Issue 37
Welcome back! It looks like I have become more diligent posting a new Times each week. Summer has arrived which means the countdown to some of summer’s biggest releases has begun. The Secret World will soon be out (July 3rd) but I know the most anticipated upcoming release is Guild Wars 2.
There is some exciting news in this issue. Some updates on the SWTOR server transfers (its good news for once), as well as news on its upcoming 1.3 update. Some exciting DC Universe news as well as MechWarrior Online, World of Tanks and The Secret World. By the way, yours truly has a beta invite to this weekends final beta test for The Secret World, I hope to get in there and check it out and maybe provide you all with a post about my thoughts and impressions.
RIFT Expansion Offers Vanilla Free
Posted 6/19/12 – To those of you that have considered picking up RIFT but haven’t decided yet, you might want to wait until the expansion is released. Trion announced that the upcoming RIFT expansion, Storm Legion, will have the original game included for free. If you already own RIFT then the price for Storm Legion will be discounted. Follow the link to find out more.
Massively post
Team Ranked Warzones Coming in 1.3
Posted 6/19/12 – When Bioware yanked ranked warzones from 1.2 at the last minute, many were very disappointed. Well, now the wait is over … hopefully. Bioware just announced that Team Ranked Warzones will be in Game Update 1.3. May the PvPer’s rejoice as you will be pitted against other Republic or Imperial players for some good old fashioned PvP pwnage. Follow the link to read the offical announcement.
SWTOR Announcement
The Last Laugh Launches at Last
Posted 6/19/12 – The latest DLC pack for DCUO is now live and available for download. The Last Laugh has the return of The Joker which is voiced by our favorite Jedi, Mark Hamill. It is available for free to legendary members and will cost $9.99 for free and premium members. This update also includes new unlocks and other goodies. Follow the link to read more information.
Massively post
Hyperspace Beacon Reviews SWTOR Server Transfers
Posted 6/19/12 – I almost applied to be the SWTOR writer for Massively and I chickened out, but I do like the guy they got to write the Hyperspace Beacon (Larry Everett). I don’t provide enough of his posts in the MMO Times but I always recommend reading his posts during any of your casual visits to Massively. I wanted to provide his post this week because I wanted to finally show something positive about the state of SWTOR right now among all the negativity. Everett says he is impressed how well the transfer process was handled and is thrilled with the results. I have yet to transfer my characters, but after reading his article, most of my trepidation is gone. Follow the link to read the latest Hyperspace Beacon.
Massively post: Hyperspace Beacon
Final Beta Weekend for Secret World
Posted 6/19/12 – The Secret World is holding a final beta weekend and this iteration will give players a chance to try out PvP. The PvP in The Secret World is a persistent warzone where 200 players fight for supremacy. The next beta starts on the 22nd and ends on the 25th. The game is scheduled to launch on July 3rd. Follow the link for more information on this beta weekend.
Massively post
World of Tanks Editorial Review
Posted 6/18/12 – This one is for you Tommy. PCWorld provides links to download the latest version of the Free-2-Play MMO World of Tanks; with it is an editorial review of the game. I have to admit, after reading this guys review (albeit brief), the game does sound tempting to download and try out. Granted I have enough games to play these days, but it doesn’t hurt to try out a few different ones. Follow the link to read the review (there are also links to download the game as well).
PCWorld Editorial Review
MechWarrior Online System Reqs & Founder’s Program
Posted 6/17/12 – The latest news about MechWarrior online covers system requirements. A dual core is the minimum required processor, though a quad core will render better performance. They also tease about a “founder’s program”. Players that participate in the founder’s program will receive a special in-game mech, a title and other item not yet announced. Follow the link to read more about it.
[UPDATED 6/19] Additional details about Founder’s Program have been added, see second link.
Massively post | Founder’s Details
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