A Geek's Cogitations, Conjectures and other Cortical Experiences

Tag: dysfunctional human behavior Page 4 of 7

Perhaps “Overly Sensitive” Is Better

gus_facepalmI’m a big fan of country music. I’ve attended more country music concerts then I have any other genre of music. I think one of the best artists in the industry is Brad Paisley and I still believe that. Which is why I think this brouhaha over his latest duet with LL Cool J is just ridiculous. If you have followed Brad Paisley’s career in any capacity then you know that he is known for making witty and clever songs. He’s never made a song where he’s intentionally berating or bashing anyone of any race, creed, gender, etc with the possible exception of “rednecks”.

The fact that people latch onto the term “racist” and yet nobody gives a rip about the abundant use of the word “redneck” just shows how obtuse and single-minded people are. Maybe “overly sensitive” isn’t the correct description either. Perhaps “Abundantly Stupid” is a more fitting description of how myopic society has become. It’s also entirely possible that trolls have gone main stream and just like to pick little fights because (to steal a quote from The Dark Knight) “some men, just want to watch the world burn.” I think political correctness has changed from a righteous cause to an excuse to stir up petty arguments.

I’m sure this whole ordeal has already blown over, and I’m posting a day too late but its aggravating how utterly foolish people have become. By the way, I picked up Brad Paisley’s, now infamous, new album last night on iTunes. It’s called Wheelhouse for those that want to support a great artist! It’s an excellent album!

/end soapbox

Soapbox: “Social Activism” is Trolling

trollfaceEven as I am typing this post I can already hear the subtle sound of exploding heads just because of the title. I will admit it right now, before all of you, that I am a Facebook troll. My trolling is augmented when Facebook becomes inundated with pro-<insert controversy> or anti-<insert controversy> posts. You know when I do it I’m just trying to piss you off, most of the time I could care less if you know where I stand on the issue.

By the way, I hate to rain on your [pride] parade but I really doubt a justice of the Supreme Court is going to base their decision on how many of you changed your bloody profile pictures on Facebook. In fact, just like me, they probably don’t give a shit. Changing your profile pictures is probably about as effective as changing your t-shirt. I should hope that they will vote based on their own rationale and the facts that have been presented to them.

Although now I have this rather humorous, and ludicrous vision of all the justices sitting in the Supreme Court with a computer hooked up to a projector and they are all looking at Facebook and counting how many profile pictures are red equal signs.

I don’t care if people want to be gay. It’s their lifestyle and I’m not the one whose judgement matters. I will say that if a gay couple wants to be legally married, then that’s just peachy with me. However, the moment religious institutions start to be persecuted because they either A) refuse to perform a same-sex marriage because it violates their beliefs or B) because they won’t acknowledge a same-sex marriage as a legitimate marriage then I have a problem. If you want people to respect your lifestyle then you need to respect the fact that other people will not necessarily agree; its a two way street, folks.

But I digress; this isn’t about gay marriage.

Yes, you can post whatever you want on Facebook, change your profile to be an equal sign, a peace sign, or a blasted middle finger. It’s not going to rally the troops, cause a revolution or incite some kind of movement. Let’s be honest people, call it what it really is.

It’s trolling.

Soapbox: Forking & Dongles

overworked-290x290The tech industry is full of phallic terminology. Every day I make a double entendre about something in the computer and/or programming industry. Granted I’m cognizant of my audience and anyone that might be able to hear what I’m saying. In the case of Adria Richards vs A-Predominately-Male-Industry, while I don’t dismiss her right to be offended, the way she handled it wasn’t prudent either; especially when the comments weren’t even directed toward her.

Be that as it may, the tech industry is dominated by males; and, as a male myself, most of us are neanderthals! I’m not saying that women are not welcome in the tech industry, in fact I encourage more women to get involved because its already too much of a “sausage-fest”. Yes, there is a time and a place for certain remarks and perhaps those boys at PyCon could have picked a better time for their sordid conversation but boys will be boys; and in an industry where stress is as necessary as caffeine, stress needs an outlet. Actually most of the women I know that are in this industry often partake and sometimes take it to a whole new level.

If women like Adria Richards cannot handle an industry full of “forking code”, USB dongles and “fscking” a computer then perhaps you’re not a good fit. I don’t care how much you tweet or blog about how “sexist” these terms are, you cannot change decades of standard vernacular. People, like me, will not stop using appropriate terminology just because it might sound inappropriate (in which case I ask who’s the real pervert).

There are lessons on both sides of the debate here. Be more aware of the volume of your conversation and courteous of those around you. At the same time, be careful what you post on the Internet because the world will see it and you just don’t know what you will stir up. Tibetan Philosophy states “Don’t start none, won’t be none” (source).

/end soapbox

Soapbox: Makeb It Gay

overworked-290x290I couldn’t decide if I wanted to post this under the SWTOR category or a Soapbox. I ultimately decided on a Soapbox because I’m going to focus more on that folks are making a big deal out of it. I mean, this game mechanic even made it to main stream news.

First I am going to give a quick back story. In an upcoming expansion for the MMO Star Wars: The Old Republic a new planet, called Makeb, will become available to extend character storylines and questing to reach the new level cap. Apparently the NPCs on the new planet will allow same sex flirtation. In my opinion, and keep in mind I’m pretty conservative, who frakking cares! In fact I want some lesbian flirtation action so it’s only fair to allow the males to do the same thing.

And in all fairness, both sides of this conflict are going to drive me crazy. Those that are adamantly opposed to it need to learn that SWTOR is just a game so there’s no reason for any kind of outrage over a bunch of pixels “flirting” with another bunch of pixels. Threatening Bioware that allowing same-sex romance will ruin the game and force you to leave makes you intolerant. Now, as far as the LGBT community is concerned, you don’t need to flaunt it. Yes, they know you want to be recognized as normal human beings just like everyone else but constantly throwing it in their face only pisses them off and makes you insufferable.

Bioware is simply trying to appeal to a specific demographic and their decision to do so isn’t necessarily “selling out”. This game mechanic should not be viewed as a “win” for the gay community or a “loss” for Christianity (I picked Christianity assuming that religion is the basis for their defense). The only way to win in this situation is for both sides to stop being so intolerant of the personal beliefs and choices of the other side. Acceptance is the only true winning scenario.

Less then a month ago all we talked about was the illusion of the Mayan Apocalypse. Life is too short to get all worked up about such insignificant minutia. I’m an avid gamer, and I’m the one that needs to get a life??


Biggs On: Plethora of Social Media

thinkingmanSo apparently Myspace has re-imaged itself and relaunched now with celebrity endorsements (i.e. Justin Timberlake) and a focus on music and media. I once had a MySpace page many years ago. I never kept up with it. In fact, I hated it. It felt like another iteration of GeoCities. When I read about this the first thought that came to mind is “Do we really need another social media outlet?”

Let’s name off a few of the social media platforms out there: Facebook, Google+, Twitter, Tumblr, Instragram, Pinterest, Myspace – these are just the ones that come to mind immediately. Last year Apple and Google were under heavy scrutiny because many felt like their privacy was violated by some functionality built in to the  mobile devices of these companies. This is a classic case of cognitive dissonance if I’ve ever seen one. How can we chastise one company for allegedly infringing on our privacy and turnaround and celebrate another means of putting your life on the Internet?

I use Facebook, Google+ and Twitter and I feel like that’s too many. I’ve often considered reducing how much I use Facebook. Granted I know that I have more control over what can be seen publicly but most of it isn’t default functionality. In fact I wonder how many people actually know how to lock down their social media accounts and/or restrict what posts people can and cannot see on news feeds and timelines. So it really comes down to who wants to accept the responsibility and it’s always easier to blame someone else especially when you can point fingers at “evil corporations” like Apple and Google.


Soapbox: The World Is NOT Ending, Folks!

overworked-290x290What in the hell has gotten into people?!? Two shootings within the span of a week and one of which was at an elementary school. The only reason I can come up with as to why these monsters are doing these horrific things is they are among the loonies that think the world is going to end this Friday. I mean, if the world is going to end then clearly there are no consequences for your actions so I guess you can literally “get away with murder”.

Sorry folks, but the world isn’t ending on Friday and you’re still going to jail. While the rest of us continue to live our lives, yours has just ended. Good job!

This is the kind of thing I am most afraid of this week. I can’t wait until Saturday morning just so all this lunacy can be over. I’m beginning to feel concerned about coming to work because I don’t know where the next pinhead will be. In fact I’m actually debating about working from home on Friday.

I hope you and all your loved ones stay safe this week and in the many, many weeks to follow.

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