A Geek's Cogitations, Conjectures and other Cortical Experiences

Tag: Movies Page 2 of 24

Christmas Movies (2024)

Christmas is my favorite time of year and probably the month when I watch the most movies, including May when I watch all 11 Star Wars movies.

As always there are default movies that I watch every year. For any movie that doesn’t appear on the “default” list, I will write a short review as I’ve been doing for all the previous months.

Let’s get started.

James Gunn’s Superman Teaser Trailer

James Gunn’s story about the son of Krypton has its first teaser trailer. It’s not often that I post many trailers that don’t pertain to Star Wars, but maybe I should. Perhaps I will try to do more of it as long as it’s something I think is interesting and I have some thoughts to share. Without further ado, here is James Gunn’s Superman teaser trailer.

Random Month (2024) – James Earl Jones

James Earl Jones

Earlier this year we lost the legendary James Earl Jones (93), the voice of Darth Vader. Therefore the selections for November all have James Earl Jones (minus Star Wars). There are so many to choose from because he shows up in so many movies in minor roles. In fact, I don’t think I own or have seen, a movie where he is in the starring role. Be that as it may, let’s check out this year’s list for random movie month.

Halloween Month (2024)

Grogu pumpkin

October is the month for scary movies and candy. Hopefully, I indulge more in the former and less in the latter. However, I’m not a huge fan of scary movies. I’ll watch films that are maybe a little eerie, absurd, or fun but I generally avoid slashers and the deeply disturbing. The occasional thriller isn’t bad. Just like movie selections for Christmas, there will always be default choices. At any rate, let’s get on with the list.

Martial Arts Month (2024) – Wax On, Wax Off

If the words “Wax On, Wax Off” don’t mean anything to you then you might be too young for this list. Growing up in the 80’s it was a mantra all kids knew. “Don’t forget to breathe, in through nose, out through mouth.” We all wanted to be Danny LaRusso and we all wanted a Mr. Miyagi to teach us where karate comes from. These movies took me back.

I was in Taekwondo more than 20 years ago and I still remember some of it. I hope to convince my daughter to take some form of self-defense and I might even join her. Despite my age, my knees are much better today than they were when I first took Taekwondo. All of the running I have been doing has made them stronger. Anyway, enough reminiscing, let’s talk about the Karate Kid movies.

Movie Review: Deadpool & Wolverine

Directed by: Shawn Levy
Starring: Ryan Reynolds, Hugh Jackman
My Rating:

It’s rare for us to be able to see one movie in the theater but to see two is even more extraordinary. I know this movie has been out for a while and most have probably already seen it. If you have not seen it Deadpool & Wolverine will be available for streaming on-demand October 1st.

As you can tell from my rating, I really enjoyed this movie. I enjoyed just about everything about it. I love the fact that it doesn’t take itself too seriously; I love the action and the comedy; I love the chemistry between Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman.

The general plot, without giving away too much, is that Deadpool needs to save his family and friends and there is only one person that can help him do that.

Prior to watching this movie, I would advise that you should probably watch both seasons of Loki. Obviously, the prior two films would be helpful as well as Doctor Strange.

If you have seen the previous two films then you know what to expect. This film is equally as obscene and has just as much gratuitous violence. It is obvious these guys enjoy playing these characters. I think they had just as much fun making this film as I did watching it.

film real

“The screen is a magic medium. It has such power that it can retain interest as it conveys emotions and moods that no other art form can hope to tackle.” 
– Stanley Kubrick

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