A Geek's Cogitations, Conjectures and other Cortical Experiences

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The MMO Times: Not A Stack of Peacebloom

mmotimesheaderIIIssue 89: The Siege of Orgrimmar is live on all WoW servers, but that isn’t my excuse for my lapse in posting the Times. Life, as is always my excuse, just got busy again. Hopefully I will be more astute with my MMO news for a little while, especially since BlizzCon is in the not too distant future (in a month and a half I believe). Honestly, based on the time I have spent trying to catch up on my MMO news, I don’t think I have missed too many “WTF” or “ZOMG” headlines. If I do miss a particularly exciting, or troubling, headline please provide the link in the comments; unless it contains spoilers, like the Horde’s new Warchief (and its not a stack of peacebloom). Then please don’t reveal that so people can choose when they find out.

I tried not to go too far back as anything that is too old probably isn’t worth pointing out anymore. I have found some news for The Secret World, Guild Wars 2, MechWarrior Online and more. Anything that has gone live last Tuesday (or prior) (which seems to be a popular day for launching new content) I’m sure everyone knows about so I won’t get into things like WoW’s 5.4 patch, Marvel Heroes, FFXIV, etc.

The MMO Times: Happy Birthday, America!!

mmotimesheaderIIIssue 81: Happy Independence Day, everyone! In celebration of the birthday of our great nation, let’s set aside our political differences. We should be celebrating the fact that we even have the freedom to express our beliefs. Also, be safe when you go out there to blow things up! Just because there are no repercussions when we blow things up in our games doesn’t mean that translates to real life. You can’t game if you lose a hand because you weren’t safe!

This is getting an early posting since I may not be available to provide any additional headlines that appear over the next couple of days. I’ll either be gaming (there is, after all, The Secret World’s anniversary celebration going on), blowing stuff up, or watching other people blow stuff up.

I’m sure the rest of you may also be indulging in similar activities but here are some headlines to read about. We have some MWO and Runescape 3 release date news, a new Blizzard beta product, The Secret World, SWTOR, and much more. Happy 4th!

The MMO Times: RIP Tony Soprano

The MMO Times: Issue 79Issue 79: What does Tony Soprano and the death of James Gandolfini have to do with MMOs? Absolutely nothing, but since this is my blog and I am a huge Sopranos fan, he gets honorable mention in this issue. If you have never seen The Sopranos, get on Netflix and watch it now! I’m a sucker for mafia and mobster movies and shows and The Sopranos was the epitome. James Gandolfini’s endearing smile and extraordinary talents will be sorely missed.

Mobsters and Waste Management Consultants aside, there are a few exciting things happening this week in various MMO titles. I couldn’t find a specific headline worth posting so I will just let you know that Game Update 2.2 for SWTOR went live this week! There is also new content coming to GW2, Marvel Heroes, MWO and of course World of Warcraft as more details of patch 5.4 come out. So while you are watching The Sopranos, check out these headlines, and don’t screw it up or you’ll lose two teeth!

The MMO Times: Thanks For Your Sacrifice!

mmotimesheaderIssue 75: Happy Memorial Day, Gamers. While spending your three-day weekend “pwning noobs”, raiding or questing, please remember our service men and women who gave their lives so that we may have the freedom to pwn noobs. Please take some time this weekend to come out from behind the computer or gaming console, go to a cook out, visit a cemetery of fallen soldiers, and remember those that fought for this country.

A lot of patches went live last week but the one that stands out to me the most was the WoW patch 5.3, which apparently has had several hot fixes since it went live. In fact instead of the 5.4 talks starting, its all been blue posts containing details of what was recently hot fixed. I have been hearing some good things about the SWTOR patch; post your feedback and comments with your thoughts.

MechWarrior Online has a new map they are showing off, Guild Wars 2 is a little easier to afford, and we are on the cusp of the Marvel Heroes release. I’m a couple of headlines short this issue because of the impending holiday weekend but I hope there are headlines here that strike your fancy! Read on and game on, friends!

The MMO Times: Spring Into Summer

mmotimesheaderIssue 73: G’day Gamers! The summer is almost upon us which means patches and updates are coming as students are released from the shackles of educational institutions. Many of our favorite MMOs have some plans for the summer and some of those updates are starting as soon as next week! As an avid gamer myself, while I am excited for all the new content, I still plan on getting outside regularly to indulge in the warmth of the sunshine. I hope you all do the same.

So what goodies are in store for you in this issue of the MMO Times? How about a new MWO mech, more DCUO content, SWTOR patches (note the plural), etc. Also, don’t forget the plethora of details coming out about the next World of Warcraft content patch, 5.3 (which has allegedly started downloading in the background). There won’t be any raids but there will be new scenarios and more quality of life tweaks. Read on and game on, friends!

The MMO Times: It’s PAX-tastic!

mmotimesheaderIssue 68: It’s PAX East week so there will be several posts that talk about what was unveiled. The one everyone is really anxious about is Blizzard’s “Something New”. We already knew about the Diablo III PS4 migration so if you weren’t paying attention to the PAX news then I guess you will have to read on to find out what Blizzard unveiled (I’ll be honest though, its not really that epic).

Beyond that we have a couple of new tidbits about the upcoming Age of Wushu MMO (due out April 10th). The first piece of news about Patch 5.3 for World of Warcraft. A new MechWarrior Online trailer. And more!

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