A Geek's Cogitations, Conjectures and other Cortical Experiences

Category: Intentions

2024 Goals Mid-Year Check-in

June has come and gone so it’s time to check in on the progress of my goals for the year. As a reminder, my annual goals encompass three categories: Wellness goals, Reading goals, and technical skills goals. I admit that these posts provide zero informational value to anyone who reads them. It’s merely a means for me to provide accountability for pursuing my goals each year.

If you do read it and have some suggestions or feedback, I encourage you to leave a comment. Keep in mind that if you have not left a comment in the past, I will have to approve it before it appears. This is for security reasons. In the past, I’ve had to remove hundreds of spam posts therefore I changed the configuration so new comments have to be approved.

Biggs 2024 Goals

Ahh, the notorious goals (or more colloquially known as resolutions). I will cover the usual three main areas of focus: Technical Skills, Reading Challenge, and Wellness. I’m hoping for a little more diligence on my part to really focus on all of these goals. I did pretty well last year but there were a couple of bumps along the way. So let’s set those 2024 goals, shall we?

2023 Intentions and How It’s Going

I cannot believe it is already almost July especially given how rough of a start to the year I had. January just seemed to have dragged on. June means it’s time to check in on my goals for the year. I will cover the three main areas I always focus on each year: health goals, reading goals, and technical goals.

The fact that June is nearly over before this post demonstrates how busy things on, especially now that the summer has begun. The rate at which the year is progressing is also affecting the completion of my goals.

Biggs 2023 Goals

I’m late posting my 2023 goals. January (and 2023) has not been off to a great start. Be that as it may, let’s set those goals. Unlike the typical fate of New Year’s Resolutions, I actually make some progress on my goals for the year. I feel like I’m not carrying over any baggage from 2022 except for maybe a few extra pounds (which I hope to rectify quickly in 2023). Let’s get on with it!

As usual, I will cover three main areas for my goals; Professional/Technological, Reading Challenge, and Health Goals.

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