A Geek's Cogitations, Conjectures and other Cortical Experiences

Tag: MMO Times Page 11 of 24

The MMO Times: I Can Haz Tauntaun??!

mmotimesheaderIIIssue 84: Yes, I want a Tauntaun! Gives me tauntaun, now! I mean, what better way to travel around any planet. Yea, I know they smell bad, but think of the versatility. You don’t have to pay for gas, they’ll probably just eat whatever they can find laying around, and if you find yourself freezing to death in the tundra, just cut them open and you’ve got yourself a nice, warm carcass!

Tauntaun disembowelment aside, we have a few headlines to read up on, including the inspiration for the title of this issue (and the rather grotesque introduction). We are between conferences right now as SDCC has ended and Gamescom is next week but there are still some tidbits popping up from both conferences. Aion has some new content to share, SWTOR (obviously!), news about the World of Warcraft movie, and more! So curl up inside your favorite tauntaun (or just buy one of these) and enjoy!

The MMO Times: In Reverse Order

mmotimesheaderIIIssue 83: Greetings Gregarious Gamers!!! I’ve decided that the headlines are going to be listed from earliest to most recent. I’ve noticed in past issues that often times I’ve found a headline that is a follow up of a previous headline and it didn’t make sense chronologically to show the latter one before the former. Hopefully this makes the news flow a little more logically. SDCC also started this week, did anyone go?

There are a some headlines I included with some non-traditional news. Some of the manufacturers are expanding beyond their normal scope or introducing new concepts that we may not have expected. I’m not going to say too much, you need to check it out. Age of Wushu, Final Fantasy, SWTOR and even some more World of Warcraft news await you below (or after the break). I also found a couple headlines about some titles introduced at SDCC or titles that I haven’t mentioned before. Good hunting!

The MMO Times: Final Fantasy Edition

mmotimesheaderIIIssue 82: Greetings gamers!! It was brought to my attention that I don’t talk about Final Fantasy enough and thus this issue is titled as such. Fear not, there are some headlines about FFXIV included in this issue, I didn’t skate around your feedback by merely titling this issue after the game šŸ™‚ By the way, I encourage folks to make these kinds of suggestions. I don’t know what games folks like to read about so if there is a specific game that you would like for me to include, please let me know.

So, beyond some Final Fantasy XIV news, there is also a pretty cool video to check out from the Infinite Crisis beta testing. Some changes coming to those farming heroes in Marvel Heroes. There is talk of an in-game store with micro-transactions coming to Patch 5.4 of the current World of Warcraft expansion; and more beta news for Elder Scrolls Online. I also included a headline about Hearthstone. I know its not an MMO in the truest sense of the word, but if MMO sites are talking about it, I thought perhaps I should mention it as well.

The MMO Times: Happy Birthday, America!!

mmotimesheaderIIIssue 81: Happy Independence Day, everyone! In celebration of the birthday of our great nation, let’s set aside our political differences. We should be celebrating the fact that we even have the freedom to express our beliefs. Also, be safe when you go out there to blow things up! Just because there are no repercussions when we blow things up in our games doesn’t mean that translates to real life. You can’t game if you lose a hand because you weren’t safe!

This is getting an early posting since I may not be available to provide any additional headlines that appear over the next couple of days. I’ll either be gaming (there is, after all, The Secret World’s anniversary celebration going on), blowing stuff up, or watching other people blow stuff up.

I’m sure the rest of you may also be indulging in similar activities but here are some headlines to read about. We have some MWO and Runescape 3 release date news, a new Blizzard beta product, The Secret World, SWTOR, and much more. Happy 4th!

The MMO Times: Dude, Our MMO’s Awesome!

Issue 80Issue 80: I’m pretty sure that’s what DOMA stands for. Anyway, in World of Warcraft the first of the PTR raid tests have begun. This is usually an indication that the latest patch is probably within 6 weeks of hitting live servers. Granted they’re only testing two bosses and there are several bosses to test, plus they are only testing normal modes, but it means we will soon contribute to Garrosh’s fate. Of course, that is if you even care about WoW. There are other things going on if WoW isn’t your thing, its just the thing that currently has most of my attention (though I have been checking out The Secret World lately).

Speaking of The Secret World, there is news about it in this issue, plus new content for Aion, Age of Wushu, RIFT and more. Also, don’t forget that this weekend is the second Double XP Weekend in SWTOR! Also, everyone have a safe and Happy 4th of July!

The MMO Times: RIP Tony Soprano

The MMO Times: Issue 79Issue 79: What does Tony Soprano and the death of James Gandolfini have to do with MMOs? Absolutely nothing, but since this is my blog and I am a huge Sopranos fan, he gets honorable mention in this issue. If you have never seen The Sopranos, get on Netflix and watch it now! I’m a sucker forĀ mafiaĀ and mobster movies and shows and The Sopranos was theĀ epitome. James Gandolfini’s endearing smile and extraordinary talents will be sorely missed.

Mobsters and Waste Management Consultants aside, there are a few exciting things happening this week in various MMO titles. I couldn’t find a specific headline worth posting so I will just let you know that Game Update 2.2 for SWTOR went live this week! There is also new content coming to GW2, Marvel Heroes, MWO and of course World of Warcraft as more details of patch 5.4 come out. So while you are watching The Sopranos, check out these headlines, and don’t screw it up or you’ll lose two teeth!

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