A Geek's Cogitations, Conjectures and other Cortical Experiences

Tag: Movies Page 5 of 24

MMT: Christmas Movies (2023)

Christmas Tree

A new year means let’s review December’s movie selections. There are a few in there that shouldn’t be a big surprise. There are several I always watch every year (and that list keeps growing). Let’s forego the loquacious preamble and just get into the list:

  • White Christmas
  • Scrooged
  • Star Wars Holiday Special
  • Santa Claus the Movie
  • 8 Bit Christmas
  • A Christmas Story Christmas
  • A Christmas Story
  • Bad Santa
  • Holiday Inn
  • A Charlie Brown Christmas
  • Spirited

MMT: Random Theme (2023) Robin Williams

The passing of Matthew Perry had me thinking about Robin Williams. As funny as Matthew Perry was, he’s a dim candle compared to the bright light that was Robin Williams. Therefore, for November’s random theme, I chose Robin Williams movies.

Robin Williams

There are so many films to choose from and I only own 30 of them. He is far more versatile than most people think but I chose to stick with his comedies. He is best known for his comedy. So here are my 2023 selections for Random Theme Month.

MMT: Halloween Month (2023)

I can’t believe October is already over (but I’m kind of thankful Halloween is). I get why people love Halloween; it’s a great holiday to be creative, however, I think it’s the most exhausting holiday of the year. It’s pretty low on my list of holidays, but that’s a topic for another time.

Be that as it may, let’s talk about October’s movie selections. Again, this year I did not have a predefined list, however, I did have a couple planned out in my head.

MMT: Martial Arts Month (2023)

Everyone has that one genre of film that is their secret obsession. For some it’s ROM coms, other it’s musicals and for some it’s thrillers. My secret film obsession is Martial Arts films. There was a time when I was in martial arts and perhaps my interest stems from that experience. A friend of mine, who helped me train in taekwondo, is primarily responsible for introducing me to the genre. Here are my Martial Arts Month selections, 2023 edition:

MMT: Mystery Month (2023)

I cannot believe August is over and we are entering the fall months. Where does that time go? Speaking of mysteries, August is Mystery Month. Who doesn’t love a good mystery? Here are the 2023 Mystery Month selections.

The Usual Suspects

MMT: Action/Adventure Month (2023)

This year’s action/adventure selections have an unintended theme. I wonder if you know what it is. Watching these movies was long overdue for me, especially the latter. Here are July’s selections for 2023:

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