A Geek's Cogitations, Conjectures and other Cortical Experiences

Book Review: My Word Is My Bond

My Word is My BondMy Word is My Bond by Roger Moore

My [rating: 4]
Click here to read my review on Goodreads.

I don’t read many auto-biographies but when I heard that Roger Moore had written a book, for some reason I really wanted to read it. I’m glad I did! He has led an interesting life (and still leading one)! If you read this expecting him to talk about the Bond movies, that’s only a small part of his life. In fact, while Roger Moore loves movies, his true passion is UNICEF, which he talks about extensively in this book.

The chapters about making the Bond movies were interesting, in fact I’ve been motivated to watch all his Bond movies again. However, the times he spent making The Saint, The Persuaders and the countless other movies were also really interesting parts of his life.

If you enjoy autobiographies I would really recommend this book. He presents the interesting details of his life in an entertaining and intriguing manner.

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  1. Tom, I don’t know how many autobiographies you read, but you might like this, though he doesn’t talk about the Bond movies until about chapter 10.

  2. Thanks for the tip Matt Vleaminck. I will definitely give it a look.

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