A Geek's Cogitations, Conjectures and other Cortical Experiences

Tag: World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria Page 6 of 7

The MMO Times: Back to Business

Issue 36

Greetings Gamers! Now that all the fun and “geekery” of E3 is over and all of us are coming off our nerd-highs, its time to get back to business. We heard a lot of cool things that are in store for several of our favorite MMO franchises as well as some exciting news about upcoming console games (ex: Halo 4 and The Last of Us – check out the gameplay video).

As we move into the summer months, when there are usually big titles released for all of those on summer vacation, we are hearing more MoP, TERA and Diablo news. We will also have to say goodbye to another MMO as another difficult decision had to be made to shutdown the servers of a classic MMO with a good six year run. Details on the SWTOR server transfers, collector’s edition pets and mounts, and the RMAH (Real Money Auction House) can all be found in this issue. Enjoy!

The MMO Times: The Power of The Force Compels You!

Issue 34

Hello Again, Gamers! As the excitement of Diablo III finally quells, the MMO world suffered some disturbing news this past week. All of the employees at 38 Studios have officially been laid off as more drama continues to emerge from Curt Schillings disastrous foray into MMO development. Bioware also announced that they had to layoff several developers and will be performing server merges, however this does not spell doom for SWTOR. There are still 1.3 million active players and obviously layoffs are just part of the business (Blizzard did the same thing a few months ago).

Despite these unfortunate events, there is still something to be excited about for World of Warcraft and SWTOR players. More interesting changes are coming out from the recent beta build for MoP and the SWTOR devs (that are still employed) have more details of what to expect in the 1.3 update. There is also some more exciting news for RIFT fans and anyone excited about the upcoming Marvel Heroes MMO.

Also, next week is E3 (June 5 – 7) so hopefully we will get some more exciting news about our favorite games (current and future)! Enjoy!

The MMO Times: Inferno Edition!

Issue 33

As the finish line for the race for the Inferno World’s First draws closer and the Diablo III hype begins to wane, we are now looking at what new content to look forward to in upcoming patches and expansions. This issue we have more details about the upcoming 1.3 patch for SWTOR, more MIsts of Pandaria goodies and some Warhammer news.

It is also important to note that in a couple of weeks is E3 (June 5-7) and there is usually something of interest that will be revealed for the MMO genre. Perhaps Gazillion’s recent press release (which you can read about in this issue of MMO Times) will be a prelude of what might be at E3 this year.

The MMO Times: The Rapid Left Click Edition!

Issue 32

The launch of Diablo III and TERA has made for very little information to share lately. I haven’t tried TERA primarily because I have enough games to play that I don’t need another one. Now that Diablo III is out and Aion is F2P I now have to decide when I want to play either those games, WoW or Old Republic.

I only have a couple links to share with this issue but I didn’t want to wait much longer on posting them. I may even be running the risk that these links are old news already. Either way, if you need a break from Diablo III, or you need something else to do while you are frantically clicking your mouse, check out some of the latest information about MechWarrior Online and some interesting new MoP features.

The MMO Times: First Contact

Issue 30

Hey Gamers! How does another issue of The MMO Times sound? If any of you are confused by the name of this issue, April 5th was First Contact Day because April 5th, 2063 is when Zeframe Cochrane makes first contact with the Vulcans, so there is some useless nerd minutia for you.

So this issue we have more SWTOR news, including a launch date for Game Update 1.2 (WOOT!). There is also some more beta and pre-order information for Guild Wars 2 and TERA. Again, I didn’t really talk too much about Mists of Pandaria because there aren’t a lot of details that are unknown at this point. Contrary to what I have said in previous posts (and on Google+) I actually have been trying out the MoP beta, perhaps I will cover that in a blog post.

The MMO Times: The Panda’s Are Coming!!

Issue 29

Hello Again, Gamers! Despite the title, there won’t be a lot of Mists of Pandaria information in this issue, mainly because there is so much out there that I didn’t want to flood this post with articles just about the next WoW expansion. If you really want to check out all the upcoming features for MoP I would head over to MMO-Champion, they have quite a comprehensive collection of information.

Instead I tried to keep things more about other games because, despite Blizzard’s best efforts, there are other games out there to play then just WoW and after nearly eight years, the other games are just more interesting. I did include a couple of WoW-related posts but I think people might enjoy some new information about upcoming (new) MMOs like Pathfinder Online and World of Darkness.

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