A Geek's Cogitations, Conjectures and other Cortical Experiences

Tag: Star Wars Page 10 of 43

The Mandalorian: Chapter 18

Bo-Katan Kryze in The Mandalorian

Title: The Mines of Mandalore
Director: Rachel Morrison
Runtime: 44 min

Din and Grogu find themselves on a ruined and inhospitable planet to recover myths and legends. Some “friendly” faces and some not-so-friendly faces return in this episode. More on that later.

I did enjoy this episode. There are fewer Easter Eggs and less foreshadowing than in the previous chapter. Perhaps the purpose of Chapter 17 is to foreshadow some events that may occur in this season. In fact I have a few theories of my own that I will discuss next.

Spoilers Ahead!!!

The Mandalorian: Chapter 17

Greef Karga in The Mandalorian Chapter 17

Title: The Apostate
Director: Rick Famuyiwa
Runtime: 37 min

We’re back! It’s been over two years since we’ve gotten to talk about a new episode of The Mandalorian; to say I’m excited is a gross understatement. Without further ado, let’s get into The Mandalorian Chapter 17!

Din Djarin is an apostate for having removed his helmet. He wishes to atone so that he can be reinstated as a Mandalorian. In order to do that he must pool his resources and gather the necessary intel.

Spoilers Ahead!!!

Too Much Star Wars? (Part II)

Several years ago (8 actually) I wrote a post titled “Too Much Star Wars?“. In 2015 the sequel trilogy was just starting and we just heard about Rogue One. The only series that were available to watch were all animated (The Clone Wars and Rebels). I’ve discussed this topic before, and I predicted that Disney would inundate us with more Star Wars. Now there are several series planned and a rumored announcement of a new movie. So let’s ask the question again, is this too much Star Wars?

HMDYK About Donald Glover

Donald Glover as Lando Calrissian in Solo

This is another series I’m hoping to resurrect. I haven’t done one of these since May of 2022. After watching Community (again) recently I decided Donald Glover is an excellent choice for the revival, especially given that it’s Black History Month. Donald Glover portrayed young Lando Calrissian in Solo: A Star Wars Story. He does an amazing job and I really, really hope he reprises the role if Disney is truly making a Lando series. (Although it looks like this project is no longer happening, bummer.) Be that as it may, how much do you know about Donald Glover?

Star Wars: Is Palpatine Omniscient?

Quick spoiler warning, this topic discusses the events of episodes 7 and 8 of The Bad Batch Season 2. If you haven’t watched those yet, it behooves you to return after you have. The inspiration for this post comes from something I saw on Twitter. At the end of episode 8 (Truth and Consequences), the Emperor implies that he had foreseen the outcome of the vote to pass the Defense Recruitment Bill. This is a common claim by the Emperor which begs the question is Palpatine omniscient?

Force Manipulation

The short answer is no (IMO). If Palpatine actually knew all outcomes he would be unstoppable. As we saw he is defeated, twice. I think he boasts that he has foreseen events as a fear tactic; to convince his enemies their efforts are futile. The other possibility is that he only sees what he wants to see and not actual future events. The Sith are notorious for manipulating the Force to further their own agenda. Therefore one can assume Palpatine’s “visions” are a manipulation of the actual events.

Soapbox: Be Your Own Fan

Jedi Mickey

This is a soapbox with the Star Wars fandom as the theme. Honestly, this can easily apply to any other fandom (i.e. Marvel, DC, Star Trek, Doctor Who, etc). Do not let the Mike Zeroh’s and Star Wars Theory’s influence the kind of fan you are. Be Your Own Fan! The guys at Rebel Force Radio said that on one of their podcasts a couple of weeks ago and it really resonates with me.

I saw a meme once that said (I’m paraphrasing) Star Wars is like a new restaurant, you don’t have to like everything on the menu. I want to expand on that and add that you shouldn’t insult the things that people do like. My eight-year-old can understand that concept so an adult shouldn’t have any problem with it. Personally, Star Wars is like Portillo’s, I love everything on the menu.

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