Issue 98: March 14th is the almighty Pi Day (3.14), I have acknowledged this day since high school trigonometry (Thanks Mr. Urban). How did you celebrate Pi Day? Sadly I had to work today, but I think a Cheesecake (I know, it says cake, but it looks like a pie) this evening. Be that as it may, check out these awesome headlines in the MMO world lately.
Some World of Warcraft expansion news (which I’m sure most of you are already aware of); actually there is quite a bit of Blizzard related news from Hearthstone to Heroes of the Storm. If you play any of Blizzard’s titles, I’m sure you know about most of them. Age of Wushu has some new information about a possible expansion, and remember WildStar? There are some new details surrounding the official release. So put down the pie-fork and game on, friends!