A Geek's Cogitations, Conjectures and other Cortical Experiences

Tag: Infinite Crisis

The MMO Times: MmmMmm Pi

mmo-headerIssue 98: March 14th is the almighty Pi Day (3.14), I have acknowledged this day since high school trigonometry (Thanks Mr. Urban). How did you celebrate Pi Day? Sadly I had to work today, but I think a Cheesecake (I know, it says cake, but it looks like a pie) this evening. Be that as it may, check out these awesome headlines in the MMO world lately.

Some World of Warcraft expansion news (which I’m sure most of you are already aware of); actually there is quite a bit of Blizzard related news from Hearthstone to Heroes of the Storm. If you play any of Blizzard’s titles, I’m sure you know about most of them. Age of Wushu has some new information about a possible expansion, and remember WildStar? There are some new details surrounding the official release. So put down the pie-fork and game on, friends!

The MMO Times: Final Fantasy Edition

mmotimesheaderIIIssue 82: Greetings gamers!! It was brought to my attention that I don’t talk about Final Fantasy enough and thus this issue is titled as such. Fear not, there are some headlines about FFXIV included in this issue, I didn’t skate around your feedback by merely titling this issue after the game 🙂 By the way, I encourage folks to make these kinds of suggestions. I don’t know what games folks like to read about so if there is a specific game that you would like for me to include, please let me know.

So, beyond some Final Fantasy XIV news, there is also a pretty cool video to check out from the Infinite Crisis beta testing. Some changes coming to those farming heroes in Marvel Heroes. There is talk of an in-game store with micro-transactions coming to Patch 5.4 of the current World of Warcraft expansion; and more beta news for Elder Scrolls Online. I also included a headline about Hearthstone. I know its not an MMO in the truest sense of the word, but if MMO sites are talking about it, I thought perhaps I should mention it as well.

The MMO Times: Scrapped!!

mmotimesheaderIIIssue 76: No, I’m not scrapping The MMO Times, its just a headline that encapsulates the big story in this issue. Blizzard seems to be going through some rough times. First down another 1million+ WoW subscriptions, then Diablo III auction house issues and now Titan. You can read more about what has happened with Titan (if you haven’t heard yet) later in this issue.

Titan seems to be the only thing folks are talking about because details about the 5.4 patch are coming at a slow trickle. Fear not though gamers, there are plenty of other things happening with our other favorite titles, current and upcoming. Games like SWTOR, Infinite Crisis, and Marvel Heroes. Don’t forget, E3 is right around the corner and there could be all sorts goodies revealed (E3 starts June 11th and will be at the LA Convention Center – anyone going?) which may also explain the lack of significant gaming news.

MMO Times: Back In The Saddle

mmotimesheaderIssue 72: After an extremely stressful week from all fronts of life on top of being sick with food poisoning, the MMO Times is back to bring you all some gaming news. Well, the headlines of gaming news that is. Life lesson, even if coffee has been in the freezer, don’t drink it if its over a year old, it can make you sick. It’s especially upsetting if you are a coffee lover. But I digress.

There are a few titles hitting their beta periods that you might want to check out. There is already a SWTOR patch coming out after the launch of its first expansion (which I guess was pretty successful). A new issue for The Secret World and other gaming goodies. Check it out, gamers!

The MMO Times: Launch Day!

mmotimesheaderIssue 71: Last week was launch week for a couple of titles (or expansions) that I have been talking about often. I’m sure you are aware by now that these titles are Age of Wushu and SWTOR’s first expansion. Read on to see additional details about their respective launches. I haven’t picked up the SWTOR expansion yet. I want to but I’m still trying to justify the cost since so few of my friends are still playing it I lack the motivation.

If you are playing the SWTOR expansion, I’d like to hear from you. I’ve already received some great feedback from the folks on Google+. Actually, if you are partaking in any of the new things talked about in this issue I’d be curious as to your impressions. Age of Wushu went live, some new raid content for TSW, we have some more Infinite Crisis news and more!

On a final note, I want to express my heartfelt sorrow for those victims of the bombing at the Boston Marathon. Its despicable that someone is capable of such atrocities. My thoughts and prayers are with all the runners and the communities affected by this tragedy.

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