A Geek's Cogitations, Conjectures and other Cortical Experiences

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The MMO Times: Another Bloody Fortnight!!

dh-headerIssue 140: Yes, it has been a while since we have had one of these. Quite honestly the MMO news and gaming news hasn’t been that interesting. We are in that stagnant waiting period during which, I assume, publishers are working on their budgets for the year and things are churning away in beta (i.e. Overwatch). I wish there had been more things to read about to take us all away from the frustrating weather and the hostile circus that is the 2016 Presidential Race. 

I apologize that this is actually a week later than I originally intended to post it but things became really busy at work. I have to admit, I didn’t keep the news limited just to MMO titles. There are a couple console and non-MMO titles mentioned in this issue but the reason is primarily because of their geek canon (such as classic 90’s games and iconic nerdy celebrities). Final Fantasy XIV has some new content live and so does Star Wars: Battlefront. KCGO.

The MMO Times: A Bloody Fortnight!

x-wing.0Issue #134: I intentionally went an extra week between issues. The gaming news has been a little slow and mired by all the political nonsense and cool tech releases of the IRL news. I didn’t want to scrounge for moot headlines just to post something weekly so hopefully I haven’t failed you by waiting just a little longer to bring you interesting news. Blizzard has been especially quiet lately, which means they are trying to hold out until BlizzCon (although I stewie_madwouldn’t be surprised if they let a few tidbits “slip” out).

Meanwhile the Star Wars Battlefront beta has begun for PS4, XBox One and PC. I have been hearing some pretty good feedback about the game (despite what “certain trolls” think *cough*Tommy*cough*). I have it installed on my PC at the moment but I haven’t had an opportunity to log in yet. I’ve heard it’s essentially Star Wars Counterstrike but that’s how it was advertised. If you  have been trying it out I would like to know your thoughts (even if they happen to align with Tommy’s 😉 ) I also read that over nine million people have played the beta setting an EA record!

Speaking of Battlefront, there are a couple of new details about that game in the headlines below; and news about crafting in Star Wars The Old Republic. I had to post something regarding Rocket League because its new car pack is pretty cool (in a 1980’s-cult-classic kind of way). Blizzard has released the schedule for BlizzCon and there is something, finally, about the Overwatch beta, although it’s probably not as much as you hoped. Oh and MOAR PEPE!! KCGO

For the Love of Writing

Minion-reading-iconI don’t know how to describe what it is about writing that I enjoy – I can’t seem to find the words (hah!). There is something elusive and cathartic about putting “pen to paper” (err.. “text to screen”?) I’ve sometimes wondered if there is a career out there that would allow me to just write, besides writing a book. I don’t have the imagination to write a book. I doubt I can be creative enough to keep a reader’s attention for 300+ pages (although I seemed to have a knack for creative writing back in Honors English in high school). If I had the literary and mental capacity to constantly be writing, I would. I just don’t have enough complete thoughts in my head to do that. Also, I know I make way to many grammar errors.

I think that is why I enjoy this blog so much. It allows me to filter out my thoughts into (hopefully) cohesive posts. I think I have read somewhere that sometimes simply writing essentially helps organize your brain. It’s a form of cortical defragmenting. They also say that if you are an aspiring writer that you should write for an hour at least once a day, it doesn’t matter what you write about, just as long as you write something. It will help to organize your thoughts and hone your skills. As I said before, I’m not really “book writing material” but the exercise has helped me on a daily basis to problem solve and write more robust code.

There was a time when I considered applying for a blog writer position with Massively (back before AOL pulled the rug out from under them and who is now Massively Overpowered). They were looking for a Star Wars columnist to blog about everything Star Wars and Star Wars MMO games. This was clearly something that seemed right up my alley considering how much of a Star Wars nerd I am and how much I enjoy playing MMOs. I almost wrote a sample to submit but talked myself out of it because I felt there are far more gifted writers out there that deserved less competition (not that I would have been any competition at all). I think Larry Everett does a fantastic job with the Hyperspace Beacon column so I’m glad he’s doing it and not me.

Maybe one day, if/when I get out of programming, I may find some way of monetizing my thoughts and words. Until then blogging will be my outlet and everything geek and gaming will be my muse. Thanks for reading.


minion_keboard_smI could get so much more accomplished if I only had minions!

The MMO Times: Togruta’s Are Awesome!

Shaak Ti vs Darth Maul Would Be Epic

Issue 123: Can you believe that the summer months are nearly over and kids will be going back to school soon (which means Trade Chat will simmer down during the daylight hours)?? Where does the time go?? Before you know it Blizzcon will be here and we will all be thinking about candy and turkey. Speaking of Blizzcon, does anyone have any predictions as to what big announcements we will have this year? I am going to throw my guess in; I think the day of open ceremonies will be when they open up the beta testing for Overwatch. I also think there may be a WoW expansion announcement and it wouldn’t surprise me if we saw Blizzard trademark something in the next couple of months which will have us all freaked out just before Blizzcon (which will drive ticket sales).

There are some very interesting stories to show you today (depending on what you have a taste for). Personally the first story you will read about is one of my favorites and one I cannot believe I didn’t read about until SIX days after it was posted! #Fail. On the subject of Star Wars (*hint-hint*), the other piece of surprising news is related to a Star Wars title (and it’s not SWTOR). In fact most of this issues headlines talk about content updates coming to a lot of your favorite games, not to mention the allusive Heathstone announcement Blizzard has been teasing about for a few weeks. KCGO.

The MMO Times: Iwata’s Final 1Up

satoru-iwataIssue 122: Does the name Satoru Iwata mean anything to you? It’s alright if you didn’t know who he was, but if you are a gamer I think you should silently bestow some reverence. He was the CEO of Nintendo and a game developer pioneer who recently passed away. I know Nintendo had very little to do with MMO games but a gamer is always a gamer no matter what platform they prefer. I have a link to a great article about his life that you should check out in this issue.

Sadness aside, the SDCC definitely provided us all with many funny feelings in our special places. We not only got a sneak peak at The Force Awakens but also the Deadpool trailer (which is very NSFW, btw) the leaked X-Men: Apocalypse trailer, and you should seriously check out this Suicide Squad trailer (it actually looks pretty good). Of course there was also more details about the upcoming Warcraft movie. It was an exciting weekend for movie geeks and gamers alike. Arousing trailers aside, we do have some gaming news to talk about. The rumor mill and teasers continue from Blizzard regarding new content, specifically around Hearthstone. There is more information on the group changes for SWTOR as well as several other titles with new content coming in the next few months. KCGO.

The MMO Times: Everything Is Awesome!

lego-sw-crewIssue 116: Greetings Gamers! I bet you all were starting to think that I had fallen off the wagon again and forgot to post another MMO Times. Actually the delay is primarily because there wasn’t much to talk about and, again, I didn’t want to post “Little Tommy’s Fanboi Blog Site” as legitimate and interesting MMO news.

In this issue we have some more Patch 6.2 details for Warlords of Draenor, an awesome animated clip for the LEGO fans, some Secret World news and more. So while you are waiting for Taco Tuesday and searching for the KRAGLE, perhaps these articles will help pass the time because “everything is awesome when we’re living our dream”. KCGO

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