A Geek's Cogitations, Conjectures and other Cortical Experiences

Category: MMO Times Page 8 of 25

The MMO Times: Predicting WoD

warlords_patch_header_580Issue 104: Greetings Gamers! I can’t believe its already August and summer is nearly over. The daystar has only been cruel (for me) just a couple of times this summer. It has definitely been hotter in the past. So as the summer wanes we get ready for the fall festivities which includes Blizzcon 2014 and Football (not that black and white ball kind either – REAL Football)! I’ve tried to participate more in the beta invites I’ve received but its been difficult to find the time for beta testing between WoW, SWTOR, work, and real life. I do think that Heroes of the Storm will be a popular game for fans of that type of format. 

So what is exciting in this issue. There are talks of a genre conversion to MMO style for a popular title. There is some expansion news for STO, RIFT and of course WoW. In fact we are supposed to hear the official release date for Warlords of Draenor very soon. Speaking of World of Warcraft, the 10th year anniversary is coming up and Blizzard has some exciting plans in store for that! As summer wanes the gaming is heating up  so check out these headlines while you sit in that dungeon finder queue.

The MMO Times: The Force Is Strong!

Issue 103: 
The Force is our ally and a powerful ally it is. As you may have guessed there is SWTOR news down there today. It makes me happy and excited to be playing SWTOR. On these hot and humid days of summer, while we wait for Blizzard to move their collective asses getting the next expansion deployed, its nice to have something interesting to do. Are any of you doing anything different while we wait, albeit impatiently, for Warlords of Draenor? Somehow I have missed a new MMO called Skyforge, have any of you been looking at this title?

So this issue we have a couple of interesting posts to read instead of the usual “look what’s coming soon” kind of headlines. I hope its a pleasant change for some of you. There are details about the Hearthstone adventure pack (which is now live), SWTOR and WoW game news, also the SDCC is coming soon.

I have a quick World of Warcraft PSA, this week you can get the Iron Skyreaver mount from the pet store for 40% off ($15.00). Enjoy!

The MMO Times: The Daystar Burns Us!

hot-weatherIssue 102 – Greetings and Salutations, Friends!! Ah, the sweltering days of summer are upon us and what is there better to do on a hot day then sit in the air conditioning and game. Of course you could go to the pool to ogle the bods … err, I mean get some refreshing exercise – but you can’t slay Orcs while wading in the deep end! While keeping cool in this infernal days of summer, check out what’s going on in your favorite MMO titles.

Sony is teasing us again with some new trademarks, and speaking of trademarks, we finally know what “The Dark Below” is. Blizzard has some news for Hearthstone fans and for the folks still playing WoW (while eagerly awaiting Warlords of Draenor). WildStar is making an effort for players to better secure their accounts; I always suggest taking advantage of extra security.

The MMO Times: Independence Edition!

4th_fireworksIssue 101: Happy Independence Day (for those of us in the U.S.A.)!! I hope everyone had a happy and safe 4th of July. I celebrated our country’s birthday on the beaches in Maryland which means I took a week off of gaming. My vacation also explains why this post is delayed so hopefully there is still something in here that will amuse and/or excite you.

There are quite a few exciting headlines, especially for fans of WoW and SWTOR. There are also details about the Pathfinder Online MMO that is incoming and some exciting news for Asheron’s Call (for those nostalgia MMO fans). Also, not to toot my own horn but I am in the beta/alpha for two of Blizzard’s games now (Heroes of the Storm and WoD) so hopefully I will be able to talk about those games though probably not in too much detail because of the NDA associated with all closed beta/alpha invites. I know a few of you have also received a WoD invite as well so we could probably talk in secret 🙂

The MMO Times: 100 FTW!!!

Issue 100: The 100th MMO Times Post! Wow, I didn’t think I would be writing this many posts and what a week to land on as E3 is June 10th – June 12th. I am excited to see what will be unveiled at E3 not only from a PC and MMO perspective but from all gaming mediums. I have played many a console games in the past and may even be hooking the ole Wii back up. I was reading some posts folks had written about what they expect from E3 this year and I have to agree with one blogger. It would be great to see some cross-platform love, i.e. let’s keep the PC in mind when publishing new console games this year. Microsoft is the biggest offender of excluding the PC with their titles. Considering the handicaps of the XBox One, Microsoft needs to do something to show some love for the PC gamers.

I’m sure E3 will have a few exciting headlines to read about but there are also non-E3 related headlines that might be of interest to you. For example, there is some new content news in regards to The Secret World. Defiance has some new mechanics for folks to check out if you have been interested in the game. Age of Wushu has some promises on the horizon to polish up the eye candy. WildStar is getting a lot of impressive feedback despite what I was hearing from the beta. If anyone has been playing WildStar I’m certainly interested in your feedback. There is also some news about the next SWTOR content patch.

Just as an FYI, a lot of the news coming out of E3 seems to be more related to non-MMO titles so I will prefix all E3 titles with “E3” so if its not something that will interest you, it should be easier for you to scan and skip if you so choose. Read on and game on, friends!!

MMO Times: The One Before the Hundredth

mmo-headerIssue 99 – As the subject suggests, I am on the verge of having the 100th post, it’s crazy that I have written nearly 100 of these. I know it has been a while since the last post (in fact it was Pi Day) but (as every single person will tell you over and over) life gets a little busy when you have a newborn in the house. Despite all the colloquialisms we are settled into our new routine and so I am now finding the pockets of time in which I can still partake in my various hobbies. Since I don’t sleep that much anyway, I find that I can still play my games, write my blogs and read gaming news – it was all just a matter of modifying the times in which I can do that.

Really, not much has happened in the past few weeks anyway. Most people already know about the WildStar Open Beta (I”m curious about your impressions if you are playing in the beta) as well as its headstart launch coming up May 31st; though so far I’ve heard its kinda “meh”. Amazon has some discounts on a few titles if you are looking for something new to try. SWTOR devs have some big promises coming. A game called Darkfall has an interesting mechanic to crafting (that I wish other MMOs would adopt).

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