Issue 103: The Force is our ally and a powerful ally it is. As you may have guessed there is SWTOR news down there today. It makes me happy and excited to be playing SWTOR. On these hot and humid days of summer, while we wait for Blizzard to move their collective asses getting the next expansion deployed, its nice to have something interesting to do. Are any of you doing anything different while we wait, albeit impatiently, for Warlords of Draenor? Somehow I have missed a new MMO called Skyforge, have any of you been looking at this title?
So this issue we have a couple of interesting posts to read instead of the usual “look what’s coming soon” kind of headlines. I hope its a pleasant change for some of you. There are details about the Hearthstone adventure pack (which is now live), SWTOR and WoW game news, also the SDCC is coming soon.
I have a quick World of Warcraft PSA, this week you can get the Iron Skyreaver mount from the pet store for 40% off ($15.00). Enjoy!