A Geek's Cogitations, Conjectures and other Cortical Experiences

Tag: PC

The MMO Times: Where Are You, Pepe??

star_wars_battlefront_headerIssue 124: The next big convention is nearly upon us, Gamescom 2015 in Cologne, Germany starts August 5th. Perhaps Pepe is hiding out in Germany and will be found at Gamescom! Or maybe Pepe has been hiding out in Windows 10 and those of us upgrading this week will finally see him! If you have no clue what I’m talking about, then clearly you either don’t play World of Warcraft or you haven’t been following along at home! Either way … PePepe!pe will be mine because he’s the coolest pet since Pengu!!

Anyway, in all seriousness we do have some pretty interesting headlines in this issue, mostly centered around Gamescom rumor mills. Blizzard, in their typical way, is teasing us all with a “mystery conference” [which isn’t much of a mystery anymore], Square Enix may have some exciting news for FF fans, and more but we probably have to wait until next week to find out. It looks like Gamescom is going to be quite the popular event in the coming week. In non-Gamescom news Microsoft and Valve are pursuing some interesting technology for gamers and I hope Tom Brady doesn’t play Champions Online.  KCGO

To SSD or Not To SSD

Since I received a laptop at work with an SSD (Solid State Drive), I have been considering the investment to install one in my home PC. I know that SSDs do not come cheaply so my conundrum is whether the investment is worth the return. I would be installing the SSD on my Quad-Core Windows 7 computer with 8 gig of RAM which I primarily use for gaming. I think the most noticeable improvement will be my boot time, currently it takes my computer nearly 5 minutes to boot (from clicking OK to logout, to fully logged in and loaded). It’s extremely annoying especially considering the tumultuous behavior of every version of Windows (ever!).

I have been talking to friends and co-workers to solicit their feedback as to their experiences and opinions of installing and using an SSD. I’ve heard that its pretty straight forward (i.e. if you can install a regular hard drive, then you can install an SSD). My current hard drive is 1 TB in size and I’m pretty sure I haven’t even used half the space yet but I would probably keep it in the system as non-SSD storage. I’ve had recommendations that I should install all my main programs on the SSD and perhaps use the non-SSD for cache and other temporary files to reduce the amount of space used up on the SSD.

Granted a 1 TB drive for temporary files seems to be a bit too much. My naiveté of SSDs had me thinking that it was only used for improving the speed that it takes for the OS to boot. I didn’t realize that its literally just another hard drive but has no moving parts. So part of the conundrum is what would I do with the 1 TB hard drive because it seems wasteful to use it for non-SSD storage. If I don’t use the 1 TB drive, then should I get something smaller to accompany the SSD (and give my Linux box a bit more space).

I have seen prices of solid state drives for $1+ per GB so you don’t see to many (if any) above 512 GB. If I end up having to spend that kind of cash I want to know that it was a good investment. I don’t want it to suddenly die on me three months later, I would expect it to last 2-3 years (assuming I don’t need more space). I want to be more then satisfied with the performance boost of how long it takes to boot and the overall performance of other programs (ex: WoW, SWTOR, OpenOffice, PaintShop Pro, etc). I don’t want to do it because “it’s what all the other geeks are doing”.

It really all comes down to the price and the ROI.

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