A Geek's Cogitations, Conjectures and other Cortical Experiences

Tag: Gaming Page 13 of 28

The MMO Times: The Calm After the Legion

sw-tfa-teaserIssue 126: Holy Cow, that was a crazy Gamescom! I think Blizzard definitely stole the show but everyone knew it was going to happen, which is why I think so many other companies had a lot of their own products to talk about. The increase in interest gave them the perfect arena to market their games too. There will be some residual posts below from the final couple of days of Gamescom, but for the most part I tried to keep it to news more immediately published.

I will try to limit the Legion talk as I’m sure there will be plenty of it in the coming weeks (especially as Blizzcon draws near). In fact I actually threw in some Rise of the Tombraider because it has some new footage really worth checking out. There is also Diablo III patch news, WildStar beta news, Heroes of the Storm latest PTR status and more. So take a break from trying to find that perfect Demon Hunter name and check out these great headlines. KCGO

Gaming: What’s In A Name?

illidan-legionIf you are a gamer, especially an MMO gamer, you are all too familiar with the ultimate conundrum, what to name a new character. The recent announcement of the new World of Warcraft expansion and the new demon hunter hero class has placed me in that conundrum once again. Personally, the name is very important and vital to how much I enjoy playing the character. I have deleted max level characters before because I just didn’t like the name (this was before we had the paid rename service). The name has to sound cool in my head, on paper, and match not only the look of the character but the class of that character.

When I am coming up with a name I have a variety of techniques and philosophies that I adhere to. In fact, while I am not a role play gamer, I still follow the basic role playing rules of character names. In other words, I refuse to give a character a name that consists of words strung together (ex: Facemelter, Imatank, Healsalot, etc). I hate that. If other people want to do it, that’s fine, but I find that kind of naming unimaginative. The only time I have ever created a character with a name like that was a character I never intended to keep (such as creating a Recruit-A-Friend character when I’m my own friend).

I do like to reference other geek canon, novels or literature when I choose a name. I have numerous characters across a couple of games where I will reuse some obscure Star Wars character (unless I’m playing a Star Wars game, then I try to pick something that fits that universe). Although some of my favorite names are ones that I have come up with that are not “lovingly ripped off” from some other fantasy universe. Sometimes I will pick a name from a recent book series I read or currently reading (such as Game of Thrones) if they contain names that seem unique enough. In the past I rarely had any problems getting the name I wanted but when I transferred to a higher population server, I’m finding it more difficult to find a name that isn’t already taken and thus I have to get more creative.

I have literally spent hours scouring the Internet looking up Star Wars characters, elvish language translations, Japanese translations trying to find that perfect name or inspiration to create the perfect name. Legion has put me back into the search as I try to find a name reserve for the demon hunter I intend to make.

Yes, yes, first world [gamer] problems …

How do you pick your character names?



I could accomplish so much more if I only had minions!


WoW: Legion First Impressions

warcraft-legionWell I think Blizzard definitely made it a very epic Gamescom; it probably hasn’t been this epic in years! I’ll be honest, I was nervous waiting for the announcement because Blizzard has been going so many different directions with new games while trying to continue developing interesting content for their flagship product. I know that WoW has lost its luster for many gamers who have played since Vanilla. In fact the last couple of expansions have even had me waning because I struggled with the story.

I feel like Legion has changed that for me. Initially I am feeling just as excited for the expansion as I was for Lich King (which was my favorite expansion). I have been waiting for the Demon Hunter since the Death Knight and its the first time ever that I am actually thinking about changing my main. ashbringer-8lhH9GArtifact weapons might be the reason that I don’t change my main. Playing a paladin (that is currently Retribution) means that Ashbringer would be my artifact weapon, and for someone that has been playing a paladin for years, that makes me very happy. A demon hunter tank sounds so awesome though and we all know that the demon hunter artifact weapon will probably be warglaives! What to do. What to do.

The Emerald Nightmare as a raid is also really exciting and means that I will be working hard to make sure I am ready to hit raiding again (and hopefully not just LFR *wink wink*).

demon_hunter_by_anni_lee-d3h0u59I am going to miss my garrison but Champions and Class Halls are the next logical step from followers and garrisons – sort of (though I am still a little disappointed that we don’t have player housing yet). I like the concept of champions playing a more integral role in your adventures, instead of just your pawns to do bitch work.

I don’t think the press event had been over for 5 minutes when I already saw people tweeting that Blizzard is “rehashing content” again but I disagree. Yes we will be using Dalaran again (which I think is great because I love that city) and we will see Violet Hold again but beyond that its all new. The Broken Isle is from Warcraft 3 and has never been in any of WoW so I don’t understand how that is “rehashing” when we have never been there (unless you played Warcraft 3).

I think Blizzard has stopped creating MMO content for the MMO gamer (a long time ago) and has been working on creating content for the people that enjoy the lore. They want people to be immersed into the content because of the story and the characters, not because its challenging. I agree that for certain games challenging is fun, but that’s not the point of this game anymore. It’s a community now. It’s a continuous story. Those are the new ingredients for a fun World of Warcraft experience.

doomhammer_by_wolfgan-d5dzgc7One person commented that they were hoping that Blizzard would have come up with a different mechanic for leveling, other than just increasing it another 10 levels. I think they make an interesting point. Will each expansion just continue increasing the level cap ad nauseam? It will eventually feel too daunting to start a new character.

Granted I am still coming off the high of the unveiling and perhaps after I have digested everything and read up a little more, maybe my impressions will change. They may not necessarily become more negative. In fact they could become more positive. I just wanted to get my thoughts out there early, while everyone else is still digesting everything too.

I want to know what your impressions are (if you watched the press event).

The MMO Times: GAMESCOM 2015

star-wars-battlefront-dogfight-gamescomIssue 125:  All eyes were on Gamescom this week (well, they were if you were a gamer). Blizzard is probably the reason there is so much attention given to the conference this year, which many might have ignored in the past since its all the way over in Germany. I tend to start these posts prior to the actual events, unless all there is to talk about are the daily posts by the common places I read gaming news, so I have no titillating sentences to get you excited for the major headlines because, chances are, you already know what I am going to cover in this issue. 

I should warn you this post is going to be longer than normal because everyone is getting in on this years Gamescom, I guess they realized that if Blizzard is going to make a major announcement then there is going to be a much larger audience watching. We have news not only from Blizzard but also Microsoft, Bioware, Square Enix regarding various titles from X-Box games to Star Wars Battlefront, Final Fantasy, Star Wars The Old Republic and much much more! It’s almost hard to keep up with the news that keeps coming in!!! I think there is something here for everyone. KCGO.

WoW: Thoughts On Warlords of Draenor


It never really occurred to me that prior to the launch of patch 6.2 that it would be the final patch of this expansion. Usually the final patch has more pomp and circumstance so those of us a little behind have a better idea of how much time we have left in the expansion. For example, I am substantially behind! I haven’t been past the first wing of Blackrock Foundry (in LFR) nor have I even completed any of the quests from the instances for the cores needed for the legendary ring.

In fact I may just kick this off by talking about that ring. Why a ring?? Why did they pick something that you can’t see as a legendary?? I realize that acquiring a legendary greatly improves your stats in a fight but let’s be honest, a majority of us want to be able to see the fruits of our labor (and not as a visualization proc). I mean at least you could see your cloaks (if you had them toggled on) and the visualizations were pretty cool when they would proc but perhaps not necessarily required. I’ve been a little curious as to why they suddenly decided to stop creating legendary weapons when that seemed to be the standard choice for legendary gear since Vanilla. I don’t see the harm in doing a weapon legendary every expansion, especially if they are not going to let us transmog legendary weapons (which goes back to why we like to be able to SEE our legendary pieces). By the way, not being able to transmog legendary weapons is a pet peeve of mine — *hint* *hint* Blizzard.

The story this expansion was ok; time-travel is such a fickle concept to play with. When you have 7+ million players, I guarantee many of us are going to question AMG It's Pepe!!!!how the actions of our characters would affect the present day. I imagine Blizzard will design some kind of coy explanation as to why nothing has been altered in the present day. I mean, we all know the real reason this expansion was created was so Blizzard could create encounters with the heroes of Warcraft’s past. I will admit I was even taken in by this concept, but now I’m not as entranced with it and perhaps this is because I have barely set foot in a raid at all this expansion.

The garrison is my absolute favorite part of this expansion. I love how it has a little customization and gives you a calm place to hearth to at the end of your adventures. I love how it incorporates your professions and the followers are really cool, especially when you can recruit familiar faces (i.e. Admiral Taylor, Millhouse Manastorm, Leeroy Jenkins, etc). My garrison will be something I will miss more than any other component of the game for all the expansion once we move on to the next chapter. I really hope that Blizzard either finds a way to “teleport” our garrison or gives us something that will be better (*cough*player housing*cough*).

I would probably grade this expansion about a “B”, primarily because of the garrison. If they hadn’t added something like garrisons I probably would have graded this one much lower. The expansion feels rushed and poorly assembled. Perhaps that would be the benefit of creating a completely new zone, that is barely associated with any of the lore (like Pandaria). Granted Pandaria seemed a little “fluffy” for a game titled WARcraft, but I feel like Blizzard had to use a lot more imagination to create that world.

I’d like to know your thoughts. Please leave them in the comments.

WoW: The Sixth Expansion

anth_mapSo if you have been paying attention to the gaming news lately, or you have read my recent MMO Times post, you know that Blizzard has confirmed that they will be announcing the sixth expansion for World of Warcraft at Gamescom next week. I was really surprised that they decided to announce it at Gamescom, usually they save that kind of thing for Blizzcon, but maybe they have other plans for Blizzcon (perhaps the release date of said expansion) or perhaps Gamescom paid them an obscene amount of money to do it.

Whatever the case may be, the rumor mills will start churning and all of us will have to stew in anticipation for a whole week. So I want to take this opportunity to contribute to said rumors and discussions. I want to share my thoughts on what might be coming in the next expansion and I would really like folks to share their thoughts and theories in the comments. A couple days ago someone from the MMO Champion forums discovered a PDF that claimed Blizzard registered the azsharatrademark “Council of Glades”, although there have been several follow up posts since then suggesting that it’s a fake or some kind of obfuscation.

I wanted to say that we will finally see an expansion centered around the Emerald Dream, but I think that ship has sailed, sunk and has been swallowed whole by Moby Dick. Perhaps it might be centered around a person (Azshara, perhaps), like Arthas for Wrath of the Lich King? I do hope they pick a good story line that makes sense because I haven’t enjoyed the story since Wrath of the Lich King. I don’t know where else they could take players. We have traveled to Northrend, destroyed “the Destroyer”, fought for Pandaria and traveled back in time. What new continent or zone haven’t we been to (although Pandaria hadn’t existed in lore prior to that expansion, so maybe they will invent a new zone)? This goes back to my whole “Emerald Dream” theory as that would essentially be a different plane; or perhaps an alternate reality??

What about other forms of new content (beyond new zones)? I don’t expect a new basic class since we just had Monks added to the game in the last expansion, or a new race for the same reason.

  • We haven’t had another hero class since Wrath of the Lich King. Will we see demon hunters or high elves?
  • Will there be another profession (Inscription was the last time we had one of those)?
  • I almost want to say that player housing is a must (and the obvious progression from garrisons).

I want to go back and explore this “alternate reality” concept I mentioned. Honestly, that seems like the most natural progression from the current expansion. We have all earned followers whose future, as it was prior to Warlords of Draenor, looked quite grim (ex: Millhouse Manastorm).  Plus there is the whole “time travel ripple effect” where even stepping on a cockroach would have rippling effects through the space-time-continuum (hah! I’ve always wanted to use that phrase!!)

The problem with this “alternate reality” concept is how would you render that in a game?

What kind of coding effort must that require?

It would almost be like World of Warcraft II!

minion_keboard_smI could get so much more accomplished if I only had minions!

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