A Geek's Cogitations, Conjectures and other Cortical Experiences

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For the Love of Writing

Minion-reading-iconI don’t know how to describe what it is about writing that I enjoy – I can’t seem to find the words (hah!). There is something elusive and cathartic about putting “pen to paper” (err.. “text to screen”?) I’ve sometimes wondered if there is a career out there that would allow me to just write, besides writing a book. I don’t have the imagination to write a book. I doubt I can be creative enough to keep a reader’s attention for 300+ pages (although I seemed to have a knack for creative writing back in Honors English in high school). If I had the literary and mental capacity to constantly be writing, I would. I just don’t have enough complete thoughts in my head to do that. Also, I know I make way to many grammar errors.

I think that is why I enjoy this blog so much. It allows me to filter out my thoughts into (hopefully) cohesive posts. I think I have read somewhere that sometimes simply writing essentially helps organize your brain. It’s a form of cortical defragmenting. They also say that if you are an aspiring writer that you should write for an hour at least once a day, it doesn’t matter what you write about, just as long as you write something. It will help to organize your thoughts and hone your skills. As I said before, I’m not really “book writing material” but the exercise has helped me on a daily basis to problem solve and write more robust code.

There was a time when I considered applying for a blog writer position with Massively (back before AOL pulled the rug out from under them and who is now Massively Overpowered). They were looking for a Star Wars columnist to blog about everything Star Wars and Star Wars MMO games. This was clearly something that seemed right up my alley considering how much of a Star Wars nerd I am and how much I enjoy playing MMOs. I almost wrote a sample to submit but talked myself out of it because I felt there are far more gifted writers out there that deserved less competition (not that I would have been any competition at all). I think Larry Everett does a fantastic job with the Hyperspace Beacon column so I’m glad he’s doing it and not me.

Maybe one day, if/when I get out of programming, I may find some way of monetizing my thoughts and words. Until then blogging will be my outlet and everything geek and gaming will be my muse. Thanks for reading.


minion_keboard_smI could get so much more accomplished if I only had minions!

MMO Times: AOL Is Still Evil: DIAF

aol-im-goodbyeIssue 113: I am going to rant a bit in the intro; if you don’t want to see the horrible things I think about AOL, you can probably skip this paragraph. If you haven’t heard by now, AOL has shut down three of my favorite gaming blog sites: Joystiq, Massively and WoW Insider. Some troglodyte in the upper ranks of AOL has made the ignorant decision to further ostracize AOL and shutdown these sites and fire 150 people; and ultimately left millions of faithful readers reeling in disbelief. There was nerd rage the likes of which the world had never seen. The beautiful irony is that the brilliant writers that were unfairly dismissed have a plan to persevere and we will soon see new weblogs pop up; AOL on the other hand will die a miserable and deserved death (finally). Make sure you take a moment to thank all the extraordinary writers for Joystiq, Massively and WoW Insider!

**Phew** I’m glad that’s out of my system. So let’s get back to talking about the games we all love. The former Massively and WoW Insider folks are already working on making a comeback. The first bit of new content for the current WoW expansion has been unlocked, unexpected news from Sony and more news from all of the great and valuable MMO news sources out there that deserve better than they often get from the corporate ass-hats that leer over them.

Save Joystiq and Massively!!!

overworked-290x290I am beyond upset with the folks at AOL (who, ironically, haven’t been relevant since the 90s). I just read devastating news on Massively.com that AOL (or some VP at AOL that performed a “Ghostcrawler nerf” to Joystiq’s budget) will be shutting down Joystiq and all its affiliate sites. This includes Massively and potentially WoW Insider (though I have not heard anything officially posted by the WoW Insider staff).

Massively and Joystiq have been my primary go-to sites for gaming news and they are my primary sources for my MMO Times posts. The gaming industry is booming and will only grow bigger as gamers have children gamers (like me). This is a mistake that will have rippling affects, but I guess AOL is use to making ignorant mistakes.

A petition has been started and you should head over there and sign it immediately. There is also hashtags for twitter that you should start using immedately: #SaveJoystiq, #SaveMassively.

Hopefully there is some organization out there that still supports gamers and the gaming industry that might be willing to pick up these sites and not only give us our community back but give the great writers at Joystiq/Massively/etc their jobs back!

Update: Unfortunately WoW Insider is also going away. It is a solemn and lonely moment; however Adam Holisky (writer for WoW Insider) just tweeted this (there is hope):


minion_keboard_smI could get so much more accomplished if I only had minions!

The MMO Times: Five Hundred and Nine!

orc_yellIssue 110: Oh, wait, no, we’re just at one hundred and ten. I guess I have to move to Denver and nearly break my neck to get to 509. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, unless you are an NFL fan (the real thing, not the EA Sports kind) don’t worry about it. A completely random numerical title with a cultural reference just seemed like a fun thing to do. In any event, Warlords of Draenor pre-expansion patch is officially live. We all are having to learn how to play our characters again and we have to get used to the stat squish. Of course if you’re not playing WoW then all of that information is completely moot, but keep reading because I’m going stop referencing WoW now 🙂

There might be a Hearthstone clone in the works, STO and RIFT have some expansions that have gone live, a big BlizzCon announcement are just a few of the headlines that might catch your attention today. I found an article from September that talked about what Titan might have been so some of you might find that to be an interesting article to read. KCGO** 

The MMO Times: Blood Moon Eclipse

lunar-eclipse-0814Issue 109: Isn’t that an awesome lunar eclipse. The “Blood Moon”, such an iconic event to happen in the month of October. Yes, fall is upon us and so are many a content patches and expansions. Obviously the gaming companies are gearing up for the Christmas season and the winter months for those that will be sequestered in their homes in the colder regions of the world. Blizzard, Bioware and the other companies are preparing content for your enjoyment while you endure the frigid winter months. Also, BlizzCon is a mere 3 weeks away (which means we are about 4 weeks away from Warlords of Draenor)!

 Speaking of the WoW expansion, the pre-expansion patch will drop October 14th so get your last taste of Brawlers Guild, Challenge Modes and get your Legendary Cloak quests because they will be gone with 6.0.2. So there is some SWTOR and WoW expansion news in this issue, as well as some more details about new content coming for Final Fantasy XIV, Age of Wushu and more.

The MMO Times: Mi_ _ _ _ _ft

minecraft-clippyIssue 107: Hello again, gamers!!! A million voices cried out in terror this week when the news officially broke that Microsoft purchased Mojang, the maker of Minecraft. The title comes from this humorous tweet sent out after the purchase was announced. I’m not a Minecraft player, and now the odds are even less likely that I will be. Farewell Minecraft, we knew thee well.  

As summer sadly draws to a close, we will all get ready to spend a few months indoors as the weather becomes colder and colder (and allegedly its supposed to be a pretty cold and snowy winter), although most of us are pretty accustomed to being indoors all day anyway. I think the big news is the launch of ArcheAge  which should be available for everyone this week. I know a few folks who were in the beta and said it was actually pretty good. Are you checking it out?

The next WoW expansion is approaching fast so more news about the upcoming 6.0 expansion pre-patch and expansions details are becoming more available. If you are done with the whole WoW-thing then there are still other things to read about. A familiar face has come to Marvel Heroes, Age of Wushu is giving your toons some companionship, and another title has jumped on the player housing bandwagon (though not very successfully). Have fun pwning the newbs!

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