Title: Time to Fly Directed By: Steph Green Runtime: 36 minutes
This is the first episode that takes place after Season Four of Rebels. Part One and Part Two are technically still Season Four. They occur during the time jump at the end of the final episode. If you exclude the recap and credits, this is a shorter episode, less than a half hour. With that said, let’s talk about Ahsoka Part Three.
Warning! The following contains spoilers for Ahsoka Part Three.
Title: Toil and Trouble Directed By: Steph Green Runtime: 44 minutes
Now that we have begun the Part One discussion let’s get into the details for Ahsoka Part Two. This picks up not long after the duel at the end of the first episode in which someone again survives a “Qui-Gon Killer” (I just coined that). I mean that tongue-in-cheek because I really love the first episode.
Before I get too far into it, I want to quickly point out that this episode is directed by Steph Green instead of Filoni. She is not new to directing Star Wars, she directed the second episode of The Book of Boba Fett (one of my favorite episodes from that season). She has also directed one-off episodes from various other series including Watchmen, Luke Cage, Scandal, and Billions.
Title: Master and Apprentice Directed By: Dave Filoni Runtime: 56 minutes
Since both episodes were released on the same day I originally intended to do one post discussing both. However, given the details of the episode and the easter eggs, you’re getting two. Let’s start by saying I loved Ahsoka Part One (and Part Two). This is an amazing episode to start a series. It felt like Rebels. It felt like Filoni.
In case you missed it (because you live under a rock), Disney made an interesting adjustment to the release schedule. New Ahsoka episodes will now be available Tuesday nights at 9 pm (EST). That is the first thing you need to know. As far as setting expectations for Ahsoka, it comes down to how much animation you watch.
It has been said by Lucasfilm, Dave Filoni, and even Ashley Eckstein (the original voice of Ahsoka), the animated series will play a role in the story in this season. So let’s just get this out of the way.
If you did not watch Rebels you will probably be lost.
The newest Ahsoka trailer was released this week. I was expecting a new trailer soon given how close we are to the premiere date. This trailer is loaded with first looks from live-action Thrawn to purrgil. In case you missed it, here it is to watch it repeatedly.
There are rumors that Hayden Christensen may be in this series, probably returning as a Force ghost. I am very excited for this series and we are getting two episodes on the first day!
It’s June 1st which means another Star Wars month has ended. I kept things pretty basic this year; I didn’t have much to post about. No new projects were announced nor any new trailers (I was hoping for a new Ahsoka trailer).
This post also stands in for the Monthly Movie wrap-up post I do after each month. May’s theme should be obvious. Every year, during the month of May, is my Star Wars movie marathon. I managed to squeeze in all 11 movies but not on Disney+. My home theater has a pretty decent HD setup and I own all 11 movies either on Blu-ray or 4K.
I also watched the Kenobi series, again. Listening to the soundtracks is also on the list every May. In fact this year I even wrote a couple of posts about the music of Star Wars.
Bonus and Special Event Movies
There is a special event movie in May. On the 25th we celebrate Geek Pride Day. On the 25th I break from the Star Wars marathon to watch Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy in honor of Towel Day.
Watching 12 movies in a month, and only during the work week, is pretty tough. Therefore there wasn’t a bonus movie. It really puts into perspective how many movies I can manage and sets a precedent for future movie selections for the other months of the year.