Issue 123: Can you believe that the summer months are nearly over and kids will be going back to school soon (which means Trade Chat will simmer down during the daylight hours)?? Where does the time go?? Before you know it Blizzcon will be here and we will all be thinking about candy and turkey. Speaking of Blizzcon, does anyone have any predictions as to what big announcements we will have this year? I am going to throw my guess in; I think the day of open ceremonies will be when they open up the beta testing for Overwatch. I also think there may be a WoW expansion announcement and it wouldn’t surprise me if we saw Blizzard trademark something in the next couple of months which will have us all freaked out just before Blizzcon (which will drive ticket sales).
There are some very interesting stories to show you today (depending on what you have a taste for). Personally the first story you will read about is one of my favorites and one I cannot believe I didn’t read about until SIX days after it was posted! #Fail. On the subject of Star Wars (*hint-hint*), the other piece of surprising news is related to a Star Wars title (and it’s not SWTOR). In fact most of this issues headlines talk about content updates coming to a lot of your favorite games, not to mention the allusive Heathstone announcement Blizzard has been teasing about for a few weeks. KCGO.
Togruta Playable Race In SWTOR!

Massively Overpowered post
HotS: Check Out King Leoric
Posted 7.21.15 – I still haven’t tried playing Heroes of the Storm but this video of King Leoric in action is pretty cool. I’ll be honest, I’m not familiar with King Leoric or his lore but I think he will be a pretty popular hero to play. As the article states, his movies have a very Diablo III-esque animation and the fact that he can switch between ghost and physical form while in combat seems pretty cool. You should check out the video in the link.
Blizzard Watch post
KOTOR II Gets Huge Patch
ars technica post
GW2: Elementalist’s New Elite Spec
Posted 7.22.15 – If you were (or are) playing an Elementalist in Guild Wars 2, be ready for your new elite spec coming soon. The Tempest will feature all-new shouts that, depending on which element (earth, wind, water, fire) will grant special skills. I’m assuming, if you play GW2, all that makes sense. I tried to speak the nomenclature even though I have never played Guild Wars 2. There are, probably, more esoteric details in the link provided.
Massively Overpowered post
The Big Hearthstone Announcement
Diablo III Patch 2.3 Preview
Posted 7.23.15 – In the last issue I apparently also forgot to mention the next patch coming for Diablo III. Patch 2.3, named Ruins of Sescheron, is coming to Diablo III though I’m not sure when. The important thing though is that there will be a new zone to be mobbed or fight mobs. If you are the latter there will be lots of shinies for you to equip. Massively Overpowered has a video that previews the new content.
Massively Overpowered post
Lara “Cosby’ed” By Microsoft?

polygon article (w/video)