A Geek's Cogitations, Conjectures and other Cortical Experiences

Tag: World of Warcraft: Warlords of Draenor

The MMO Times: Independence Edition!

4th_fireworksIssue 101: Happy Independence Day (for those of us in the U.S.A.)!! I hope everyone had a happy and safe 4th of July. I celebrated our country’s birthday on the beaches in Maryland which means I took a week off of gaming. My vacation also explains why this post is delayed so hopefully there is still something in here that will amuse and/or excite you.

There are quite a few exciting headlines, especially for fans of WoW and SWTOR. There are also details about the Pathfinder Online MMO that is incoming and some exciting news for Asheron’s Call (for those nostalgia MMO fans). Also, not to toot my own horn but I am in the beta/alpha for two of Blizzard’s games now (Heroes of the Storm and WoD) so hopefully I will be able to talk about those games though probably not in too much detail because of the NDA associated with all closed beta/alpha invites. I know a few of you have also received a WoD invite as well so we could probably talk in secret 🙂

MMO Times: The One Before the Hundredth

mmo-headerIssue 99 – As the subject suggests, I am on the verge of having the 100th post, it’s crazy that I have written nearly 100 of these. I know it has been a while since the last post (in fact it was Pi Day) but (as every single person will tell you over and over) life gets a little busy when you have a newborn in the house. Despite all the colloquialisms we are settled into our new routine and so I am now finding the pockets of time in which I can still partake in my various hobbies. Since I don’t sleep that much anyway, I find that I can still play my games, write my blogs and read gaming news – it was all just a matter of modifying the times in which I can do that.

Really, not much has happened in the past few weeks anyway. Most people already know about the WildStar Open Beta (I”m curious about your impressions if you are playing in the beta) as well as its headstart launch coming up May 31st; though so far I’ve heard its kinda “meh”. Amazon has some discounts on a few titles if you are looking for something new to try. SWTOR devs have some big promises coming. A game called Darkfall has an interesting mechanic to crafting (that I wish other MMOs would adopt).

The MMO Times: MmmMmm Pi

mmo-headerIssue 98: March 14th is the almighty Pi Day (3.14), I have acknowledged this day since high school trigonometry (Thanks Mr. Urban). How did you celebrate Pi Day? Sadly I had to work today, but I think a Cheesecake (I know, it says cake, but it looks like a pie) this evening. Be that as it may, check out these awesome headlines in the MMO world lately.

Some World of Warcraft expansion news (which I’m sure most of you are already aware of); actually there is quite a bit of Blizzard related news from Hearthstone to Heroes of the Storm. If you play any of Blizzard’s titles, I’m sure you know about most of them. Age of Wushu has some new information about a possible expansion, and remember WildStar? There are some new details surrounding the official release. So put down the pie-fork and game on, friends!

MMO Times: So Long, Sochi!

mmotimesheaderIIIssue 95: The 2014 Winter Olympics are over. A big congrats to all the Olympians that received a medal this year. Congrats to Russia for winning the most medals this year, it’s pretty cool that they won the medal count when the Olympics were on their home soil. Congrats to Canada for winning the Hockey Gold Medal!! All right, enough with the Olympics, this is an MMO blog post for crying out loud!

I have a couple of World of Warcraft posts available this time. Mostly expansion related but there is a really cool transmog post I would encourage you to read if you’re interested. I found an interesting FFXIV post regarding its port to the PS4, plus some RIFT news. So now that we have all that Curling out of our system, lets check out whats happening in the MMO games. Enjoy!

MMO Times: Post-Blizzcon

mmotimesheaderIIIssue 92: Sorry for the lengthy delay; between work, the website becoming compromised and various other IRL stuff I haven’t been able to post a recent MMO Times. The hidden benefit though is that now that Blizzcon is over you know there should be plenty to talk about *cough*garrisons*cough*. MMO-Champion is probably going to get a lot of love in this issue because they seem to have the best overview of all that came out of Blizzcon this year. Therefore, if you are curious about what is new with World of Warcraft then I would recommend reading the headlines/posts in this issue from MMO-Champion.

I didn’t just find articles about what Blizzard announced and revealed at Blizzcon so don’t go anywhere. There are plenty of other things happening to read about. In fact if you stick around you will see that a new event will be starting for Final Fantasy XIV players as well as the next iteration for Marvel Heroes (which provides some godly, and demi-godly, additions). Plus Trion teases players with some recent domain registration activity. Read on and game on, friends.

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