A Geek's Cogitations, Conjectures and other Cortical Experiences

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The MMO Times – Comic-Con Edition

Comic-Con Issue

Here are some of the MMO announcements unveiled at Comic-Con.

Bioware Announces Dragon Age II
If SWTOR wasn’t the most exciting thing coming from Bioware, at Comic-Con fans were surprised to hear about Dragon Age II. Fans were treated to a world premiere, hands-on preview. Additional details on this announcement can be found at Joystiq.

Comic-Con Interview with Aion Producer Lani Blazier
Aion’s producer Lani Blazier was interviewed at Comic-Con this year and the interview covers a few items. Some of these items include Aion 2.0, Assault on Balaurea and what players can expect from this free expansion, including a level cap increase to 55. NCSoft is hoping to bring back those players that have canceled their subscriptions from the launch almost one year ago. Massively has the article.

Warhammer Patch 1.3.6 Available on Warpstone Test Server
This was not necessarily part of Comic-Con but the latest Warhammer Online patch (1.3.6) was made available on the public test server known as Warpstone. I guess the devs were holding a Q&A and there is rumor of some kind of giveaway. Massively has the post.

DC Universe Online Story Trailer
I don’t know if this necessarily comes from Comic-Con but I thought it was interesting and worth mentioning. SOE and Blur have released a trailer to discusses the DCUO storyline. Massively has the article.

SWTOR to Have Space Combat
It pleases me that the first item to add for the Comic-Con issue is about The Old Republic. We heard from Bioware on Friday that there will be space combat in SWTOR. More information is available at Massively.

More Comic-Con Happenings
There were a lot of movies, games, trailers, etc unveiled at Comic-Con this year. I tried to provide most of the MMO related posts but many other things were announced (i.e. World of Warcraft movie, Sonic 4, The Force Unleashed 2, etc). So many things to look at so I provided what appears to be a nice blog from Gamespot of all the cool things announced at Comic-Con this year.

I also provide the MMO Times as part of an e-mail mailing list (manually maintained for the time being). If you are interested in receiving the e-mail please let me know.

The MMO Times (6)

Issue 6

Here’s the latest MMO news.

This is just a reminder to all of you eagerly awaiting the release of SCII, Tuesday, July 27th, which is NEXT WEEK, you will be able to pick up StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty. The game can be pre-ordered and there is a Collector’s Edition. I have included a link to Best Buy if you want to pre-order; and a link to some trailers at Joystiq.
Pre-Order StarCraftII Collector’s Edition from Best Buy

Comic-Con 2010 This Weekend
This is essentially another reminder that Comic-Con is happening right now at the San Diego Convention Center. I will be monitoring the blogs to see if there is anything exciting announced. In the event of some stupendous revelation(s) I will be sending another MMO Times, Comic-Con Edition, on Monday. Below is a link to the Comic-Con 2010 website.

SWTOR New Playable Race: Cathar
Bioware announced today a new playable race in SWTOR: Cathar. Many of you probably recognize this race from Knights of the Old Republic, but they were also in Tales of the Jedi: Dark Lords of the Sith. The article at Massively has more on this announcement.

BSG Online Will Be F2P … and Browser-Based
Yes, a “browser-based” MMO. The CEO of Bigpoint is hoping to raise expectations for browser-based gaming when they release Battlestar Galactica Online (which, I’m sure, will be a hot title). The Massively article has more details and screenshots!

Final Fantasy XIV System Requirements
I think several people were already anticipating some pretty beefy system requirements for the next chapter in this franchise, and they were right. Even the minimum requirements seem pretty beefy, however if your computer passed the benchmark test then you should be good to go. Massively has the article.

Curse Purchases MMO-Champion
I did not see this one coming. MMO-Champion issued a press release on Tuesday that they have been purchased by Curse.com. This now makes Curse the ultimate MMO resource. The staff of MMO-Champion are not going anywhere, they will still be there posting daily, the website just has a parent company now. The link below will take you to the press release.

Beta News:

Soul Master (MMORTS) In Closed Beta
Yes, you read that correctly, a MMO Real-Time Strategy game, called Soul Master, has gone into closed beta on July 22nd. I enjoy playing RTS games occasionally but I don’t know if I would be into it as an MMO, but I know some of you might. I have known quite a few hard core RTS gamers, although this game looks a little … “anime-ish”. Check out the Massively article, there is also a link to the website to get a key to the beta.

I also provide the MMO Times as part of an e-mail mailing list (manually maintained for the time being). If you are interested in receiving the e-mail please let me know.

The MMO Times (5)

Issue 5
Here is what is new in the world of MMOs.

( I was having some technical difficulties with the website but they have been resolved therefore issue 4 and 5 are now available.)

SWTOR Music, Audio, Comics, Documentary
In preparation for Comic*Con this week Bioware Devs have asked for Facebook and Twitter support as well as bringing us a documentary on the music of SWTOR. Personally, the music has always been one of my favorite facets of Star Wars. Check out the article and video at Massively.
Aion 2.0 Release Date Announced
NCSoft has announced the release date of Aion 2.0: Assault on Balaurea, the next chapter for people of Atreia. Players will be able to get free digital copies on September 7th (September 10th for Europe); a boxed copy contains codes for pets. Read more at Massively.
STO Could Become F2P
I actually was reading a different story on Massively that mentioned the possibility of Star Trek Online becoming Free-2-Play. I had not heard of this rumor so I decided to google it. I found the following article on Subspace Communique, an STO fan site, that explains where this rumor came from.
Star Trek Online Season 2 Preview
Cryptic releases a preview of their upcoming Season 2 patch for STO. It appears they have addressed several issues players felt the game was lacking as well as adding more additional Klingon PvE and six more levels. You can read more at Massively from the link below.

LotRO Allowing Addons
Meghan Rodberg of Turbine has unveiled a little secret, it appears there is a project going on to allow LUA scripting in Lord of the Rings Online. LUA is the popular programming language used to develop addons that alter the UI; the extent to which this will be allowed is still unknown. Read more at Massively.
Atari’s Haunted House Returns
I didn’t play much Atari when I was younger but for those of you who might remember it, apparently there will be a remake of the popular Haunted House to be released for XBLA, PC (downloadable) and Wii. Obviously the game has been improved from its archaic graphics to a more modern graphics engine. More information of this tidbit can be found at Joystiq’s website.
Guild Wars 2 Ranger Class Unveiled
On June 9th the Warrior class was unveiled from the upcoming sequel to Guild Wars and today ArenaNet unveiled the next class: the Ranger. Apparently the class is getting some upgrades from its predecessor; I honestly couldn’t tell you what those were, I have not played the first Guild Wars. Massively has the full article.

The MMO Times (4)

Issue 4
Here is the latest MMO rumblings.
Reminder: Aion Server Merge Today
If anyone is playing Aion, this is a reminder that today NCSoft will be performing the server merge they promised last month. The link I provided is to a Wings Over Atreia article from Massively.
OGPlanet Announces N.E.O. Online
A new F2P MMORPG has been announced by OGPlanet. This game was an unknown prior to the announcement so I really don’t know much about it other then what I just read in the massively post. Apparently player actions alter the world in which everyone plays based on a Chaos Meter; sounds interesting. Read more on it at Massively.
Final Fantasy XIV Will Not Be Released For XBox 360
I hope those FFXIV fans were not hoping to play the next chapter (in this unrelenting saga) on the X-Box, because Microsoft said No. Apparently they were unwilling to deal with the XBox Live setup. They are probably too busy with their Halo Reach to care about anybody else’s game. Read more at Massively from the link below.
Beta News:
ArcheAge In Closed Beta
I know this is a complete unknown, apparently the lead designer was one of the original artists for Lineage. Be that as it may, its the announcement of a closed beta. Which means if you are the kind that likes to wet their noodle on beta testing, here is one to check out. Article found at Massively.
More Cataclysm Beta Invites
Blizzard announced in a blue post that this week they will be sending out another round of beta invitations for Cataclysm. Make sure you watch your inboxes and be espeically careful that its not a phishing e-mail. If you want to read the post about it, I found it at MMO-Champion, you have to scroll a bit past the Cataclysm UI screenshots.

The MMO Times – The Identity Issue

Issue 3

Here are the latest MMO rumblings. This week is short but with the huge uproar over Real ID I felt it was time to send out the latest details from this week. enjoy.

Real ID – Is It The WoW-Killer? [UPDATED]
If you are a avid Blizzard gamer you have probably heard about the latest controversary to hit the internet. Blizzard announced that a new forums system will be released with StarCraft II, and ultimately with Cataclysm, that will display your full first and last name on all forums associated with Blizzard’s respective games. There is pandimonium running amuck. Here are a variety of links.
UPDATE: When I first wrote this the Real ID on the forums was still a reality, now that I am on the verge of posting this week’s email, a recent post has unveiled that Blizzard has backed down on this issue. I kept the original posts at the bottom for prosterity but also below is the link to the wow.com article which shows Michael Morheim’s offical response and retraction.
Blizzard Backs Down: http://www.wow.com/2010/07/09/mike-morhaime-real-names-will-not-be-required-on-official-forum/#continued
Official Announcement: http://www.wow.com/2010/07/06/official-forum-changes-real-life-names-to-be-displayed/
Blizzard’s Responses: http://www.wow.com/2010/07/06/blizzards-responses-on-the-real-id-situation/
Massively’s Response: http://www.massively.com/2010/07/07/the-daily-grind-real-id-do-we-finally-have-our-wow-killer/

Another MMO Goes F2P
There is a new MMO called Monato Esprit, a game I have not heard of, but I only mention this post/link because its another example of another MMO switching to the Free-2-Play paradigm. The increasing trend definitely foreshadows an interesting future for MMO games.

Areia Games Announces Legendary Champions MMO
Areia Games has released details of a new MMO coming out this summer. It is called Legendary Champions. Apparently its PvP heavy and your characters are famous figures from history. Below is the link to the Massively article and a link to the game website.

SWTOR Uses Combat AI
This is a really interesting Hypterspace Beacon post (on Massively) about Bioware’s “Combat AI” in The Old Republic. The concept seems to be going over really well among fans that are in the alpha release of the game. See below for the link to the Massively article.

The MMO Times – Issue 2

Issue 2

Here are more blog posts and articles from MMO sites that I found interesting and exciting since the last issue of The MMO Times.

SWTOR Multiplayer Combat Video from E3
Of all up and coming MMOs, The Old Republic is the one I am most excited about. The video in the link below is probably the most exciting 4 minutes Bioware has given us about TOR to date. Enjoy, I know I did!

Cataclysm Goblin Male/Female Silly & Flirt Audio
The data mining of the closed beta of Cataclysm has begun. The link below will take you to a post at Wow.com which has audio clips of the male and female /silly emotes and /flirt emotes. They are extremely hilarious. Enjoy!

Cataclyms Worgen Male/Female Silly & Flirt Audio
We can’t have the Goblin emote sounds without the worgen emotes. If you are expecting to hear jokes about nipples, bacon, hairballs, etc … then definitely listen to these audio clips from wow.com.

New Fable 3 Combat Video
I know Fable is still kind of big for a lot of people; I’ve never played it but I know its pretty big among gamers. Here is a new combat video recently released from Joystiq.

Cataclysm Blue Post
I know I have several posts about Cataclysm in this issue but with the NDA lifted and the closed beta having started, the news is going to keep rolling out; Pandora’s box has been opened. Here is a blue post provided by MMO-Champion where Blizzard devs discuss various class details in the next expansion.

Starcraft II Wings of Liberty this Month!
Here is a reminder for all those Starcraft fans, this month Blizzard releases the first segment of StarCraft II on July 27th. Go reserve your copy now!

Aion Server Merge Postponed
NCSoft has alluded to an Aion server merge for a couple weeks now about it appears its still going to be another two weeks before it officially happens. The link below to the Massively article explains why it won’t be until July 14th.

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