I don’t know how to describe what it is about writing that I enjoy – I can’t seem to find the words (hah!). There is something elusive and cathartic about putting “pen to paper” (err.. “text to screen”?) I’ve sometimes wondered if there is a career out there that would allow me to just write, besides writing a book. I don’t have the imagination to write a book. I doubt I can be creative enough to keep a reader’s attention for 300+ pages (although I seemed to have a knack for creative writing back in Honors English in high school). If I had the literary and mental capacity to constantly be writing, I would. I just don’t have enough complete thoughts in my head to do that. Also, I know I make way to many grammar errors.
I think that is why I enjoy this blog so much. It allows me to filter out my thoughts into (hopefully) cohesive posts. I think I have read somewhere that sometimes simply writing essentially helps organize your brain. It’s a form of cortical defragmenting. They also say that if you are an aspiring writer that you should write for an hour at least once a day, it doesn’t matter what you write about, just as long as you write something. It will help to organize your thoughts and hone your skills. As I said before, I’m not really “book writing material” but the exercise has helped me on a daily basis to problem solve and write more robust code.
There was a time when I considered applying for a blog writer position with Massively (back before AOL pulled the rug out from under them and who is now Massively Overpowered). They were looking for a Star Wars columnist to blog about everything Star Wars and Star Wars MMO games. This was clearly something that seemed right up my alley considering how much of a Star Wars nerd I am and how much I enjoy playing MMOs. I almost wrote a sample to submit but talked myself out of it because I felt there are far more gifted writers out there that deserved less competition (not that I would have been any competition at all). I think Larry Everett does a fantastic job with the Hyperspace Beacon column so I’m glad he’s doing it and not me.
Maybe one day, if/when I get out of programming, I may find some way of monetizing my thoughts and words. Until then blogging will be my outlet and everything geek and gaming will be my muse. Thanks for reading.
I could get so much more accomplished if I only had minions!