A Geek's Cogitations, Conjectures and other Cortical Experiences

Tag: Gaming Page 22 of 28

The MMO Times: E3 2013

MMO Times Issue 78!Issue 78: Greetings Gamers!! Did anyone attend E3 this week? I know there has been a plethora of news coming out this week between E3 and Apple’s WWDC so maybe I found something that slipped past your eyes while following all the news streaming out of California. Most of the E3 news pertains to console systems and making a mockery of Microsoft’s new XBONE (this post is not compatible with the XBox One, please buy an XBox 360 to continue reading *narf!*).

More details and images about the Patch 5.4 are coming out (including a new Garrosh model). The Secret World is offering up something for players this weekend (6/14 – 6/17). World of Warplanes and Elder Scrolls Online news, and more! Also, don’t forget that RIFT has officially gone Free-2-Play. Enjoy!

The MMO Times: Heroes Assemble!

mmotimesheaderIIIssue 77:Instead of finding a headline about Marvel Heroes, I thought I would remind everyone here, Marvel Heroes went live this week (in case you didn’t know)! I haven’t tried it out yet but I haven’t heard anything bad about it, usually if something is bad the first thing gamers do is whine about it online. In fact I’ve heard that if you enjoy League of Legends that you will really enjoy Marvel Heroes! If anyone out there has an opinion about the game so far, I’d be interested in hearing your thoughts.

You will notice that June 4th was quite a newsworthy day; it was not only the day that Marvel Heroes went live but there were quite a few announcements and some pre-E3 trailers unveiled. There is some RIFT, Aion and World of Warships news, an announcement from Blizzard and Bioware, and more! Check it out!

The MMO Times: Scrapped!!

mmotimesheaderIIIssue 76: No, I’m not scrapping The MMO Times, its just a headline that encapsulates the big story in this issue. Blizzard seems to be going through some rough times. First down another 1million+ WoW subscriptions, then Diablo III auction house issues and now Titan. You can read more about what has happened with Titan (if you haven’t heard yet) later in this issue.

Titan seems to be the only thing folks are talking about because details about the 5.4 patch are coming at a slow trickle. Fear not though gamers, there are plenty of other things happening with our other favorite titles, current and upcoming. Games like SWTOR, Infinite Crisis, and Marvel Heroes. Don’t forget, E3 is right around the corner and there could be all sorts goodies revealed (E3 starts June 11th and will be at the LA Convention Center – anyone going?) which may also explain the lack of significant gaming news.

Biggs On: XBox One

gaming2Yesterday Microsoft unveiled their newest XBox console. This is suppose to be the next generation of console gaming, and in some ways it is. In fact, for the first time in quite a while I was actually not only excited about a console system, but a Microsoft product too! Which is a rare occasion. My excitement later diminished into bitter disappointment; I will get to that a bit later.

This is an initial impression. Obviously the new XBox isn’t available for purchase yet and you never know what might change between now and then. Microsoft seems to be trying to respond to consumer concerns more frequently lately, perhaps they will respond to the criticisms, depending on the reception (and the jokes and trolling has already begun).

Mickey Mouse is Dead to Me!

mickey-mouse-dead-mouse-trap-disneyI started by giving Disney the benefit of the doubt when we all heard about its acquisition of everything Star Wars. The latest news has me wondering if my trust was misplaced.

If you haven’t heard yet, Disney is shutting down the LucasArts division, thereby throwing 150 programmers into unemployment. If that wasn’t tragic enough, all those great Star Wars titles are now a thing of the past, any projects that were in the works (ex: Star Wars 1313) has been canceled, and it leaves me wondering what will happen to existing titles that relied on the LucasArts backing?

This isn’t the first victim of Disney’s chopping block; remember they are ending the Clone Wars series. It’s ironic that the company that is responsible for creating childhood memories, is slowly dismantling mine! I’m now legitimately concerned about SWTOR because I was just starting to get back into that game. The Clone Wars series was highly successful so obviously how well a product is doing doesn’t mean its safe from Disney executives. The tumultuous start of SWTOR might be a blemish Disney doesn’t want to salvage especially now that LucasArts is gone.

I’m angry that all those programmers that developed so many great titles are just cast aside like dirty laundry. I certainly hope it was an issue of redundancy that often accompanies the purchase of another large corporation. As far as the titles are concerned I hope that Disney will absorb them into their collective of video game media and try to keep those titles alive and functioning.

Disney is doing the gamer and Star Wars community a huge disservice. I hope they plan to make it up to all of us but it damn well better be something extraordinary! Something akin to the invention of Mountain Dew and Cheetos!

/end rant

The MMO Times: Snoo Snoo!!

mmotimesheaderIssue 64: Greetings Gamers!! Are you among the WoW gamers working toward your first tier raiding goals as 5.2 draws closer? Or are you a SWTOR player indulging in the latest 1.7 content? Both, perhaps? Or maybe you are some lucky punk in an alpha test of an upcoming new Cryptic title 😉

Regardless, here is some of the latest MMO news for our favorite titles such as SWTOR and WoW. The latest MMO HoF inductees and a potential new title for 2014. Unfortunately its another slow week in regards to MMO news but enjoy nonetheless! (i.e. the lack of interesting posts should explain the completely random title for this issue.)

(I also provide The MMO Times in an e-mail. If you are interested in receiving the e-mail version please click here to subscribe.)

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