing a few of my male friends are rolling their eyes and mocking me from afar but hear me out. I am not trying to be your moral compass. I’m not your mother, I’m not your priest, this has nothing to do with morality.

Some of you may remember “warez”, websites that allowed you to download cracked software or product keys to pirate software. Warez sites were the underworld of the Internet and porn sites were often associated with many warez sites thus making porn sites seem more sketchy. Honestly, I don’t trust porn sites; harmful code can be embedded in pictures, videos, etc and can even be triggered by simply moving your mouse over it. You run a huge risk by downloading pictures and videos or any other programs and “games” those sites may offer. Remember a virus was spread by alleged nude pictures of Anna Kournikova. Hackers out there with malicious intents not only know they can exploit weaknesses of a system but also can exploit a persons lack of self-control. I’m sure there are probably some “reputable” adult websites and those might be safe, but if you are trying to be clandestine or access “free porn”, I think you are putting your computer, and maybe even your identity, at risk.

I love the analogy of comparing a computer to a car because 90% of the time maintaining a computer is very similar to a car. Of course the irony is that I could build a computer in my sleep but I can’t change the oil on my car. Be that as it may, treat your computer like its a brand new car. You want to keep it looking nice and performing efficiently. Obviously bad things can still happen despite your due diligence but as long as you pay attention and always be aware of what you are downloading, you can mitigate most PC performance issues.

minion_keboard_smI could get so much more accomplished if I only had minions!

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