Issue 104: Greetings Gamers! I can’t believe its already August and summer is nearly over. The daystar has only been cruel (for me) just a couple of times this summer. It has definitely been hotter in the past. So as the summer wanes we get ready for the fall festivities which includes Blizzcon 2014 and Football (not that black and white ball kind either – REAL Football)! I’ve tried to participate more in the beta invites I’ve received but its been difficult to find the time for beta testing between WoW, SWTOR, work, and real life. I do think that Heroes of the Storm will be a popular game for fans of that type of format.
So what is exciting in this issue. There are talks of a genre conversion to MMO style for a popular title. There is some expansion news for STO, RIFT and of course WoW. In fact we are supposed to hear the official release date for Warlords of Draenor very soon. Speaking of World of Warcraft, the 10th year anniversary is coming up and Blizzard has some exciting plans in store for that! As summer wanes the gaming is heating up so check out these headlines while you sit in that dungeon finder queue.