A Geek's Cogitations, Conjectures and other Cortical Experiences

Tag: The Secret World Page 4 of 5

The MMO Times: The End Is Nigh!

mmotimesheaderIssue 57: Good News Everyone! The end of the world is upon us! Those silly Mayans have predicted that the world will end next Friday because that’s when there calendar ends. Makes sense to me. So if you’re not hiding in some bunker somewhere or seeking protection from some mystical mountain in France, check out these headlines. You can take comfort in knowing that even though these games exist in a virtual, fictional world, there is more fact in these headlines then any prediction from an extinct civilization.

Funcom is taking the “end of the world’ lightheartedly with a video made by their creative director that resulted in a pleasant surprise for folks that enjoy that MMO. New game updates for SWTOR, more cool “ninja stuff” for Age of Wushu and more. Read on and game on, friends!

(I also provide The MMO Times in an e-mail. If you are interested in receiving the e-mail version please click here to subscribe.)

The MMO Times: More Then Meets The Eye

Issue 54: Hello Gamers! I hope all of you had a great Thanksgiving (if you celebrate that). As we all were indulging in turkey, mashed potatoes, cranberries and pumpkin pie Blizzard had just celebrated 8 years. It’s pretty amazing that even after 8 years Blizzard still has over 10 million subscribers.

Also, as you can see, there was no shortage of news as we were all treated to some Thanksgiving gifts in the form of Transformers beta invites, TSW news, more Age of Wushu content news, etc. So while we polish off the leftover turkey and before the tryptophan kicks in, check out the following headlines. Read on and game on friends!

The MMO Times: Sans Kitchen Sink

Issue 53: Greetings Gamers! As you will see after the break, this has been a pretty busy week because it feels like everything (except the kitchen sink) is getting an update and, finally, the launch of the SWTOR Free-2-Play option and Update 1.5. I am surprised that the 5.1 update for Mists of Pandaria has not been released yet. It seems like it has been on the PTR forever!

If you are wondering, like me, when to expect the 5.1 patch for Mists of Pandaria, they are starting to publish Release Candidate builds to the PTR. This means that the builds they are compiling are nearly ready for live servers (my prediction is next week – Happy Thanksgiving!). In the meantime, check out the latest news regarding RIFT, EverQuest II, SWTOR, Aion and other exciting titles. Read on and game on, friends!

The MMO Times: Emerge from the Mists

Issue 48: Hello Gamers, I know there are probably quite a few of you leveling your way through Pandaria (either on a main or you have moved to an alt already). Hopefully you take a break from your panda-induced adventures to take a look at this weeks MMO headlines.

I think the launch of Mists is also the reason for the short post. There hasn’t been too much news going on because everyone is leveling up to 90 or checking out the new Monk class. You can find more information on Blade & Soul in this issue, as well as SWTOR and TSW patches that went live. Read on and game on, friends!

The MMO Times: Remember Theramore!!

Issue 47

Welcome back, Gamers! We are on the brink of the next World of Warcraft expansion and ironically I found nothing really worth reporting about Mists of Pandaria this week. Of course by this point everyone pretty much knows what to expect. It will seem strange that we don’t have a Blizzcon this year, but everyone is going to be too entrenched into the expansion anyway.

This week Aion and SWTOR have made it back into the headlines and more news about The Secret World (especially if you have been waiting for a free trial). There is also more news about NCSoft’s efforts to bring Blade & Soul to the west and more content for DC Universe Online. I’ve also been hearing of more beta invites going out for MechWarrior Online, have you gotten yours? Read on and game on, friends!

The MMO Times: Before the Mists

Issue 46

Greetings Gamers. This week was kind of a quiet week and I think its because most of the big news is already out there. We all know that the fourth World of Warcraft expansion is less than 10 days away and the first of their new Scenario’s starts on Tuesday with the razing of Theramore. Of course the other game that has been keeping people distracted is Guild Wars 2, which I haven’t tried yet but I might give it a whirl around the holidays.

This week in gaming news we mostly have updates coming down the line for SWTOR and The Secret World and more Panda teasers. NCSoft is bringing more games over to the Western continents and its a martial arts MMO which might interest some. Read on and game on, friends.

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