A Geek's Cogitations, Conjectures and other Cortical Experiences

Tag: The Secret World

The MMO Times – And We’re Back

Issue 43

Sorry for the AFK, Gamers. I became pretty swamped at work and I just didn’t have the time to read up on the latest MMO rumblings. I hope all of you found the time to perhaps read up on a few of stories on your own. Of course the biggest news to come out over the past two weeks is that in November SWTOR will adopt a Free-2-Play model. More on that in this issue.

Guild Wars 2 and the next WoW expansion are on the horizon and there is more details about MoP in this issue. If you are a DCUO fan, there is more DLC coming in September and more for the RIFT expansion and new Secret World content as well. Gamescom was this week so that probably explains the flood of new announcements coming out this week. Read on and game on, friends!

The MMO Times: Before The Dark Knight Rises

Issue 41

Greetings again, Gamers! Now that all the hype of Comic-Con is out of our systems we are all watching diligently for news of the next big titles. Granted Gamescom is coming up and there might be a few surprises for MMO gamers. I know everyone is also anxiously awaiting the final Batman movie (to begin at midnight tonight) so here are some articles to keep you occupied while you wait in the lines.

In this issue there is more news for those awaiting MechWarrior Online, more news about SWTOR despite all the vile hatred spewing from some gamers and MMO “pundits”, and the reviews are in for The Secret World. Read on gamers and don’t spoil the ending of Batman for those that haven’t seen it yet.

The MMO Times: The 40th Issue!

Issue 40

It’s Comic-Con week this week and man I wish I was there. William Shatner, Felicia Day, the entire Firefly cast (including Joss Wheadon) are just a couple of the big reasons I wish I were there! It’s also been a slow week in gaming this week not only because of Comic-Con but also because SWTOR patch 1.3 and The Secret World are now in full swing. So I know we are all busy doing what we all do best, but perhaps you will find some of the following articles and posts interesting.

In this 40th issue of the MMO Times there is more information regarding the Game of Thrones MMO, a new Ultima MMO from EA, some more reviews for The Secret World and the announcement of some new incentive programs from Bioware. Read on and enjoy!

The MMO Times: Good Neewwws Everybody!

Issue 38

Greetings Fellow Gamers! It has been a very exciting week, culminating with the early access launch of The Secret World. There have been new updates and major announcements that will have many gamers giddy like a little school girl. Obviously the biggest news this week was the release of SWTOR’s Game Update 1.3 and the announcement of the Guild Wars 2 release date.

I hope to provide a post soon of my impressions of the 1.3 patch (similar to what I did for 1.2) so look or check back for that. There is also more information about account-wide mounts for MoP, more MechWarrior Online news and a very interesting article about the Jet Li sponsored MMO, Age of Wushu. Enjoy!

Biggs On: The Secret World

I was fortunate enough to participate in the past two beta weekends for The Secret World so I thought I would offer my review/general impressions. The release date for this game is July 3rd, early access starts this Friday. If anyone is not familiar with this game, its that latest MMO developed by Electronic Arts and takes place in a modern world but in a fictitious location. There are no races (in the orc/elf/dwarf sense) – everyone is human. There are three factions: Illuminati, Templar, and Dragon.

Character creation is a bit reminiscent of Aion or SWTOR where you can modify the physical appearance of your head, nose, chin, eyes, etc (but not quite as granular as Aion). You will also choose your outfit and choose wisely because your outfit will not change. You will be able to set a first name, last name and nickname. Your nickname must be what is unique and finding a nickname that wasn’t taken and/or allowed can be quite challenging almost to the point of aggravating. I’m not going to describe the story because I would rather you experience it for yourself but basically you are part of a secret society (which is associated with your faction) and you fight your way through strange activities occurring in the world (almost like something out of a Stephen King novel coupled with a Dan Brown novel).

Probably the most interesting concept in this game is how you level. It isn’t a traditional leveling mechanic in that there isn’t a numeric value to your level. What gear you are wearing and how deep you have gone into your skill/ability tree dictates how far you have leveled. Your weapons consist of magic, guns, swords or clubs … all of which seem pretty cool. Your weapons are the only noticeable changes to your character as you swap gear in and out. You don’t receive chest, legs, feet or gloves. Your gear primarily consists of a weapon (or focus for magic users), a couple talisman, rings, neck, etc.

Ok, so what did I think. Its not a bad game. It’s different. I like the modern world aspect of the game. The artwork and graphics are pretty amazing but you will probably want a pretty decent video card and processor to properly experience the game. It’s not a game I would pay a subscription to play. Something that I didn’t like is that sometimes what you are suppose to do and where you are suppose to go for quests wasn’t very clear. I found myself just running around without a clue as to where to go until I stumbled onto the right path. Sometimes you have to “pause” current quests in order to pick up new quests so you can’t pick up everything and do them all at the same time.

The game definitely has potential but its not going to be the next WoW, in fact I doubt there will ever be a game that will generate the same player base and have the same impact as World of Warcraft. I’d say that if you get a chance to check it out for free, give it a shot, I think its going to be a game, like Aion, for the A.D.D Gamer who briefly needs something different.

Click here to go to The Secret World website.


The MMO Times: Summertime Fun!

Issue 37

Welcome back! It looks like I have become more diligent posting a new Times each week. Summer has arrived which means the countdown to some of summer’s biggest releases has begun. The Secret World will soon be out (July 3rd) but I know the most anticipated upcoming release is Guild Wars 2.

There is some exciting news in this issue. Some updates on the SWTOR server transfers (its good news for once), as well as news on its upcoming 1.3 update. Some exciting DC Universe news as well as MechWarrior Online, World of Tanks and The Secret World. By the way, yours truly has a beta invite to this weekends final beta test for The Secret World, I hope to get in there and check it out and maybe provide you all with a post about my thoughts and impressions.

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