A Geek's Cogitations, Conjectures and other Cortical Experiences

Category: Gaming Page 16 of 43

Thoughts and ponderings about PC and consoling gaming.

WoW: Fury of Hellfire Patch

guldanSo I finally got around to logging into the game after the 6.2 patch launched this past Tuesday to check out the new content. So far I think the docks and naval missions are pretty well done. The UI elements and quest mechanics are pretty smooth and intuitive (though I do hope Master Plan makes an update to include naval missions – I don’t like to drag and drop). So far my biggest regret is not raiding as much. I have yet to do all of Blackrock Foundry and having spent even just a little time in Tanaan Jungle, I’m starting to feel a little excited to try Hellfire Citadel.

In short, I MISS MY RAID TEAM!!!

Anyway, with that out of my system. The other exciting thing is that I can buy a couple of mounts for a decent gold price (I’m glad I spent all of last patch going all Ebeneezer Scrooge on gold). I was disappointed to find out that I have much further to go than I thought to unlocking flying in Draenor so I guess I better get back out there and explore some more. You know, now might be the time to spend my evenings plowing through content now that most of the shows I watch are all on summer break. Granted there are several projects around the house that I have to do too, one that specifically impacts my entertainment and gaming comfort. Oh yea, and there’s our 14 month old daughter 😉

Perhaps this patch is what I need to try to get back on track with the story, though I do think I miss tanking. I can’t seem to produce very good numbers as a Ret Paladin. I guess I should pay a visit to Icy Veins to see if I can find out what I’m doing wrong because I feel like at my iLevel I should be producing higher numbers.

I know its barely been a week since the patch went live, but I’m curious what things other folks like, or don’t like, about the new content.


The MMO Times: It’s E3 Week!

VaderProfile2013May610Issue 119:  E3 was this week in sunny California, what goodies were in store for us? Speaking of “store”, don’t forget that the Steam ‘Monster’ Summer Sale ends on the 21st (Father’s Day – which I don’t think is a coincidence … just sayin 😉 ). Despite the fact that this is usually a post about MMORPGs, usually during big conventions I make an exception so there are going to be posts about games that are not MMOs. 

I think several of these companies are as excited to tell us their news as we are to hear it. Bathesda rocked our world with their E3 presentation and E3 didn’t even officially begin until June 16th. BioWare has some “leaked” news about SWTOR, Microsoft making some big announcements for X-Box, Sony has a surprise too about a beloved franchise, and many, many more things. I’m sure E3 this year has given all of us gaming nerds strange tingling feelings in our special places. What was your favorite E3 moment? KCGO

The MMO Times: RIP Sir Christopher Lee

count-dookuIssue 118: The man we all thought was really immortal, Christopher Lee, passed away on June 7th (his wife wanted to delay the public announcement so his family could be made aware privately). Everyone mostly remembers him for his role in Lord of the Rings and, of course, Star Wars. He also played a pretty frightening Dracula (opposite fellow Star Wars legend, Peter Cushing). He lived a very full and epic life and passed away at 93. RIP my good man.

We are a week away from E3 and I wonder what will happen that will make it exciting since everyone keeps making major announcements before the opening ceremonies. First we heard about Fallout 4 and rumors of a new XBox controller which Microsoft just confirmed along with a 1TB hard drive (to be revealed at E3). My 80’s nerd-child squealed with joy when I heard about the Mega Man Legacy Collection coming soon.

Even Blizzard is unearthing several announcements (as you will read below). In fact, this post seems pretty Blizzard-heavy again but they seem to be the only ones producing MMO news. In fact I think I touched on all of their current titles, but there is other news, including the annual Steam money-sink. KCGO

The MMO Times: “Chewie, We’re Home”

han-chewie-episode-7Issue 117: Hello again! Why the Han quote from the new Star Wars trailer? Because Star Wars! The past week has been interesting in that we’ve had some surprising announcements and the launch of a new IP. Blizzard’s Heroes of the Storm officially launched this week (though I haven’t played it since early beta). Bathesda announced the next iteration of a popular title and apparently there is a video game hall of fame now. All of this before E3, which is still two weeks away. I wonder if E3 is going to have some big news.

As the weather gets nicer out you should get out there and enjoy. Save the gaming for after dark. While the daystar can burnz us, it also provides our bodies with vitamin D (which keeps you from looking pale so pale!) Granted the launching of Heroes, more Overwatch game play videos, Aion expansion, and other tantalizing news found below will test your willpower. In the meantime, KCGO!

The MMO Times: Everything Is Awesome!

lego-sw-crewIssue 116: Greetings Gamers! I bet you all were starting to think that I had fallen off the wagon again and forgot to post another MMO Times. Actually the delay is primarily because there wasn’t much to talk about and, again, I didn’t want to post “Little Tommy’s Fanboi Blog Site” as legitimate and interesting MMO news.

In this issue we have some more Patch 6.2 details for Warlords of Draenor, an awesome animated clip for the LEGO fans, some Secret World news and more. So while you are waiting for Taco Tuesday and searching for the KRAGLE, perhaps these articles will help pass the time because “everything is awesome when we’re living our dream”. KCGO

The MMO Times … Returns!

darth-vader-lukeIssue 115: The MMO Times is coming back. The gaming news just seemed to come to an abrupt halt where there just wasn’t anything interesting to share. I didn’t want to try to dig up menial stories that have little to no credibility just to keep providing a new post/email. I’m not interested in filling up your inboxes with junk. Of course then various real life events quickly exacerbated that hiatus; but hopefully we are back in full swing for a while. It has been about 6 weeks as the last MMO Times post was back when we lost our beloved Mr. Spock. Rest In Peace, Leonard Nimoy!

Upon our return it seems the interesting news is predominately Blizzard titles; primarily WoW and Diablo III (including some Warcraft movie news). The rumor mill has churned out a few things, specifically for WildStar. There is also some exciting news for a classic title (though it is not MMO related). Hopefully there is something you didn’t know about in the links below. In the meantime, KCGO.

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