A Geek's Cogitations, Conjectures and other Cortical Experiences

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The MMO Times: Prepare for Kylo Ren

Star-Wars-The-Force-Awakens-Kylo-RenIssue 133: Welcome to the start of the fourth quarter of the year. Just think, in 3 months time it will be 2016 (and we will all be regaling about The Force Awakens and how awesome Kylo Ren is). First, before we are fully immersed in the extraordinary Star Wars universe, we must first have BlizzCon. Unfortunately that also is still a few weeks away, but the road to BlizzCon has begun. Don’t forget to get your tickets and pick up your goodie bag!

The road to BlizzCon, however, is not yet paved with headlines. In fact this posting is later than normal as there wasn’t a lot showing up in my feeds that really warranted a spotlight. Neverwinter does make the list again because R. A. Salvatore (one of my favorite fantasy authors) is apparently involved with the development of this game. WildStar’s F2P patch finally launches. Blizzard makes paid character services a little less cumbersome. So there are a few goodies in here. KCGO.

The MMO Times: BB-8 Is Awesome!

bb8-tfaIssue 130: Greetings Gamers! BB-8, the new endearing droid from The Force Awakens trailer, captured the Internet’s heart this week as an app-controlled toy was unveiled. It’s a bit pricey ($150) but its so damn cool that it might be worth it. Hopefully there will still be some available around Christmas (*hint-hint*). Be that as it may, let’s get back to talking about games/gaming. We just had a 3-day weekend which means an extra day to game. What did you play for your extra day of indulgence?

The Labor Day weekend made for a pretty meager list of noteworthy headlines. Some upsetting news for those interested in the Pathfinder Online title; WildStar’s Free-2-Play version has some new updates. I even threw something in here about The Witcher 3. I found some news about a couple of titles we haven’t heard from in a while, and there’s more of course. So while your BB-8 is charging, check these out. KCGO.

The MMO Times: The Calm After the Legion

sw-tfa-teaserIssue 126: Holy Cow, that was a crazy Gamescom! I think Blizzard definitely stole the show but everyone knew it was going to happen, which is why I think so many other companies had a lot of their own products to talk about. The increase in interest gave them the perfect arena to market their games too. There will be some residual posts below from the final couple of days of Gamescom, but for the most part I tried to keep it to news more immediately published.

I will try to limit the Legion talk as I’m sure there will be plenty of it in the coming weeks (especially as Blizzcon draws near). In fact I actually threw in some Rise of the Tombraider because it has some new footage really worth checking out. There is also Diablo III patch news, WildStar beta news, Heroes of the Storm latest PTR status and more. So take a break from trying to find that perfect Demon Hunter name and check out these great headlines. KCGO

The MMO Times: Everything Is Awesome!

lego-sw-crewIssue 116: Greetings Gamers! I bet you all were starting to think that I had fallen off the wagon again and forgot to post another MMO Times. Actually the delay is primarily because there wasn’t much to talk about and, again, I didn’t want to post “Little Tommy’s Fanboi Blog Site” as legitimate and interesting MMO news.

In this issue we have some more Patch 6.2 details for Warlords of Draenor, an awesome animated clip for the LEGO fans, some Secret World news and more. So while you are waiting for Taco Tuesday and searching for the KRAGLE, perhaps these articles will help pass the time because “everything is awesome when we’re living our dream”. KCGO

The MMO Times … Returns!

darth-vader-lukeIssue 115: The MMO Times is coming back. The gaming news just seemed to come to an abrupt halt where there just wasn’t anything interesting to share. I didn’t want to try to dig up menial stories that have little to no credibility just to keep providing a new post/email. I’m not interested in filling up your inboxes with junk. Of course then various real life events quickly exacerbated that hiatus; but hopefully we are back in full swing for a while. It has been about 6 weeks as the last MMO Times post was back when we lost our beloved Mr. Spock. Rest In Peace, Leonard Nimoy!

Upon our return it seems the interesting news is predominately Blizzard titles; primarily WoW and Diablo III (including some Warcraft movie news). The rumor mill has churned out a few things, specifically for WildStar. There is also some exciting news for a classic title (though it is not MMO related). Hopefully there is something you didn’t know about in the links below. In the meantime, KCGO.

The MMO Times: The Daystar Burns Us!

hot-weatherIssue 102 – Greetings and Salutations, Friends!! Ah, the sweltering days of summer are upon us and what is there better to do on a hot day then sit in the air conditioning and game. Of course you could go to the pool to ogle the bods … err, I mean get some refreshing exercise – but you can’t slay Orcs while wading in the deep end! While keeping cool in this infernal days of summer, check out what’s going on in your favorite MMO titles.

Sony is teasing us again with some new trademarks, and speaking of trademarks, we finally know what “The Dark Below” is. Blizzard has some news for Hearthstone fans and for the folks still playing WoW (while eagerly awaiting Warlords of Draenor). WildStar is making an effort for players to better secure their accounts; I always suggest taking advantage of extra security.

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