Issue 102 – Greetings and Salutations, Friends!! Ah, the sweltering days of summer are upon us and what is there better to do on a hot day then sit in the air conditioning and game. Of course you could go to the pool to ogle the bods … err, I mean get some refreshing exercise – but you can’t slay Orcs while wading in the deep end! While keeping cool in this infernal days of summer, check out what’s going on in your favorite MMO titles.
Sony is teasing us again with some new trademarks, and speaking of trademarks, we finally know what “The Dark Below” is. Blizzard has some news for Hearthstone fans and for the folks still playing WoW (while eagerly awaiting Warlords of Draenor). WildStar is making an effort for players to better secure their accounts; I always suggest taking advantage of extra security.
SOE Trademarks Words
Massively post
Remember “The Dark Below”?
Posted 7.7.14 – Speaking of trademarked words, remember last year before Blizzard told us the name of the next WoW expansion everyone was curious about the trademarked phrase “The Dark Below”. Then, all of a sudden, we never heard anything about it again. It turns out that “The Dark Below” is for an upcoming expansion for Bungie’s Destiny MMO. I really don’t know how people thought that it would be the WoW expansion and it turned out to be in a complete different universe. Be that as it may, if you have played and/or enjoyed Destiny, then you should be happy to know that an expansion is on the way. If you don’t have the game, buying Ghost Edition or the Limited Edition will grant you special access to the expansions (notice the plural).
WoW Insider post
Hearthstone Adventure Pack Coming (at a price)
Massively post
WildStar Offering Incentive for Security
Posted 7.9.14 – If you have a WildStar account but you haven’t activated your 2-step verification, Carbine is trying to convince to do it. Starting on July 10th, any player that applies the 2-step verification will not only get the cosmetic helm, a title and a 2% XP boost but will now also get a free bike mount (The Retroblade). Don’t worry, if you already have 2-step verification then you should receive this mount. I don’t know why you wouldn’t want to have the additional peace of mind to prevent someone from hacking your account, but this is a great deal to get with that peace of mind.
Massively post
ArcheAge Beta Starting 7.17 – Looks Promising
GameSpot article
Gaze of the Black Prince Activate!
Posted 7.14.14 – Blizzard is giving players a nice little boost toward completing your legendary cloak questline. If you were playing a couple weeks ago you may have noticed this buff once before. The “Gaze of the Black Prince” increases all reputation gains with Wrathion as well as increases the drop rate of the quest items needed. This is good news for me as I have had terrible luck acquiring the 12 runestones (I only have 1 and I have been trying to run LFR frequently, ToT and SoO). Although I still think Blizzard needs to allow legendary items to be used in transmog. I really don’t understand why this isn’t something they allow. These quests require a lot of effort, we should be allow to show off our time invested.
Massively post