We are less than a week away from the release of Star Wars Episode VIII: The Last Jedi. It is time for the obligatory Star Wars movie post about setting expectations for The Last Jedi. In addition to the same expectations I spoke about regarding The Force Awakens, there are a few other factors we should also consider. I do this because even as an avid fan, it’s important to set a reasonable bar before going to see the movie. After all, we don’t want it end up like the Justice League movie.
The Force Awakens Box Office Numbers
If you have forgotten, let me remind you. The Force Awakens demolished the domestic box office numbers after making nearly a billion dollars. It’s the most money any movie has ever made in MPAA history. While I would love to see history repeat itself two years later, let’s be realistic. The Force Awakens was so highly anticipated, and so well done, its unprecedented box office numbers are not surprising. This is probably the biggest obstacle The Last Jedi would need to overcome and I’m not sure it’s going to be possible.
Don’t get me wrong, I think Rian Johnson will do a great job. I think he has approached this project with the same joy and enthusiasm we have to see it. However, Disney has inundated us with Star Wars. It’s what Disney does and it’s a blessing and a curse. Star Wars is now in our homes is nearly every way imaginable. There is a new movie nearly every year until 2020 so it has become less of a rare treat. This is another tough obstacle that Rian Johnson will need to overcome.
Story/Plot Expectations
I already talked about the theories regarding Luke and his ominous line about the Jedi ending. The trailer left little for us to glean and a lot for us to ponder. Rian Johnson cut together the perfect bits of dialog and juxtaposed the perfect scenes to spark an amazing array of fan theories. Personally I doubt we are going to see Rey going to the dark side to become Kylo Ren’s apprentice. I do believe that this movie will be divided into two acts. Act 1 will be Rey training with Luke in which we will find out just how extraordinarily powerful Rey will become. Act 2 will be the all out war between the Resistance and the First Order.
Will Luke die? I don’t think so. I find it difficult to believe they would kill two major characters in back-to-back movies. Although, what if Luke has already died and he is just the Force incarnate? Let that bake your noodle for a little bit. The trailers do not reveal a lot about the film so anything is possible but that sets up some pretty exciting expectations. I have my tickets for the 15th, how about you?

The Force. It calls to you. Just let it in.